How To Edit Or Correct Location In Google Maps

From time to time in this internet arena there are many problems occur and in this world of internet we find some newer problems which normally in these circumstances unable to find out. Now, every business wants to have their location correctly. Most of time places of prominence and higher religious values do not present correctly on Google Maps due to security reasons. So, if yours working property nearer to such important place then showing exact location on Google Maps becomes difficult.

If you are working with hotel and hospitality industries then exact location showing on Google Maps becomes absolutely essential as almost all of customers reach to these destinations through Google Maps or Apple Maps. Think of a situation. Yours working property located nearer to important religious presence such as Lord Jagannath Temple of Puri. So nearby areas remains blurred due to security reasons. Then it becomes difficult to showcase the exact location of Hotel as most of these areas will not be found inside Google Maps for obvious security reasons.

The second problem of pin pointing exact location of a place on Google Maps is that is there is two similar landmarks which are there in and around particular place. Here is the example that will make things to understand clearer. Hotel Shreehari Grand is the group of Hotels from Hotels Shreehari. Hotel Shreehari is located in front of sea beach and Hotel Shreehari Grand located within meters from M Bazar. At Puri there are two M Bazar, one is located in and around Marchikot square and the other is located in and around Badashankh area.

If we provide Hotel ShreehariGrand nearer to M Bazar then it takes the position that it is situated at Badashankh in stead of original location of nearer to Marchikot. So, customers would find it hard to reach at Hotel as the exact location remains unknown for them and this article meant for such entrepreneurs who wants to correct their business locations but still they are finding it difficult to manage locations inside Google. Normally many would feel that by going through Maps app and then logging into Google Account can correct them the location of website but in realty it is not the right procedure to do it.

This article is meant to solve this problems for entrepreneurs who are dealing with this problem and now let us discuss how to deal with it step by step.

  • Open yours favourite web browser.
  • In its search box put Google Business Profile
  • .Sign in and then create yours organisation’s Business Profile account.
  • After it is done and authorised by Google, for yourslocations it might take one month as Google will send you OTP through mail and then you need to put it inside yours account to authenticate then login to yours Google Business Profile account.
  • Now login to Google Business profile and click Manage in its top right hand side corner.
  • You will now reach to Home tab of Google Business Profile.
  • Scroll down and reach to Your Business Profile on Google
  • Click on View on Maps
  • Then move the Pin of Maps to the exact location where yours Hotel or property is situated.
  • Scroll the mouse further to zoom into yours location so that it matches to exact location.
  • Then save and return to Google Business Profile settings.
  • The dashboard would ask that some one has edited yours location and would you like to update it.
  • Click yes and update it and it is done.
  • Now within seconds location of yours property is now corrected in Google Maps.


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