Useful Command Prompt Tricks You Might Not Know

There are numerous tips about Windows, Android, WordPress written in Some tips are being updated from time to time in accordance with changing circumstances and updates of Windows to later versions. I have always been the big fan of the use of command lines. I have been using since the days of Windows XP.

In Windows XP it comes from Start Menu, then click Run and enter cmd in the Run box and then OK. Alternatively, command prompt can be opened through the start menu and then all programs, and then select accessories and then click on command prompt.
In the later version of windows after Windows XP, such as with Windows 7, open start menu and then ‘search programs and files’leveled in the search bar and then write ‘cmd’ on it and click enter to open ‘command prompt’.

You can pin cmd in start menu by right click on cmd entry in the program list and then select pin to start menu. In Windows 7 additionally, you can pin it to the taskbar. There are commands which require administrative privileges then in Windows 7 you can provide an administrative password to user account control,

Next tip is to check whether the computer is connected to the internet. I remember during the times of Windows XP and my management days ahead during that time we used to get LAN connectivity and system administrator used to make our computer connected to the internet through network settings.

I also remember during the times of dial-up internet the installation of the driver and also waiting for the connection to materialize and opening up of email account takes huge time and use of classic internet explorer. Dialing up connections through dial-up shortcut and connection of port of landline into the port of the computer and waiting for the connection to stay for longer durations.

Essential Windows Tips worth remembering

When we think about these in the age of Wi-FI and fourth generation of high-speed internet connectivity we do find some sort of solace but during those times even connecting to the internet makes us smile even though most of the times the speed of internet is beyond manageable levels.

Now, connecting to internet hardly takes time. From Windows 7 onwards we find the presence of easier connectivity such as in the form of tethering, and other wireless connection and this makes the passing of internet connection from android mobile to computers becomes easier.
You can use ping commands to test the status of any website. Suppose you want to check is live on your connection and computer or not. Then open cmd and then write down:


and then hit enter and during this time your computer should connect to the internet. If all works well this will show you about packets sent, approximate round-trip times, packets received and packets lost. If packets sent and received are same this means that is working with your connection. You can test this for any site by replacing in this command line.


Every computer has one local address. In the networking environment or when you are connected to the internet, the server only recognizes the client computer in the name of local addresses. This is known as the local gateway or internet protocol address. In the command line write


Then hit enter, to find out, subnet mask, which is most of times but there might have been some sort of derivations then check this out too. In case of adjusting or troubleshooting router, this subnet mask information is essential.


Assignment of hotkeys to specific apps to open without moving into its directory is one of most prominent aspect to speed up computing works. By default assignment of the hotkey is “Ctrl+Alt+ key” and in this way, many shortcuts to tasks can be assigned. Then, use of the single key in the form of from F1 to F12 and in some keyboards in order to activate F1 to F12 keys one need to press Fn key simultaneously. This happens mostly in wireless keyboards where the presence of numbers of keys is minimized.

There are ways to assigns shortcut keys to apps. First open Start Menu and then All Programs and then right click on the desired program and then click on properties. Move to text bo that is leveled as the shortcut key. Then put the desired shortcut there, and by default, you will find Cltr+Alt and then you can provide shortcut there and if you want to put direct shortcut without Cltr+Alt then delete those.

Click OK to assign the shortcut to the specific program. In order to use those shortcuts, it is important to keep the desktop empty. If you open Microsoft Word then the shortcut will work with respect to Microsoft Word instead of opening specific program. Windows 7 and onwards will ask for user account control for administrative password and then save OK to assign the hotkey.

After using the computer for sometime from time to time you must be very eager to know what is on your computer, then open the command prompt or use shortcut Winkey+R and then write down msinfo32


Then enter and this will open another window namely, ‘system information ’. This will provide system summary of hardware information, software environment, and components. There is numerous system information software is there but it is inbuilt software and provides detailed and complete listings of hardware, components, and software environments.

There are numerous ways to customize Windows and make it perform easier for you. Windows is a vast software and there are numerous ways you can customize it to run it as per yours easiness to work with the computer. From time to time Windows is updating to different versions but still, if you closely look of all of these updates, then you will find most basic functionalities still remains with most of these popular versions of Windows.

Command line is an interesting tool and from Google, you can find so many interesting shortcut variants and with it, you can easily make your Windows work nicely for you. There are other improvements such as that of the presence of Stereo Mix to record audios as it is in terms of digital output to make listening environment nicer.

What is the most visible aspect is the presence of conveniences while using Windows? By far we do know that Desktop or laptop computers are by far most suitable option to work with serious office works as it not only provides faster work environment but also to provide excellent provisions to do and start multiple works at one time whereas compared to mobile devices this is by far the single most work environment where the size of hard disc is higher as well as the speed and the convenience to work is definitely wonderful.

Windows 7 onwards we do find completely easier work environment and with the advent of 64 but computing the favorite ways to find out easier alternatives for work environment surfaces. With the advent of the faster internet now more and more users have been very much comfortable with the computing environment as the distance between cloud and real computing slowly on the decline.This leads to the demand for more and more Windows computer which does provide single most work environment to perform tasks with the advent of shortcuts and other multitasking. There is no way mobile devices would stop the emergence and continuation support of Windows computer and for this, it is important to move towards ultimate dynamism towards accomplishing the perfection of computer works to extend these towards most valuable and definite proposition of doing and performing computing works.


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