Review of HERO LECTRO C5i After 7 Days Of Use

Instead of running the regular pedal cycle, Daddy opted to purchase an electronic bicycle. Pedaling to and from work helps me exercise even though I work almost 4.4 kilometers away. During winter times it is okay as the climate of Puri town remains good but during summer generally at the marine drive the breeze moves in the opposite direction and this mens it will stop yours bike from running smoothly as the power of wind from the opposite side has been at stiff neck speed and that too the summer heat comes from the water makes it very difficult to move with pedal cycle.

Even though the road that is nearer to sea of Puri town does not have any slope attached with it but still while moving through it with manual pedal cycle it becomes difficult and many a times you would find that cycle is simply not moving and by seeing this daddy decided to buy the electronic bicycle for me which will work with batteries as well as have good speed too. Daddy felt that I was very tired of this situation and also it takes a huge time as to cover the 4.4 kilometers it would take mostly 45 minutes due to opposition of winds in the opposite direction towards the office.

We bought the electronic bicycle with a cost of 30000 rupees and this means that from now on I would not have to pedal the cycle as simply I have to put the foot onits pedal at still and then make the throttle it so that I can move without any difficulties as well as without any labour. It is been seven days now I am with Hero Lectro C5i and in this article I try to write my detailed experience of it so that the readers who intended to buy it and want to have the complete knowledge of it should have a good look at it and then buy it and I do hope that my experience so far with this electronic bike and inthe subsequently articles will definitely help users to mend their ways and go for this instead of bikes.

It is been seven days now and i move the electric bike from my home towards office which is almost 4.4 kilometers long and there are so many positives to it which I would like to mention here and there is some negative which I repaired it well and how to use it for daily commuting within the space of town and how it felt while driving i must mention here so that readers who are researching to buy such electronic bike must comprehend to go for it. Most people want to drive it in the combination of pedal and motor but I prefer to use it simply through throttle so that ultimately I could find the real meaning of an electronic bicycle and make the most of the power of the motor to use it so that I should feel that I am running a sophisticated electronic powered bicycle.

The main problem attached withHero Lectro C5i is the seat or saddle. While driving the sea just bends backwards and this makes some problems with the balance. Though it is not much of a problem, the seat which turns backwards slightly leans over the backlight which is integrated and it is also solar powered. While moving in the throttle mode when the bike is in full swing and I do not have to do any labor to move it suddenly the seat tilt backwards and then the balance problem is there though manageable but the seat needs to be tightened fully so that it will not move to make the center of gravity and balance point moves towards other zones as it can also uplift the front wheel and that can be dangerous as the rider inside bicycle.

After finding the problem after reaching home at 7 pm I bring out the tools that was given with the bicycle and then tightened the two points that are attached to have the perfect bal;ance of electronic bicycle and this pays dividends and this makes the seat to stay straighter and while moving the seat does not move front or backwards and this makes the balancing of moving with bicycle great top control and manage.I found that the seat controller was slightly on loose and I have to control and tight it so that it would slows down the balancing act. I had to do it and tight it and the next morning I found that the seat was in the state and working nicely. So, after you buy bicycle it is imperative to tighten the saddle to its fullest so that it would not be bending while you are moving towards upwards slope and for this it is essential to concentrate on making seat tight so that it will automatically stay at the state of still with yours balance at the perfect state.

The second problem I found was while using its mobile app on the smartphone. It is important that while downloading Hero Lectro app and then connecting it with Hero Lectro C5i after switching on bluetooth of it one need to make it more and more user friendly as it stops automatically and does not go towards the resume automatically even if you resume cycling with it. So I find it a little difficult as from time to time while cycling with throttle you need to keep a watch towards the front road as you need to be very careful while cycling with throttle as you will go with a stipulated speed. I found that Google fit is better than all of it as it will work automatically and so I decided to use Google Fit for it, still if you are comfortable with it you can use its Hero Lectro app otherwise you can go for it in accordance with yours choices and ease of use.

It is important to understand that with Hero Lectro C5i, can be controlled with Hero Lectro app but it is a good idea when you go for starting of electronic bicycle, by switching of bluetooth of yours phone and start it from cycle and then with C5i you will have another security option as not anyone can automatically start on it it is needed the bluetooth lock which will be with yours electric bicycle, and it is important to start the electronic bicycle then do it from the meter, and then move the bluetooth lock over the meter twice still the four lights of how much battery is there is switched on. You have to move over the RFID sensor twice or thrice while the battery is switched on.

Do not move once if you move the RFID key once then the four lights which marks the fully charged syndrome just not light as it light once and then switched off automatically and for this it is important to understand that you need to move the RFID key slightly move over the dashboard time and again over it so that the four red lights marks the fully utilisation of batteries keep switched on and as this can be very difficult for some who does not know about it and for the first timers this is going to be difficult for it and for this it is important to move the RFID keys to move twice or thrice still the charging indicator stays on.

So far I find it these slight two difficulties but with practice you can find that these two difficulties are not on upright and these can be done with care and good observation and this means that we need to find that most of these difficulties are not on the wrong side of yours judgement but if you care with it due diligence then you can do it with great caution and due diligence to make it work in most appropriate way. It is important to learn your electronic bicycle clearly so that you can find the easiest manageable way to understand how to control your bicycle and how to find the easiest way to manage your electric bicycle. From time to time, I shall post my experience on driving electric bicycle from time to time and help people to learn about it and I think it should provide good informative ways for people who wish to buy this and want to have real information about it.


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