How To Remove Wrinkles

With advancing age wrinkles do appear on face. Premature wrinkles can give an oldies look to a young person. Many women think wrinkles as a curse. Regular massage of face can control wrinkles.

Facial massage is an effective way to counter wrinkles. It is a slow process and to be continued for longer periods. It reduces unattractive fleshiness, tightens the tissues and muscles and augments blood circulation.

At first clean your face. Apply a good cream with lightly on your face by applying firm pressure. With due course of time all defects like wrinkles, flabbiness and dead cells will vanish.

Massage should start from the neck upwards and end at the head temples. In this way all tissues, brains and blood circulation is done by this process. Apply cream around the eye without pressing it.

Cream takes fifteen to twenty minutes to get absorbed so massage for that long. Then, wipe out extra cream with a cotton wool swab soaked in water.

Try a cloth on your head before massage; it will protect your hair. Remove all traces of make-up and wash hands with soap. If your skin is oily then remove the oiliness by applying cleansing milk.

Fresh lemon juice is also effective in removing oiliness. If your skin is dry then use a good moisturized before massage. F your skin is damp then uses some astringent lotion; it will constringe the soft organic tissues.

The best time for massage is before going to bed. Vitamin C cream should be applied before massage. The quantity of the cream should be such that it will sufficiently suffice your face.


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