Peculiar Problem At Reliance Fresh Puri

It was almost ?one PM ?and after buying some important ingredients at Uma Shankar ????Store nearer ?to Gundicha Temple???? of ? Puri, I reaches to ? Reliance Fresh???????? ?to ????buy Mothers???? Diary curd.

Why I go to Reliance Fresh for shopping:

My mummy fond of ? ????eating this brand’s curd as the thickness comes ?up with more taste???? for curd. During fasting days used to ? take curd and ? mostly with small???? cut ???? fried brinjals and ? then with some ????home made masalas.

The eating???? of ? curd provides two way relief. It is good to ? absorb scratching ????????????????summer heat ???? as it makes body cooler and ? it should be taken in the ?day ????time only. As it is believed???? that taking curd in the night????????????? is ????bad for stomach.

I was at Reliance Fresh at noon:

That is ?why during just after noon I ???? reached at Reliance Fresh???????? shop at Puri which is just at the middle ?of VIP road. I parked my two Wheeler there as the front ?of Reliance is preoccupied with so many vehicles unattached and ? unattended so a set of ? chaos ????out there.


At the entrance there is always a ????small pond and ? the route can be ????crossed with the ????help ?of three small???? bricks and ? go ???? with utmost care otherwise you could wet ???? your ????feet. I took Mothers???? Diary curd which costs 20 rupees and ? then reach ? to ????cash counter. ?One cash???? counter is ????open ?and it is filled with so many customers with plenty ?of ingredients. This means this will take an hour or so ?and in another counter three people are there so I ???? reached there and ? ????saw the cashier told that it is offline and ? transactions ??????cannot be done asthe results ?of this. Then, the running???????????? counter cashier ????told that her ???? counter goes ???? off line ? too.

This is the practical experience from a seasoned buyer:

Now almost 10 customers are ?waiting for over 20 minutes and ? unable ?to pay ???? and ? returns ????back the Mothers???? Recipe curd and ? ???? back to ????home ?not able to purchase???????????? curd for mummy. Customers would ????never understand???? what’s offline or online???? but customer service is bad ???? and ? now slowly moving to ? worse at Reliance Fresh Puri as waiting for almost 25 minutes but still ?not able to ? ???????????? or pay ???? bill at ????cash counter testifying this that it should be more prompt in dealing with such customer difficulties.


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