How TCP and UDP work

TCP the transmission control protocol is the backbone of the internet. The data packets follow rules laid by TCP, then yours information goes from yours computer to computer to the…

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Blogger Talking Points for Walgreens-Express Scripts Dispute

Express Scripts Inc has decided that Walgreens will no longer be in its network, doing so has upset thousands of customers. For the past year Walgreens has negotiated with Express…

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Be aware of this fake and fraudulent email

It is important to note that Maruti Suzuki India ltd. said in its website in red scrolling text :"Please note that Maruti Suzuki India ltd. does not require any payment…

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Fall Inspiration and How-To’s with Miracle-Gro®

Gardening is funny and I do not have much sense of humor about gardening but between the parting glances of fall gardening everyone got to enjoy the captured moment. October…

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Do you like AnVir Task Manager?

Computer is a complex mechanism and it deals with the relationships among hardware and software and many a times with the arrival of modern computers, and then related operating systems…

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