My new class teacher

It was an early evening, the sun is about to set on the horizon, the entire atmosphere is flooded with purple patch as if a newly-wed lady is wearing a red colored beautiful cloth. It is an entirely delightful time when, the day is about to sink in and the night is about to venture out from so called hidden lands. It is a same day as before but she feels something in it as there are chances of heavy rains as the prelude to it of stiff rain clouds hovering here and there with a stiff under hood incoming signs of cyclone. The imaginary dreams seem to be moving towards her and making her to go to paradise and enjoy the actual time as if she is inside a time machine. In the mean time land lines telephone rings with similar tones that have been there for years.

All the romanticized dreams stops suddenly and she slowly moving towards the telephone table and then lift the receiver with a soft tone of “hello”, at the other side her friend Jasmine is on the line and is asking about what she is going to do today? She smiles and says she is home alone and her parents are to the city and will be reaching here on the next day at noon time, and during the course of time she is going to finish her pending studies and other courses as examination is approaching soon.

As both will be alone and it is for their own sake good that both can stay at one of their home so that they would not be feeling bored with staying all by themselves. Jasmine would be reaching to her home within a few minutes as she is staying at the next street of her home and would be reaching with her car and then she will be telephoning her within no time and she will be reaching there. Within ten minutes, she reaches her home and then telephones her and she opens her and both now reach her home. Jasmine has come with books and other materials so that they can read together and also she has come with some foods which she prepares herself for the dinner and here, the food is already inside the freeze and within matter of minutes, that can warm with gas.

Jasmine is very fond of dressing sense, as she wears a shirt and a jeans and the shirt has been so perfectly molded into her that it is increasing her presence there, and she smiles at her and then both go into the bed room where they will have study for some hours and then they will come back to ground floor for having food there. As they keep the food of Jasmine inside the freezer so that it will stay fresh and when they will be eating they will soon heat and warm it before taking the food into their mouth. Some mathematics part needs to be analyzed and perfectly mended so that all the subjects that have been there must be according to the prescribed form of reading and education and for this they prepare the rough notes before studying the educational divide in detail there.

They both settled there and started to solve the difficult part of mathematics one by one and it is always good to study at the same time so that it will not be feeling any difficulty while reading together and also they are dealing with the subjects in one by one and properly conducted manner so that the perfect sense of logarithm needs to be analyzed and amended in serial manner. Surprisingly while studying united both have improved the speed in which they understand the problem as well as they are now able to have a good grasp over the subject in a comprehensive manner with equal ease and practicability.

In the mean time, after studying for about one hour they both set to have the talk with each other for some time, as they want to have a relaxation period in between. They are gossiping about the new class teacher who is young and just been passing out from academic institutions. She is well versed with foreign language and have the good grasp on the subject and she is trying hard to convey and introduce the new form of teaching there as she is revolutionary and wants to introduce the practical form of education where students will have to study all these in practical seemingly way so that nothing can be read as all the educational parameters need to be followed here with equal means and proper set of guidelines.

For example when teaching botany the science about trees and herbs, she takes all the students into kitchen garden there which is outside the premises of school and it is inside the grand premises of school and from there she used to show and recognize the students about different part of trees and they after teaching for more than one hours she used to tell them to recognize and ask them to convey the botanical words associated with it and many a times she tells the students to talk with themselves about the food with their botanical words instead of normal calling words so that in the later times they will not be able to find it difficult to tell the botanical names of these plants whenever they face examination or other forms of interview in their later life. She used to tell to dream about anything in any foreign language so that in the later times, when they speak any foreign language they will not be facing barriers of mother tongue invasions within themselves.

They will feel the sense of nature while speaking these languages. She is always dressed smart and the way she carries the dress has been an inspirational for all the girl students as many of them has been looking for her as an admiration a sense of satisfaction and inspiration as in each day she used to wear different clothes time and again with due diligence and a sense of joy from all the girl students. Every day, everyone always seemingly absorbed what she is going to wear for the day and what should be the dress sense of her and how she will be presenting herself towards the entire class with a nice smile and a strong sense of wit among herself.

She is perfect in attending the self care and the apparels which are mostly modern in attire and attitudes has been the epitome of modernity with gentleness flowing all over it in a perfect sense, a tremendous boost for students who always tries to see and inspire from her attitudes and wit.


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