How to upgrade your Personal Computer

Earlier it is the prerogative of computer engineers and with due course of time and with the availability of much informations from various sources and awareness among public , the fear psychosis is reducing among the layman. As the nature of man always to explore the inevitable and this very reason compels the man to step in this direction of course after garnering enough knowledge and awarenesses. The important things you must be remembering and taking care of before upgrading your pc.

Check Pc shutdown intervals and also see if it is hanging on for whatsoever no reason to be put on the table . Keep the power supply like capacitor or some other component checked. Over heating may be one of the problem and in this case you may add one more fan or also keep the wired cables in the proper order so that wind may not be blocked in between. And get a hard disk fan. This can be mounted either directly above the hard disk or right in front of it. If it is mounted above the hard disk, it will take up the space of one ide drive, but it will be worth it.

Can do another simple thing to increase the life of your hard disk: go to the power saver settings in windows and set the hard disks to turn of after 3, 5, or 10 minutes of idling. If your windows running slowly that you have anticiapted then try to buy more ram , as just rememebr that windows xp takes lots of ram to run more smoothly , hp will be happier to receive more and more ram , so make it 512 mb or 1 gb and for this teel your vendour all the requirements and he will be telling you the capapcity of ram which your requires. If you have the old computer with comaprative good speakers and sound quality not high then check ofr the new sound card that may work well for this case .

If you pc is tad slow then make a through scan with the fully updated professional virus scanner and also anti spyware scanner and also run ccleaner to clean the unnecessary files , as simply upgrading the processor will not work you have to see the all the requirements so that system will function normal and smooth.

Choose the right combinations of anti virus, anti spyware , firewall and hips and for this see my earlier articles and in the market lots of freeware available which you do not have to spend a pie for full proof seucurity. As wrong combinations of these security products may cause the pc to run slow some times. If you system is rebooting constant ly then upgrade to windows xp as it is more stable in fact above 90 pc more stable than the windows 98.


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