Promoting and safeguarding odia language

In the past Odia literatures and daily, weekly and monthly magazines had contributed immensely to the development and safe guard of Odia language. With the development of journals there came the real development of Odia essay writings and literature. With it the real Odia tradition was recognised and fully renowned and discussed. With it came the development of Odia life style and now it is still continuing.

It was necessary as fro 1836 , there was a conspiracy to wipe out Odia languages fully and it was pretty eminent when Krantichandra Bhattacharya announce in 1870 in one of his writings that Odia is not a language. It enrages the Odia persons and then the fearless journalist the great Gouri Shankara Ray in Utkal dipika , fifth edition on 09/29.1879 , opposed vehemently to the words of Krantichandra Bhttacharya , if the orginial words of Odia language would be heard by Krantichandra Bhttacharya then he would not have spelled such things.

He would have gone the wrong way deliberately or with some purpose, said by then great Gouri Shankara Ray in his article. Odia and the other languages are different and it is eminet form the wirtings as the Odia wiritng part is vast different from the Bengali part as the former is inflweunced by the hindi language writings script but the Odia language is completely separate and its dialect are also vastly unique. This seems tha Krantichandra Bhttacharya has deliberately offended then the Odia language which was realy not necessary. If he would have live to day he would have realised that how big a mistake he had done by doing this.

In 1868 BYaskabi Fakir Mohan Senapati on August fourth of this mentioned year published Sambad Bahika , which is more nationalistic and more oriented towards developing and keeping the Odia language to its fullest scale It had been praised for safe guarding the interests of Odia language and its roles should be remembered till the last of the Odia persons lived in this world. Then from Deogarh with the patronage of Sir Sumakdev published Sambalpur Hitainsinni , a weekly journal first published on 1889 May 30 and it had done tremendous work to preserve and attain ther Odial language to remain free from the clutching eyes of the neigbours then. He stresses on publishing the Odia study materials in schools and colleges.

At those time when at the court hindi was the official language, then the Sambalpur Hitainsinni opposes and want it to be Odia. With this the separated land became united and slowly with due course to unite all the Odisha land had been gaining momentum and this has been populated and done in the 1936 first April which united all the Odisha land and the Odia language is now becoming the reality. The British ruler Andrew Fraser realised this and commented in favour of Odia people.

In fact it was only in Odia where the British have supported for the strong safe guard of Odia languages and it was vehemently opposed by then educated Bengali who want to hijack the rich cultural heritages of Odisha by deleting this languages all by its self with very parochial attitudes. The British announced the mother language of anyone should not be denounced such and it should not be removed from the native persons. Those langages are foreign to the natives should not be laoded with them and these words supported the movement to save Odia language and in the long run it had very pulsating effects in removing the opposition form the neighbours.

On 1872 Utkal Darpan published from Balasore, it had reflected many modern thinking and imparted a flurry of modern languages to this very vibrant language of India named as Odia. The modern pillars of Odial language writers such as Radhanath Ray, Fakir Mohan Senapati, Madhusudhan Rao published vibrant and beautiful writings . It was patronage and supported by King Bainkutha anth. Radhanath and Fakirmohan digged the proud cultural and courageous heritages of Odisha and wrote wonderful articles on these. During thsoee time the oppose to Odia language , some Benagli persons trying to discourage him through various carot and stick methods but he continues to support this magazine relentelessly to pronounce the greatness of Oida languages.

Utkal Sahitya published on 1897 editored by Biswhnath Kar. In 1915 Utkal manni Gopabandhu patronised Satybadi and it stresses on the strength of Odia languages. It suggests refined Odia language to use on day to day basis. This magazine put the final nail on the coffin of the conspirators from neighbours who tried relentlessly shamelessly to destroy the great Odia language, but now it has been going strength to strength. Samaj published 1919 October fourth and it is live today and generously publishing and pronouncing the life of Odia languages. In 1876 Swadeshi published by William Mohanty to strenghtify Odia languages.

For the first time in 1893 the then Mandraz University is now the Madras University introduced the first curriculum in Odia. In 1890 it was first proposed to make the Odia language as the official language. Other prominent Odia publication were Gyanarunna in 1849 , probodha cahndrika in 1896, Arunnodoya in 1868 , Utkal Madhupa in 1878 , Sikhay bandhu 1886 , Deepak in 1889 , Indradhanu in 1893 , Bijulli 1893 and many many high quality Odia journal weekly , monthly attracted and justifies the great ness of Odia language and their effort in attaining it to the top notch position as we are her today is most desirable and laudable.


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