Science says sky should not be dark if there is no darkness between stars. It is difficult to find that uniform is not finite and that is why it is not static and it is constantly evolving. According to Big Bang theory Universe is expanding from time to time and even stars do not stay forever and slowly they can be faded out to the extension of darker entities.
Science involving BigBang Theory:
One hypothesis is that supernova can be at such distance which is more than what we calculate as we think billion of light years but still it can be more than that. Solwly with due course of time we do see that expansion of universe is pseeding out and the galaxies and supernovas have been extending and moving out from earth and that is why their distances calculations needs to be in correct manner.
At one point of time we can reach at some point where the complete extension is moving from distance distance and these can be relativity which dates with space and time.
Speed of light is constant according to Einstein shows where it shows that light speed can be same as that of inside earth’s gravity and it can be same when the light passes through the universe.
Science says that light consists of Photons which are mass less particles:
Photons are mass less particles of light and it is only deflected by the gravitational field of stars and this provides deeper understanding of gravity and from these we can know the amount of gravity of any stars and planets.
Acceleration of light is due to the presence of gravity and photons are massless which is the element of light and in turn it capitulates the speed of light and mass increases in accordance with it.
That is why it shows us how space time is curved from space to space in accordance with the power of gravitational lengths. It is called as gravitational single and it provides more and more intuitive understanding to find out the intense gravitational force and on the other account when all of these goes not in favor of rules of physics.
Then that place must have the black hole where even time can be curved and due to all of these universe does not becomes collapsing and that makes cosmological traits which universe provides undesirability.
Science is now very much consistent with theory that universe is expanding:
We need to investigate the possibilities of time and moment and from all of these we can see through whether all of these elements are moving towards the more and more space and it depends upon observance for more and more years to see whether such elements are moving to wider directions that could provide the information and observation of how universe is expanding.

Photo by Miriam Espacio on
Can we find the fate of universe from the balance of expansion we can find out how many days or years or light years universe will move out and provide more and more expansion universe goes on and can it be shrink ed at some point of time when we find the rate of change of universe expansion.
Science is examining the imminent results of uniformity of Microwave radiation all around universe.
The uniformity in Microwave’s background radiation all over universe does provide some answers the way universe is constructed. Let us take an example to understand this phenomenon and the way we find it that suppose in calculus class am the teacher and students are giving calculus examination.
I do hope that students are good and they can overcome the answers soon. In the mean time from time to time students are asking questions and in the end I find all the students provides two ways answers one can be that of possible permutations and combinations and the others provide similar answers which becomes more and more similar to that of previous answers.
What it could have been that the questions are the way to understand the answers to each calculus questions and in this way answers spreads in hide but the students understands it in clear way and that provides more and more intuitive understandings of questions on calculus and that means it is similar the way microwave background radiation works and it works in similar and uniform manner and that way.
we find that the spread of uniformity in microwave radiations comes up with and this goes on to show that universe expansion is there and distribution of elements comes up in distinctive way when we find that the microwave radiations everywhere is becoming uniformity and this goes on to show that universe is in the trends of expansion and all of these goes in most calculated way.