Proliferation of English language

English language is a universal language. Most of area of the world and residing people out there tend to know this language and it provides useful references of exchanging of languages and it is almost universal languages. India it is one of connected languages at different parts of India and in most of bug cities people used to exchange languages this and for this automatically English has becomes the main sense of proliferation of this languages. Most of resources are full of this language and this makes the understanding of knowledge move to through out the world.

When we reach to internet there is almost more that 70 percentages of resources are with English languages and even my blog is in this language and this means that it is almost to understand due to this universal chance of knowledge we find that, the presence of more and more English as mode of exchange of languages makes all of these understandings of such information at its best. It is the most general language of internet. It is common language for air traffic control. Most of renowned languages and journals are in English.

The main part of the world is dominant languages due to growth of United States as the powerful state of the world. Due to British colonial settlement more and more countries are under colony of United Kingdom. After the second world war French slowly diminishing to be the Lingua franca becuase of its association with Germany. That is why English became the world language and the power of United States with releasing more and more english movies, songs as well as it reaches to the far and wide. Due to proliferation of English Language has become truely global language and due to spread of internet in this language we could see that people far and wide use this though may not be excepted to speak in correct languages but still, they can exchange view with one another without any difficulties.

In my state of Odisha, here most of educated people could speak or at least understand English languages and in this way the process of proliferation has grown far and wide. After the fall of Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, English has become most important language for exchange of communications. Due to the advent of blogger, WordPress and other important medium of communication in internet more and more people slowly able to understand that it is important to understand how and when to use this language.


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