How to Create a Strong Password and Beat the Hackers

All of ours data stored in cloud and we virtually access those data time and again through vcloud and with secure connectivity. Here secure or HTTPS protocol means data transfers from one node to another or from user toserver goers with encrypted connections and even if hackers try to breach data but still they cannot and will not able to read those data as that will become mere unidentified symbols for them.

Broswse only HTTPS signed secure websites:

Many a times we browse websites and they are not secure or they are rrom HTTP protocol then be cautious while browsing or sending any information through it as it can be hacked in between yours computer and server location.  If we are buying something from internet and paying online then make sure that website is secure and in the address bar of the web browser there should have been the lock sign and the website must start with HTTPS not HTTP.

One must make a habit not to browse through less secure websites that are starting with HTTP. Update yours webbrowser to its latest updated version as most web browser  now tend to stop these unsecure websites and that solves yours problem. Google Chrome is a constantly updated web browser and one need to install this on yours device and update it from time to time. Apart from Google Chrome you have option like Opera, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and so many constantly updated web broiwser.

Use two factor authentication:

Every major software giants those who are using software services such as Gmail, facebook, twitter, wix and many others does provide two factor authentication in order to double secure yours social and other related accounts. Most of renowed software giants for their free services as some of it described above does provide two factor authentication which means you have now second line of defence and that is related with hardware and this means it will be difficult for hackers to gain access to yours ccounts.

First now take a look at Gmail. Google provides mobile prompt in authentication, mobile sms , google or any third party authenticator apps which you can download from play store or from Apple store considering the type of mobile device you are using.

Similarly, you can use two factor authentication in yours Microsoft account, Gmail, Wix, Zoho, Google and so on. It is important to attach hardware two factor authentication, that is with  mobile devices and hacker will need OTP and that OTP comes to mobile device and for this it is difficult fior hackers to gain access to yours account.

Protect your mobile device:

We have talked in depth about how to use OTP , prompt in or Authenticator app, installed on mobile devices. Now, there are some discussions about h

ow to protect mobile device so that it will stay secure and stay from third party prying eyes. It is important to implement secure password with all available options such as fingerprint lock, face lock and all social media services especially through Whatsapp implement biometric security so that at whatsoever point you want to check messages inside whatsapp with biometric security you can with the help of yours finger print open whatsapp and no one else able to do so except of you by putting biometric security.

Use original phones and use latest models so that the original equipment manufacturer will be able to supply mongthly security anc umulative updates from time to time to yours phone to make it super strong against potential virus attacks. Try to keep your phone with you and do not share with strangers and unknown persons. If you have internet banking application in it then secure it with fingerprint lock and if yours phone have bio-metric security then use it on it so that only yours fingerprint can open the app.

How to provide stronger passwords to yours online accounts:

Google Chrome has one of th best and fast password generator and  leeper. It is important to make the gmail account associated with password manager to be two factor authorised and if you are accessing from public then make sure chrome to be completely uninstalled and while uninstalling it will ask to save yours information, do particularly make the command of Chrome uninstallation manager to delete those information.

While uninstalling Google Chroome if you keep the message. Then when another user installed Chrome on the public computer, then automatically previous information or profile of Chrome will come out, and the third user can gain access to yours profile, automatically if you have not enabled two factor authentication into yours Google account.

Google Chrome’s inbuilt password manager:

It is important to use Google Chrome to generate passwords for new accounts. Chrome password manager can automatically generate passwords and those passwords are of high quality that can be difficult for hackers to break in. One important part of Google Password manager is that  it checks whether any of passwords you are suiing currently can have the potential for break by hackers, then Google will intimate you and you can rectify those fault lines to make yours passwords more and more secure.

With same Google profile you can synchronise passwords in each and every devices and Google’s  password synchronisation comes at real time manner and it works flawlessly without any difficulties. Google also synchronise all of these passwords into various devices through secure protocol  and it is more secure even keeping it offline.


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