Suicide warning syndromes

When a person who kills himself intentionally calls suicide. It is the act of killing yourself. Remember, it is a crime to commit suicide. A perceptible sign of

something not immediately clear (as a visible clue that something has happened) .

Followings are warning signs which can lead one to suicide stage. If you know one who is exhibiting similar signs and intensions, then straightaway action needs and please take those people for medical advice and save his /her life. Followings are a few of indications that can treat as warning signs that can lead to a suicide, so better prevent before it is too late.Suicide warning syndromes

  1. Acting recklessly: marked by a defiant disregard for danger or consequences, characterized by careless unconcern
  2. Feeling excessive or shame: a state of dishonor, a painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy or guilt, bring shame or dishonor upon, compel through a sense of shame, cause to be ashamed
  3. Bad performance at work or in school :
  4. Appearing depressed or sad most of the time: a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity, a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment, a state of depression and anhedonia so severe as to require clinical intervention.
  5. Talking or writing about death or suicide.
  6. Withdrawing from family and friends.
  7. A state of hopelessness, helplessness: Without hope because there seems to be no possibility of comfort or success, in an agony of hopeless grief;with a hopeless sigh he sat down”, Of a person unable to do something skillfully, certain to fail, beyond hope of management or reform.
  8. Feeling strong anger or rage: a strong emotion; a feeling that orients toward some real or supposed grievance, a feeling of intense anger,
  9. Experiencing dramatic mood changes: a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling
  10. Abusing drugs or alcohol:
  11. Showing a change in personality and losing interest in most activities
  12. Change in sleeping habits and eating habits

Almost three fourth of people who died of suicide showed suicide signs, so it is of significance and importance to detect such signs and then take those persons for serious medical consultations. Do not leave him alone during those times and make him show the sign of how beautiful life can be.


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