Last Updated on December 10, 2022 by freewarespace
The scope of research of any study is unlimited as the international business market is changing very rapidly. The Globalization and environmental change has bought significant change in the attitude and behaviour of the people.
Factor Analysis
ORGANISATION activities has very close relationship with human behaviour and attitude. When the study about Industrial phenomena the ORGANISATION functions become more important and valuable particularly when we compare the ORGANISATION functions with customer satisfaction index. In such type of studies the Age factor, Grade factor, Qualification factor and Length of Service factor reflects the significance of responses of the employees on the subject matter. This factors has been analyzed in the following paragraphs :
- Total number of respondents with classification of designation:
The total number of respondents covered in this survey is 135, Executives – 85.2% and non-executives – 13.3% have been covered in this survey. The sample size could not be increased due to limitation of time and non availability of respondents in both the categories due to fulfillment of summer production target. - Grade :
In this survey, the respondents from all the grades there adopted for the study. The executives who were covered in this survey are E-0 to E-8 categories as well as S1 to S11 categories for non-executives respondents.
It must be determined that the maximum respondents who were covered in this survey were tried to cover from the higher grades so that the real perception on the subject can be obtained.
- Age :
Age is an important factor to obtained the real perception of the respondents for any survey. The steel scenario is a little different with other field of studies. In this survey, the majority of respondents (between 30-35 years and above) were covered in the study. This group of people quite matured and they have deep understanding of subject matter. There replies can be more authentic and reliable. - Length of Service :
Length of Service is also critical factor for such type of research particularly in the industrial sector. The length of service of the employee is more important to understand the organizational objectives matching to its own expectations.
In this survey, the maximum respondents have been covered between 10-30 years of service (21.5% and 45.3% respectively). It reveals that the respondents are quite knowledgeable with perfect understanding of the organizational situation.
- Marital Status :
Customer satisfaction is closely related with his own status and his family life. It seems that the married people have different satisfaction index in his personal life or in his day-to-day functions in the organization. In this survey the maximum number of respondents are married with significant understanding of the theme of the research.
Organisation Functions
Part ( ) : Classification of Personal Particulars :
Marital Status :
Tabulation Data
Designation Executives - 85.2%
Non- Executives - 13.3%
N. R. - 1.5%
Total - 100%
- Grade :
Sl. No. Class Interval (Executives) No. %
1 E0 – E2 26 19.3
2 E3 – E4 22 16.3
3 E5 17 12.6
4 E6 33 24.4
5 E7 16 11.9
6 E8 01 0.7
Sl. No. Class Interval (Non-Executives) No. %
1 S1 – S4 03 2.1
2 S5 – S7 04 2.9
3 S8 – S11 11 8.1
Sl. No. Class Interval (Not Specified) No. %
02 1.5
Total 135 100
- Age :
Sl. No. Class Interval (Years) No. %
1 20 – 30 02 1.6
2 30 – 40 34 25.2
3 40 – 50 42 30.1
4 50 above 50 37.2
5 Not Specified 07 5.9
Total 135 100
- Length of Service :
Sl. No. Class Interval (Years) No. %
1 01 – 10 21 15.5
2 10 – 20 29 21.5
3 20 – 30 61 45.3
4 30 above 18 13.3
5 Not Specified 06 4.4
Total 135 100
Part II :
Q.1 : ORGANISATION at ORGANISATION come to our help in solving people’s problem.
Interpretation : The ORGANISATION functions have very close relationship with the attitude, behaviour and activities of the people. The production process in ORGANISATION is very complex and the problems arising due to this complexity are ever increasing. Therefore, it is imperative for the system of management that it should be capable in solving people’s problem according to the customer satisfaction index.
This question was asked to examine the effectiveness of ORGANISATION practices in the context to customer satisfaction index. In this regard about 88.1% (fully agree 20.7% + 67.4 % agree) respondents are either highly agree or agree with the statement. It shows that ORGANISATION is very cautious in solving people’s problem through ORGANISATION practices.
Personal administrative difficulties
View Point : ORGANISATION in ORGANISATION is fully accountable to fulfill in solving people’s problems.
Q.2 : We use this service for de-bottlenecking typical personal administrative difficulties.
Interpretation : An efficient oraganisation has systematic system of management with the application of ORGANISATION practices. As the pace of production have totally changed in the organization therefore, it has brought typical personal administrative difficulties to the management. In ORGANISATION, the ORGANISATION practices are frequently utilized for de-bottlenecking of any kind of personal administrative barriers.
In this regard, the respondents have shown their clear perception on this matter. About 71.1% respondents (fully agree + agree) are satisfied with the function of ORGANISATION practices in de-bottlenecking their personal or administrative difficulties. Rest of the 26.6% (disagree + totally disagree) are dissatisfied with the existing system. Therefore, more emphasis should be given to improve this situation.
View Point : Efforts should be made to normalize the typical personal administrative difficulties through ORGANISATION practices.
Q.3 : HRD at Organisationi is an essential business partner contributing to profitability.
Interpretation : The objectives of today’s business is to gain more profit with minimum cost of production. HRD is one of the supporting factors to assist the management system by developing the attitude and behaviour of the people. With HRD practices who can ultimately become essential business elements towards profitability of the organization. HRD brings strong and positive thinking amongst the employees towards the profit making organization.
In this regard, about 85.2% (fully agree + agree) are agreed that HRD at Organisationi is an essential business partner which is contributing to the profitability of the organization. It reveals that the HRD practices is functioning very deeply and very effectively in the work culture of ORGANISATION which has become a very significant factor towards the achievements of the organization. The respondents who are either disagree or totally disagree on those who have not responded are very little in number.
View Point : HRD at Organisationi has proved the major factors to achieve highest rate of profitability.
Q.4 : The HRD function is managed by people who appear to know their business.
Management at HRD function
Interpretation : The HRD theory and practices has great relationship with the activities and the behaviour of the people. The basic principle of HRD is to understand the emotions of the people and to make them proactive for the fulfillment of organizational objectives. It is necessary for those people who manage and implement HRD practices should be knowledgeable and familiar with the HRD principles and practices in their own life as well as in the business functions.
In this regard, about 74.9% have opined that in ORGANISATION the HRD function is managed by such people who have deep understanding of HRD elements and who know that how to utilize these elements matching to the people’s expectation and business needs. 18.5% disagreed with this statement. It shows that there are some people who are managing the HRD practices who do not have perfect HRD functions.
View Point : A few HRD people have inadequate knowledge of how to manage HRD functions.
Q.5 : We find the HRD function open to feedback from us.
Interpretation : There is need of greater transparency in all the HRD function if we want honest feedback from the employees. HRD is based on mutual faith and understanding and to understand each other’s emotions so that the organizational objectives are fulfilled with the joint efforts of the people following the principles and practices of HRD.
Greater Transparency:
The HRD practices in ORGANISATION has given a new dimension to the people with greater transparency and honest feedback from the employer. This concept has been accepted by 79.3% (fully agree + agree). It reveals that the HRD practices in ORGANISATION is quite open and there is greater transparency amongst the people and this has become one of the prominent factor in the work culture of ORGANISATION. Those who are disagreed with this statement are very negligible respondents and they must have their own perceptions and prejudices.
View Point : HRD practices have great transparency with honest feedback from the employees.
Q.6 : The infrastructure available with HRD is adequate.
Interpretation : If we want to implement HRD practices effectively from top to grass root level, the adequate infrastructure should be made available to it. The HRD functions is associated with the attitude and behaviour of people. Therefore, all the infrastructure should be relevant to the people. ORGANISATION has identified all the functional areas and HRD needs of the people. Therefore, the HRD modules have been prepared to bring the effective impact of HRD function in the work culture of ORGANISATION.
According to the respondent’s opinion, about 74.1% (fully agree + agree) are agreed with the available infrastructure for HRD practices. On the other hand, there are about 25.9% (disagree + totally disagree) are dissatisfied with the existing infrastructure. However, this can be assumed that, there is still scope of improvement in this area.