How to recover data from a dead phone?

Dead phone is phone which does not turn on despite trying many ways. There are so many ways a phone can be dead. If ohone cannot charge then it can be termed as dead phone too. This means you cannot use dead phone for daily activities. If phone drops from a distance then it can be a dead phone. If a phone drops into water it can be a dead phone. In many cases the reason best known to phone it can be a dead phone.

If we back updata in phone then retrieving data from the phone can be easier.  While installing phone it will ask for Google account and also depending upon yours phone model it can sk you Samsung account or lese Xiaomi account or other original equipment manufacturer account.  When you login to those accouns let us say of Goole which is common for all and to that extent,  it is common in all android devices which is recognised by Google.

Google,  back up apps, phone numbers, sms and all the other data into its cloud storages. It backs up apps, phone records, sms and this means that important informations already back up and when you are going for a new phone or yours phone comes after repairs then you can install with same Google account. Then it will ask for back up.

Install  Google Chrome and login with same Gmail account and it will restore all of yours bookmarks, ihistory, passwords, addresses, apps, extensions can be installed automatically through Google’s cloud back up through Google Chrome. Most of data of android phones are backed up with various Google services and this article will tell you about which of the applications and services you should be using while yours phone is in good state so that when yours phone becomes dead but yours data will not go anywhere as it being backed up constantly.

When your phone is right condition then install Google Phone into yours Android phone and log into with the same Google Account  and it will back up yours contact and remain in the cloud. When your phone dead and you send it for repair and then you will have to install android all over again and then install Google Phone and log in with the same Google account and all of yours contact will be restored from the cloud.

When, yours phone is in good condition install Google Photos and then activate back up photos and videos. In what so ever manner formats you can back up yours photos and videos and in addition to this you can delete the backed up photos from devices. It is important to mention that you should be loginto yours Google account and when the phone is dead then also you can recover photos and videos by installing Google Photos and login with the same Google account and slowly all image and videos will be backed up successfully inside new or repaired android phones.

Then, install Google Drive, on good conditioned phone and back up documents, pdfs and other important documents and do the similar thing for phone repaired after being a dead phone and then install Google Drive on it and then, download all the documents into yours new or repaired phone in order to download all documents. You can also use third party services such as Drop Box, Microsodt One Drive to back up documents, photos and then download them from these apps in the new or repaired phones.

You can use SmartSwitch on Samsung phones and when your phone is in right condition. Install SmartSwitch with yours personal computer which should be starting from Windows 7 and above. First back up yours data of Samsung phones into memory card. Then back up data of yours Samsung Phones into Personal computer, by installing Smart Switch software on it.  You need to install Smart switch in yours phone and then connect phone with your mobile through charging cable which is given with yours phone. It can back up phone, sms, apps, audio, video, documents, images of main drive as well as documents, audio, video images saved in SD cards.

In this way entire data, apps and other important information backed up into yours phone as well as to SD cards. In this way entire phone is covered and a copy of back up saved at SD Card as well as within yours computer.

Whatsapp has own backup system which can be backed up to Google Drive. While reinstalling this on the new or repaired phone by using same Google ID for Google Drive and restore all yours Whats app chats and contacts. Similarly with Truecaller account you can backup calls logs and sms into Google Drive account and then you can restore it through above procedure just as you do it to restore

In Xioami phone through its account you can back up apps, data, and other relevant informations such as that of images, documents and videos into the system drive or into SD cards and then can send it to computer and even on it cloud spaces which is 5 GB free for every users.  In addition to this if you have Airtel sim then it gives you 2GB storage free to back up. You can back up contacts, call logs and sms into it and then by using the same sim on the repaired phone or new one you can download Airtel back up and restore call logs, sms and contacts lists into it. Similarly with Jio sim you canuse Jio cloud drive to back up call logs, sms and contacts.

*This article was completely rewritten on 14th August 2022*


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