Untold crisis story in China

The ultimate challenges of growth is concerning with feelings of people whether they are fairly treated or are being cheated by government of the day. The main crunch of problem is with economic reform, it is literally shaking the world, through it capitalism is being brought forward and also with it comes the capitalism diseases of inequality, poverty, increase in distance between urban and the rural, land disputes, agitations, environmental destructions and many more concerning hazardous effects which is being torrentially affecting modern civilizations with its prior and after effects. India is facing similar problems at stretch but due to strong and vibrant democracy with India it is being widely discussed and government of the day is listening to these ongoing and undercurrent demands. There are people’s agitation in India like that of Nandi gram agitation and Anna’s movement, it is being widely pursued and propagated by people and it is bring goodness to society.

The problem:

In case of China it is always a different story takes an example of this and we try to see it in depth to see what it is going to make effect on China. In 2006 villagers protested in Dongshan, southern China against seizure of land for power plant, police took stringent action, many killed and the requisite power plant was built. Rural jobs has been reduced drastically and that gives way to massive exodus of rural to urban transfer and this creates chaos and make huge disturbances at urban areas. A large number of people face unemployment due to advent of privatization especially in north east China. With concerning to finance areas, people are becoming more and poorer and for this entire significance of agro economics is being broken to the ribs and that is why mass number of people became unemployment.

Unemployment and financial difficulties led to massive ethnic clashes , disturbances , and that has rippling effect so as to say the situation of Xinjiang , China’s largest province with forty five percentages of Muslim Uighur , has been opposing ruthless suppression and constant population transfer. It is the second biggest province of China. The largest province of China Tibet also feeling the same way as that of Xinjiang and these are making massive headaches and China administration is facing this massive dilemma which they are not finding the suitable solutions to reach at the conclusion.


If all these situations are examined properly with clear mind and diligent heart , all these problems seems to be seen as ethnic problems out side but all are political problems which is connecting with financial problems. Bo Xilai China’s most powerful provincial leader presumably is facing with the some kind of arrest. Bo wants to float a new political party with core socialist values and want to perform a perfect red culture movement. This gave thunder shocks to China premier Wen , coup rumour spread far and wide , internet and blogs are banned but tension prevails .

The socialist China is going to wards capitalist momentum leaving aside core socialistic values and China is feeling deep under the hood of crony capitalism. It seems they are soon reaching out to point of diminishing returns and soon they will find no where to go. French people voted out Nicholas and voted in socialist president after two decades. This should be the eye opener for China establishments. America and Britain are reeling under extreme capitalism toll, unemployment and price rise is souring higher day by day. It seem then world is looking forward to going back to some sort of socialistic values to preserve the interest of stake holders and the wide population at large.

China should introspect what should be the ultimate goal of growth and who should be benefitted in reality except a quite a few as is then situation now and it is better late than never and one single populist step can benefit both the consumer and the company is to be realized and it is always good to make a fresh start and listen tom various important parameters of people to make it happen and make the benefits reaching out to extreme poor, let the state come forward and help them to become self sufficient . Only, theories and the policies and announcement and the perceive of people will not work now, people are becoming more and more realistic and they want to be part of the nations building and it is high time politicians must realize this ultimate truth and go ahead with their welfare measures whether it is with democracy or with communist country like that of China.


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