Smart phone smart thoughts

To day mobile phones are used for anything and every thing except for the flushing of the toilet. There are many choices thrown upon you on the choice of buying behavior of. If you are the person who snaps here and there, the odd design and other related parts and want to show to the world the tenacity of yours photography then this is best for you and you can go for some of the coolest photograph phones which are not only good for you but can have the supplement for some of the best desired digital cameras.

Then you should look for the minimum five pixels and above camera phone with in built flash on and that can be set it to the automatic. Take it on at the sufficient lighting then there may be the chances that the red eye syndrome of the picture will caught upon this and this can ruin your photograph or you will have to use the Photoshop element to reuse it and to attain it. It is better to have a phone that can have the ability to use image settings in its automatic mode and that will give better image preview and understanding of the subject. While buying any smart phone the primary concern is its RAM as if it is lower than expected then the launching if you launch it.

Multi tasking will take time or will not perform in approximately as it will time and again announce that the memory is full and please stop some applications in order to run the phone. This will completely annoy you. Let take some applications will be run by you permanently at the boot time run settings and for this some part run any anti virus applications inside your phone and also this can give you quite a difficult time in running other applications. Sometimes some weird and unwanted calls tend to make you not attentive and with this you can feel some sort of annoyances and that can make you laugh or not laugh at these missed calls.

There are some good applications which can stop these annoying calls in appearing your run from boot start menu , and it runs in the back ground and this means that these applications is always on and that will take some part of your RAM and this is not so good if you have not so sufficient RAM. These will slowdown your smart phone considerably and with due course time running at a time many applications inside the single core system significant factor in running the smart phone and it is better to have a good amount of RAM so much so that it can carry your phone to a greater degree of extent to its whole manageable way.

The very next part that is significant to your phone is to see is the facing camera which is the major customization and the secondary camera is the front facing camera which can be used for taking your photos and also many a times it is good and alternative for mirror as with it you can see your face straight inside your pone dash board and that can be very much in secret and no one will know that useful for them for this. That is why when you look for a smart phone it is better to go for a five and above pixel back side camera and at least five pixel front facing camera so that you can utilize for yourself whenever you need it the most.

Many a times in some phones the back facing camera has the good pixel quality but the front facing camera does not have it so for this. That is why it is the way to know about what the front facing camera vitality is and with it you can utilize it the most. These days the camera manufacturer also many a time do no notify about the essential information on the secondary cameras and it is the duty of the consumer who are intended to buy the smart phone should also be interested with the pixel permanent mark can be used and diagnosed.

In some phone I have seen that when you buy that phone, Nokia is providing the and this and you it your Ovi username and times it will record the download notifications and if after one month you want to download again at that time even if the free time offer ends but still you can use it as it will saved within you’re my download and then you can download again into your specific phone. By employing all these possibilities you can make your phone a better and smarter place to work on with and with due course of time and in the later days I shall be writing about more and more in this segment about my practical and little experience on the smart phone.


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