Questionnaire on Customer Satisfaction Index

Last Updated on June 8, 2022 by freewarespace

significance of i.t. (information technology) in various departments of organisation with special emphasis on c.s.i. (customer satisfaction index) – A survey–Questionnaire Note: Organisation is already functioning under I.T. network and almost all the departments, i.e. production and Non-production, are customers of I.T. network, therefore, kindly indicate your level of satisfaction with I.T. function with your departments. Thank you. Mohan Manohar Mekap (M.B.A.-I)


1.  Name (Optional): _______________________  2. Position held:  _____________

3.  Grade  S-(1 – 4) (5 – 7)  (8 – 10)                            4. Deptt/Section: ____________

               E-(1 – 2 – 3 – 4) (5 – 6 – 7)  (8 – 9) Put a tick mark.

5.  Qualification:  (i) Academic        :   Matric/Graduate/PG

      (ii) Tech.           :   B.E./Diploma/Other

6.   Age :      Below : 30,  31-40,   41-50,   above 50

7.   Length of Service in the Plant: ___________________________     


Q. NO.PerceptionFully Agree (++)Agree  (+)Dis- Agree(-)Totally disagree  (- -)
1I.T. Network is working effectively in ORGANISATION.    
2I.T. Network is very systematic and helping thoroughly to the individuals.    
3The required information is displayed immediately in our network.    
4Every personal data required by any employee is easily assessable.    
5There is perfect coordination amongst all the wings of I.T.    
6The I.T. department takes care of the customers.    
7The I.T. Networking System is time and money saving.    
8There is less possibility of mistakes and repetition of items.    
9It minimizes the cost of production in one way.    
Q. NO.PerceptionFully Agree (+ +)Agree  (+)Dis- Agree(-)Totally disagree (- -) 
10Most of the stores departments are highly benefited.    
11The I.T. has succeeded in minimizing administrative basics.    
12I.T. has developed better understanding & significant change amongst the departments.    
13There is scope of improvement in I.T. in ORGANISATION.    
14The system is OK but people are not so efficient.    
15Continual updation required for the existing I.T. System.    
16There is a constant need for restructuring and reengineering of the I.T. system.    
17Regular inspection and checking of system installation and hard wares (PCs, Printers, Modems, Cables) should be done.    
18Availability of PCs and designing of software according to one’s requirement.    
19The integrity and consistencies of the data bases and application soft wares is reliable.    
20Courtesy in essential software assistance from I.T. wings is good.    
21The I.T. system has succeeded in paperless office and supersonic work culture.    
22Intranet facility in ORGANISATION is satisfactory.    
23I.T. is helping in Total Quality Management in my department.    
24Status of working conditions has increased  after I.T. (itisation) in ORGANISATION    
25There is digital divide in my organisation. It’s time to make an equitable information society. (Statement from U.N. secretary Kofi Anan on the occasion of World Telecommunications Day: May 17-2005) Please comment on ORGANISATION perspectives… 


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