Precautions Before Attending Walk-in-Interview

Every talented professional is wishing for a good and passable job with an excellent salary. He wants to have a brilliant job profile as well as a fantastic salary. He dreams how to work in the next stage of his career and wishes those dreams to be fulfilled.


Parents spend a heavy sum for a safer future for their children. Children want to have a competitive salary too so that they can fulfil dreams of their parents. Some lucky students due to their endeavour and industrious abilities are able to garner campus placements.

Some other students have to go through a difficult path to get their suitable jobs. Many students like to read such articles on newspapers and blogs in order to find the simple clue of success. They continue to read those columns till they get a suitable and adequate job.

There are some additional students who opt for walk-in interviews for a shortcut route to get a job. Walk-in-interview gives them a shortcut to receive success owing to the lack of written and group discussion. There is no way shortcut to success; one has to be extremely careful while appearing for walk-in-interviews.

Beware of fraudsters:

What is the sad part from above this is that they never ever capable to get a good job? In fact, most of them are created through some of these job rackets and have to expend a wide sum of money in order to find a job.

There are plenty of job advertisements on daily newspapers and other media where one can find relevant information of walk-in-interview and candidates who opt for this used to reach those addresses and have to pay a hefty sum in order to find a good job.

In reality, what they get nothing and these rackets used to collect money for processing charges and get nothing out of it. Candidates should always be aware of such online frauds and should be able to handle those from the first instance without being so much criticism.

As you give money to them, it is essential for you to watch how these job organizations work and how they behave in those areas and try to garner word of mouth information about those organizations and how they perform in the case of any such adverse situations.

Many students feel owing to the advent of technology and computers; it is easier to get the job in the online market without any such difficulties. Actually, those companies tend to go for a judicious set of interview process before accepting students.

Ladies should be extra cautious before attending walk-in-interview:

There are fraudsters who are luring ladies in the form of jobs and try to call them to an isolated location and then they are doing illegal things. As countless such cases are all over the country and it is high time local newspapers should not publish all these fake advertisements.

As many innocent students are lured by this and go a long way for getting jobs. Numerous companies and human resource professionals utilize available resources of the online world to get a good amount knowledge about how to choose a right candidate and by seeing all these information they send the intimate letter to candidates for walk-in-interview.

There are different ways to get a job and some companies used to have walk-in-interview or distinctive mode of calling candidates for a job interview to fulfil their job requirements. A new company which does not have so much brand image and identity goes for walk-in-interview.

More experienced companies go for a stringent set of identifications of a suitable candidate. So, whenever someone receives the call for walk-in-interview, it should be clearer to them that, it is from the original company and one should always be careful while investing money for appearances on these companies.

Different companies feel at ease as this does not require heavy investment for choosing the right candidate and most of these companies go for direct calling candidates and they hardly pay those candidates the sum of money for travel expenses.

Few relevant tips for prospective candidates before attending walk-in-interview:

So, this type of interview can have awkward repercussions on the prospective candidate as they have to be extra cautious and alert while dealing with all these situations.

If that company is not reliable and does not have a good reputation in the field of organization, then it tends to bring a bad name to your career and for future advancement inside your career graphs.

There are many such companies which have made the job appointment a process to receive money from prospective candidates, and this one has to extreme caution while dealing with these companies in the real world.

If any companies are trying to show that they are big companies still one has to check all those information and then filter out well in advance to know detail about such companies. Here are few relevant tips for prospective candidates who are wishing to appear for walk-in-interview:

  1. Check the company website on the Internet in which you are planning to appear for walk-in-interview.
  2. Try to see who the manager, promoter of that company is and try to read the published financial statement of that company to know how that company is performing in a relevant field.
  3. Try to see the state of the company, whether it is a private enterprise or government limited company.
  4. Is it a green company, or is it an old company and for how many years that the company is standing in the industry and try to find all these relevant information from the Internet or from other relevant sources?
  5. Try to get vital information from the employees of that company as well as try to see through how that company is standing in the market?
  6. What is the reputation of the company? Whether employees are paid or not?
  7. Try to receive feedback from others about receiving of appointment letters after an interview or simply they are taking the money and do not send any such appointment letters.
  8. Are they demanding any security money before the appointment? If so, try to find what the actual meaning of it is. Fake companies have used to give a large sum of money for security deposits and then do not send appointment letters. Inside Internet one will find plenty of such phoney companies lurking here and there and it is essential to try to filter out all those companies before going to attend walk-in-interview.
  9. That company is taking the interview in one stage or at a different place, if you find news about the interview at different places, it is better not to attend an interview with that company. There is every possibility of that company is being fake and try to stay out of those companies.
  10. If that company is running after a name of an organization that seems a counterfeit name for you, it is better to stay away from those companies as all these can have adverse effects on the perspectives of getting jobs for you.
  11. If you are fresher and receive a call letter for walk-in-interview with high wage, it is better to avoid that organization as it seems it is a fake organization. No company would like to invest so much money on fresher, so it proves that the organization is a sham organization. It is better to stay out of that organization.
  12. If any company except public enterprises and limited companies is asking you to deposit, money as demand draft or check, avoid those exclusive companies. Avoid walk-in-interview of those companies.
  13. Inspect building of the company, and try to find out its landline number, and registration and documents, if most of them are not there, then it is always nice to not to respond to walk-in-interview of those companies.


In India, due to relevant growth, performances in technology industries have been very prestigious and many companies are now recruiting indigenous candidates in order to find skilled workers.

It is the duty of candidate to find good companies, and if you are fresher, the burden on you increases further with the tagging of first company, as most of the companies in later years would find your curriculum vitae and try to see through which are the companies you are working within initial years of your career.

Secondly, one has to be extremely vigilant about fake and fraudster companies who are utilizing their time and money to garner money from prospective candidates. Thirdly, ladies should be extremely cautious before attending such walk-in-interviews.

As this can pose dangers as many a time rowdy persons used to make the net to catch ladies and then they behave badly to them. It is essential to check all these aspects before attending walk-in-interview.

Originally published at on October 26, 2018.


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