Last Updated on May 8, 2022 by freewarespace
You have a website and want to accept users and expand the business, and want to show yours clients the preview of your products offered through your website. Site design is the tedious and difficult task and you must have spent so many hours in designing this. It is now time to find out the bugs and update your website and bring in some of the newer feature attached to it If you cannot afford the web designing part then it is better to go for content CMS. It easiest way to make your content dynamic and to suit your needs.
What is CMS?
It is the system dynamic and web many a times it requires a special kind of software constructing It makes the development websites easier and with this your website will become more and more dynamic and adhere to demand modern website standards. It is you just to upload install your it gives the much time and management get to your of based are various kinds of content management systems and there are choose it from for you. The principal among them the PHP-based and management The former is than some advantages if use the content management system:
PHP relatively easy programming interface and it is easy is the platform interface, you do not have to worry about any sort of operating system compatibility as it is supported by the operating It is a strong community of enthusiasts developers and they will help you any sort of queries and difficulties. Most these content management free and this economically these content systems. management systems to modify you need and also it is ideal for small business and individual developers as it is easy and economically viable.
Most of the and popular PHP hosting compatibility will never be issue for you if you are employing PHP based content management system on your server. System the very system. With large user base free to use and been released under general public license, originally developed by Thatware. Earlier versions of PHP Nuke are available for free the latest It is a content management system which can turn it according to yours convenience. It plenty of features and suitable customizations which you need for further development of your web server website. Of solely server immediate environment.
PHP-Nuke download management system with advance options. It has WYSIWYG editor for posting news and articles and updates your website and blogs. It has one of best forum system powered by it is suitable the developers who want to augment their website with some of the good and relevant content in their active interaction and dynamic interactions through support forums. journals and blogs for the registered users and also additional support for newsletter and bulletins.
The installation part of the PHP-Nuke could have more adhered to security parameters so that the user will feel after installing their server. The installation: Installing the under is very the detailed installation part is as follows. Download the latest version of PHP-Nuke from the website and after downloading the installation, extract the PHP-Nuke achieve and you can use any good achiever this purpose. After the extraction look the folder and are copy the .sql file from the sql folder to the desktop. Now let us assume that we will be installing the PHP-Nuke in a directory called the nuke1.
Then, create the new folder namely the nuke1 and then copy the entire contents of html into it. Then move the nuke1 folder inside the www directory in C:\Program Files\EasyPHPx-x\ and then make sure that EasyPHP is running . Then, point your browser to , if EasyPHP is running , then you will be logging into PhpMyAdmin and the default user name for MySql on EasyPHp is root and password is disabled here you can user name and of yours main administration PHPMyAdmin menu under.
Create new database enter the database name phpnuke and then left click on Create and wait for the database creation and if it is successful then the phpnuke database is created. Under the phpnuke database go to the top bar and find SQLand left click on it , then under the sub element heading Location of the text file click browse and then select nuke.sql file and now click on Go . To enter the details about your server, you need to at C:\Pogram Files \EastyPHPx-x\www\nuke1\ nd their edit the configuration file. It is easy , under $dbuname enter root it is your MySql user name , and this filed will remain blank and then change the value of $advanced editor filed to If you have followed all these steps in the right manner then it are done.
Then point your web browser to and you you own now on homepage of PHP-Nuke installation create a link to make it the super user , then left click on it and then details register account turned into as the administration and here you your now go to the administration and logged into it and start to modify yours website and make then requisite changes to it make it more customized and suitable to the needs of the user.