Oracle database data dictionary

Importance of Oracle Database in this age of core-computing is the presence of both logical which is read only and the real databases which is empowered to save working and management of data base to work in absolutely perfect manner. Data dictionary is the major part of Oracle database which aims to provide read only access to clients about the part of database and this means these can only be edited while logging into real server.

If you log into artificial server or the client side then some part can be edited but some other parts such as data dictionary provides the read only access which means cannot be edited at any point of times from outside or client side servers. It contains the perfect definitions of schema objects which are the main parts of orcale database.

It has definitions for tables, views, functions and all the other schema objects intended to use with oracle database. It definnes what are the storage space in real server of schema objets and what are storage capacity inside logical server so as to provide one of major distinctions for security management to look deeper into work capacity of shchema objects to perform in real time.

It provides the names of users who can edit and manage original oracle database as well as it provides the length of tables and the scope of tables to provide in real time management work. It showcase the integrity of oracle users such as those are the clients which can provide information on logical server but cannot edit the real server where the real database are stored inside. Thus it separates organisation workers from clients so that integrity of oracle real server stays alright and thus increases the security prameters of database.

So, this means all parts of data dictionary are stored inside system table space. This means these are stored inside real database not inside logical database and this means that clients and other customers do not have to rectify nd modify tables of data dictionary as it is situated inside system or real database.

This goes on to show data dictionary is not so important for clients and customers as they deal with only logical side of oracle database and there they do not have to worry about the presence of data dictionary. On the other hand when all of these integrity of functions when compared with logical database where inputs are from clients and customers then it is compared with real database with integration of data tables as and when defined and then everything is compare with origin of queries and then compare those queries with data dictionary from system drive and all of these becomes extremely critical while considering the security and management of data integrity.

It also examines the probability of functionalities of base tables, and it is rarey used and only used by Oracle database or real system database and these are well-protected with encryption and most of times in critical inspection of secuirty these base tables are used otherwise there is hardly the use of these base table in normal cirucmstances.

There are serious caution while using data dictionary inside data tables. If some one altered the codes inside oracle data dictionary then authenticity of each and every part of data dictionary and oracle databses becomes defunct and for this one need not in normal circumstances change the performances of data dictionary of oracle database.

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