How to Fix Laptop Keyboard Not Working

In a computing environment the most important part of computing is the presence of keyboards. It enables to use computer in detail. What if the keyboard of yours laptop becomes out of order and you are not able to perform any task or give commands to laptop then it is for sure to see what are reasons behind it and how it can be rectified before reaching to computer repair store. As there is no single reason of out of order keyboard, as there can be some other following reasons which may not be related with hardware problems. Let us discuss in detail about it.

If we consider hardware issue then it can be broken down of some of keys of keyboard or lose connection of keyboard into motherboard. It can be of a software issue such as issue related with keyboard driver update issue. Sometimes changing of some settings inside keyboard setting of computer and this can be looked into in detail. This means there can be hardware issue or software issues.

If motherboard of computer has problem, then it can have faulty keyboard issue. Many a times, due to large number of dusts and debris and this can stop keyboard and its sensor might stop corresponding with computer. Sometimes, many a times, mis-configured BIOS settings can stop keyboard to work normally. At last it can be hardware failure then you need to reach to original repair center to replace keyboard completely.

When at first instance keyboard not working then restart your computer. You can do this through mouse movements or can do this through force restart by pressing login computer button. After restarting and login to windows or Apple computer and keyboard works then you are done otherwise if your keyboard not working then go for some other remedies. Now, you can go through the secod process as the first step of restarting your computer failed and now we should move the second step of cleaning keyboards.

For this you should bought computer cleaning kit and with it try to completely clean up keyboards and especially the border places of keyboards so that with due courses of time after prolonged computer use dusts and derbies can be deposited in and around areas of computer keyboard and that could form the layer of obstruction and that could have stopped normal keyboard movement and thus preventing keys of computer to touch directly to its sensors so that it can corresponds directly with motherboard to work computer in complete perfect way.

It is a very good idea to use soft clothes or soft brush to clean the dirts from keyboards so that it can work without any difficulties and the problem with perfection of keyboard working can be cleaned and cleared of. If you have vacuum cleaner then you can use it to suck the dusts between keyboards conveniently. In the market there are some liquids available whic can clean computer dusts easily and this can make it efficient and proficient. You can blow air from vacuum cleaner upon keyboards to work rightly as dusts and derbies could be blown away as the result of this.

If above remedies does not work then it is important to move to the next step that is checking whether keyboard cable is connected with mother board or not or whether it is connected tightly or not. If you are not tech expert then it is a wise idea to go to computer repair shop in yours locality so that they can fix it if the connection with motherboard loosens. if after tightening the cable with motherboard keyboard is still unresponsive then it is time to move to the next remedies.

next remedies is to go through the process of updating keyboard drivers. If you have branded PC or laptop then go to the original equipment manufacturer website and download the native drivers from their website and update it and restart it if it is required. For this go to Device Manager and then click on the arrow nearer to keyboard and then click on listed keyboard driver and then select update driver and if you are connected to internet then if there is update to keyboard driver then download and update it and if it ask for restarting your computer then do it and then see if keyboard is working or not if it works then it is good but if keyboard is not working then it is time to go for the next step.

If your native laptop keyboard still not working, then it is good idea to use external keyboard and see if it is working or not. If you have blue tooth keyboard then try to connect with Bluetooth and if it is working or not. if this works then it means that there is some hardware problems but if still there is problem, then it is a good idea to move to computer repair shop in yours locality or move to original equipment manufacturer repair shop, so that if there is hardware or software problems then it can be rectified through proper computer repairing experts.


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