The basics of JavaScript

If you are writing big code it is very helpful write comments to the segment of the code as comment will not be executed, it is for code masters to check where and which segment is located. Learning HTML is not the sole discretion of programmers as the trend can be seen it is been learnt by many bloggers and webmasters. The sole purpose for this is to make it more and more convenience and to customize the web page to its fullest extent all by it self as with this knowledge in your kitty , you can reduce the cost factor as you can make the coding and with the advent of modern web technologies . With the advance modern web , where you can find more and more use of API and other related applications and with due course of time even the web page is fast becoming one of the conglomerate of applications visibility.

JavaScript is a scripting language and it is funnily called as diet programming language because of its easy in nature and the way it can be employed with very slight nature of use and appliances. It is been designed for easy to learn and adopt and it is wonderful for novices. It is also true that you can learn and can code the language within short span of time; it is very easy to use and adopt. It is a good practice to learn the basics of NTML before learning the basics of JavaScript. In the later time I shall write the details of HTML and the points which you should know about it.

How Java Script works:

Java and Java Script share the names only but these two languages have very little in common, in fact there are vast differences between these two languages. JavaScript is the language which meant to introduce the very basic elements of web and it is solely based in web and it works in cloud. Java is the language which tends to work as desktop application and in many big enterprises and also it goes on with to work online with various databases and its scope is very high and it does related with many applications and platforms simultaneously.

Java script is an interpreted languages and the browser interprets it and processed all the information in real time by contacting all server files and then interpret and shows it on your web page. You can change the value of variables at any time s the name suggests it is dynamic in nature; all variables need a declaration – that is you have to tell the interpreter what to treat as variable.
Functions are blocks of code, once written can be used as many times as declared within the program. If you want to add the functionality of Add and Print, then you could write a function called AddAndPrint and so on. It is useful for more complex coding as it can supplement easily for hundreds lines of code and that can reduce the overall size of the code.

As JavaScript is always at the interpret side and works with browsers so minimization holds the key as if its size is very small then it would not affect the vital page load time and in this way you can have some of the added functionality plus search engine optimization and page rank settings. Many JavaScript in the web page can reduce the page load time, thus makes heavy the site and also it affects your site with Google Panda updates and for this it is vital in nature, as it can affect Google’s search front page.

That is why, it is good to use functions if you are using and coding long and in this manner it does makes the code small and precise. Object, in programs represent physical entitles, complete with their attributes and behaviours. The objects you will encounter when writing Java Script code will include the browser window- you can use the command to open the window. Everything else is also an object- be it text boxes, images, even your mouse cursor.
Java Script code is always enclosed in the code.


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