How to start a blog

Last Updated on June 6, 2022 by freewarespace

Blog is a part of the website. It is personal identification of a writer. It is a myth that continues for sometime during initial years. With due course of time the definition of a blog becomes wider. It has wider ramifications and now it is almost similar to create a website and running a blog. In this article I will write in depth about how to create a blog.

The front page of blog always changes with time. From time to time newer and advanced article on the niche subject in which blog runs continues to provide deeper impact upon readers in the specified subject. Blog is a continuous process and in depth learning and dedication of constant writing is the need of the hour.

A good blog consists of a hosting account and a domain. The name of blog or identity of a blog is the specified domain and it is important to choose a correct domain so that ultimately yours identity and visitors reach come with it. Hosting is necessary so that your blog will be with due course of time is recognised by advertisers such as Google Adsense or or infolinks so that you will find better return from yours work continuously.

Creation of a blog is not a constant process. It comes with experience and letting the webmaster to learn on various important subjects. You will slowly learn more about how to secure your website from external attacks, and which are essential plugins and must have plugins for yours blog.

Which theme you want to use with your blog and how to write a good and interesting content so that it will attract the imagination of visitors as well as should be good for search engines so that ultimately when you intended to use search engine optimisation then yours website must be capable of it to do so. It is important to choose a niche subject for your blog and you must be capable of that subject to write some rare articles so that it will show up at the front pages of blog searching.

Within cPanel one should be expert in designing theme files and how to reach to the root folder of blog and then adding ads.txt files and other essential files and running the blog in correct manner must have been the prime criteria of running a blog or website. Most Of the blogs are running with WordPress platform then you must have good acclimatization of using the blog from wordPress Admin segment of website so that ultimately running the blog with it becomes absolutely easier to do so.

How to upload plugins from WordPress Admin side as well as from the side of cPanel and how to use content delivery networks and whether to use it or just simply use from your hosting account all of these comes to the mind while dealing with the running of a blog at absolutely correct manner.

One must know how to add and manage menus, themes, and how to write articles with blog editor. How to secure front end of a blog and how to secure your blog from malicious requests and all of these can be done from cPanel or from wordpress admin. As web master when yours website is approved by adsense then one should know how to use it as well as one should be extremely careful about publishing contents as all of these contents must be one hundred percent of authenticity or if there are some sources then refer to these it sources and references segment so that there will not be any doubt about it at any point of time.

Contents are king and good visibility of contents on your website is the master key. One should use Google Fonts such as robot and others to show the letters and words of website in clarity and completely visible manner. Do not be afraid to provide bits and pieces of experimentation on yours blog so as to define and manage a good blog that will take some time to popular and it is i important to have a strong sense of patience and do it months after months to enable a complete blog management tool.

It is important to learn that a good blog must be backed up periodically so that ultimately it does provide a relief to have the complete backup plans in the case when any such outrage of machines happens and yours blog disappears then you must be able to restore your blog from these incremental back ups.


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