How To Install Microsoft Security Essentials On Windows 7

As per latest antivirus security and performance report, Microsoft Security Essentials of Windows 7 is same as Windows Defender in Windows 8 and beyond is becoming number one antivirus solutions. One caveat to install this is that, one must have, genuine windows installation to use these antivirus programs from Microsoft. Throughout all of these years, Microsoft developed these antiviruses into perfection.

When, I reinstall Windows 7, I first have to download Microsoft Security Essentials from Microsoft website. If you have Windows 8 and beyond then the reincarnations of Microsoft Security Essentials is named as Windows Defender. For Windows 7 you have t do it as separate download. It has two versions such as Windows 32 and Windows 64 versions. My computer is of Windows 64 version is Windows 7. I download it from Microsoft website and install it.

It is presented with Microsoft Security Essentials installation wizard as you need to allow everything to have complete installation to have complete and secure anti malware installation. The latest update will install after searching for updates and then it will download updates. This will take time, in accordance with the speed of your internet download speed. If you have faster internet connectivity such as fourth-generation of internet then it will take hardly ten minutes of internet download.

During installation of this antivirus program it will ask to join customer experience program and join it as it works as cloud antivirus and find the information immediately and secure computer immediately. You may opt out from customer experience program from anytime. Then go into Optimize security tab and here select each and every program. It will first check if firewall is tunable this if fired on or not and if it is turned on then no need to worry about it or if it is not enable then it will enable this automatically.

Then, turn on automatic sample submission so that whenever suspicious sample file will be sent to Microsoft for scrutiny. Microsoft Security Essentials while using its live access function, as it will scans files and may identify, certain files suspicious and if you turn on automatic sample submission, then it will sent Microsoft for analysis. Microsoft by investigating such samples and then secures file system of Windows.

After allowing such installation then it will ask to finish installation of Windows, then it will start automatically check for latest virus and spyware definitions as remember to enable scan my computer for potential threats after getting the latest updates. During these installations of updates Microsoft Security Essentials will find viruses and other malware definitions and these updates will find such viruses and potentially unwanted software as virus definitions are update automatically. All virus definitions of Microsoft Security Essentials will update with regular Windows Updates.


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