The New Age Digital TV

With the advent of current year the entire atmosphere is changing with the advent of DTH providers. They faced many multiple taxation and that is showing into their profits reducing and it is really has been the turbulent year for them. Post digitalization now they will have to face the stiff competition from the competitor’s advantage point of cable television with the new law sooner or the later going to be enforced and this seems to be a torrid time for them.

Already there are some advertisements we have been seeing about going towards better digitalization that is of DTH. The problem with DTH is that in towns where monkeys are prevalent and there are lots of problems with dish antenna as the younger monkeys want to move it or make it in some direction that is better known to them. With the increase in payment for repair and with regular need for visit it is fast becoming one difficult proposition for the consumer to bear the burnt of high spending only on maintenance of antenna and other peripherals.

There are rise in numbers of high definition channels and with it also consumer demands grow but in the same way they will have to attain the competitions through some good and affordable pricing structure otherwise consumer can go for less digitalization and will opt in for cable digitalization as in it the maintenance expenditure is far less that it is thinking of. This seems that the digitalization of cables may not be good for DTH or is it the market which the DTH owners are searching for longer time and it is time to act it now.

There are plenty of analysis needs to be done and it is only the matter of fact that all these simultaneous parameters needs to be validated with financial and also consumer point of view. With due course of time it is intelligent consumers have seen the differences and also through this they can opt for better pricing structure rather than that of other related issues. All these are some of very valuable and vital pricing structures which DTH owners needs to emphasize to get it better.

With the digitalization of cable network the ultimate winner is all the people at large, the cable owners and also DTH platforms as with it the companies would produce all digital network broad cast and the entire experience of digitalization will be maximized with it. For consumer it is the wider choice of computer broadcast with maximum capacity utilization and also better quality transmission with wide choice of network and more and more digitalized services and better tax structure and good healthy competition which is better for all.

With subscription based services will increase the broadcast will depend less on advertisers and also they may be some day we can experience the entire without advertisement program and also with it the consumer will come to direct with the companies and in this way the entire performance parameters will be on the rise. It is the win- win situation for both consumers and companies as digitalization is a must for the country and it is inevitable to have it.

The question arises how big it is for the companies to attain it and how DTH companies will be vying this as the main opportunities and will go for it and acquire the space vacated for it. With over eighty percentages of televisions in the house hold and it is imperative that DTH, IPTV and cables digital needs to understand and go for their respective consumers and try to meet the consumer requirements and their demands.

In this way there may be sometime when we can see some of the real on demand change in the daily soaps contrary to what the author is thinking and the director is going to produce the film. It is all about differentiation and with it the regular subscriber and also the mobile subscriber will always look for some more incentives in term of warranty, maintenance and other related activities. What should be the cost of value pack and how it can be done and attained to and how these can be manipulated and how these will suffice to the industry standards and how these can be beneficial or not all these parameters needs to be taken into consideration before making decisions on it.

How multilingual facilities are working and how these can be given at some cheap prices so that the use will benefit from these. How the recording system and what is the duration of it and how it is more comparable to competitors and how these can sustain in the market as in this time DTH provider will have to fight it out with the existing competitors that is the other DTH players in market but also they will have to comply and fight the market face with now digitalized cable. It seems that it is the time for the entrepreneurship and how these can be done and how these can be attained and in which way the thinking and other related processes needs to be counted with it.

Whether they are providing any exclusive channels and that too at some nearly nominal cost and whether they are making any festival offer and other benefits the constant attention for them and how to hold customers and manage it is the real benefit that will be going to bring about the sea of changes inside the parameters of already busy market. It is true that DTH operators are always at the wrong side of the tax structures and for it massive thirty three percentages of customer money goes and for this they will have to go into the market carefully and they will have to manage the entire path of success with deep management ideas.

In this way it is now matter of fact that it is high time they can raise their viewership and with it with due course of time when it becomes the essential feature then government of the ay then reduce the tax on it so now it is the time to go on for viewership ratings and make it so high that with due course of time it will become general just like we have seen been the case of land line it is been going on and now a days it is normal and it is available without many labour.


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