How to avoid Credit card scams and scam text messages in India

There is some urgent need for money and for this I have to go to nearby branch to draw it. The weather is nice and fine. After some rainy days especially after entire July and August month drenched with rain, finally find the nice waether but it seems that this time sun is coming stronger. My branch was nearby so it is not difficult to go there and only difficulties is the traffic in between but due to non weekdays and night time so traffic is moderate. So, it is a good time to go outside and perform the job in complete detail so that after some very days climate is good though sun is on higher side. I performed all lmy chore works and then after some light breakfast I prepare to go for my bank work.

After reaching my branch I find that there are over 15 persons who are looking as tensed and they are waiting there with complete eagerness. I reached at the head of the branch and there the branch manager told me that now there are scams going on with mobiles and the users are entangled with it and they are facing these situations now and now they have to come to branch time and again in order to move away from all of these scams which comes into them through mobile messaging service. This article is exactly related with it and the main purpose of it to let my readers to understand about all of these scam related issues that comes upon from credit card frauds.

We have seen we receive many offers from airtel and other companies about receiving messages for upgrading debit card to credit card and they also automatically give some amount to ours account and this means that they pay the money to us and then if we do not return it on time that money compounded more and more and in one day it becomes huge sum of money and if that money does not paid by the person received then that company makes case at the Mumbai or Delhi high court and the persons from far away land has to come to these metro towns and fight the case with those companies and that becomes extremely difficult to fight considering the cost of cases and in this article I aimed to alert readers to understand that by just receiving messages about some big companies sending messages to create credit card and that too by clicking on sms and automatically subscribed to credit card and this means this is a fraud and readers need to understand about it.

It can be categorised in the group of click fraud as first we receive message of receiving money to account. Most layman without knowledge of many would tend to think that they are getting some amount of money and mostly they think that the free money and for this they accepted the credit card. Most of users do not have ecomplete knowledge about how these credit card runs and most of these companies tend to make their jurisdiction at metro cities and most of these people who subscribed to these offer mostly from villages and smaller towns and most of them are half illiterate. Most of thes are from below poverty lines or from lower middle classes. They could not reach to far away metro cities and in this way they remain in these web of deceipts by these credit card companies.

These companies tell you that they will provide you with free money and slowly people think that these are all money which they can use without any repayment but in realties these are loans and these loans got doubled or tripled after specified duration of time. So half literate or illiterate people tend to go for these money and spending it and without thinking about any thing about its consequences of how these are loans not free money. After some times not reimbursing these money these credit money tend to be doubled and tripled and within some months if not repaid then it could reach to six to seven lakhs and then they receive one notice from these companies to repay such amoiunt of money otherwise the case would be there. The location of these cases most of times in metro cities and this means that the persons have to go to metro cities and their court to attend the hearing.

So beaware of such credit card scams which you might receive at yours sms of phone and do not click and activate it. If yours mobile number is included with your bank account and you receive message from that phone number and in some cases just by clicking on it and it will activate credit card as the phone number with bank account so one need to be alerted about these scams and should read here such articles in order to be alerted about it from time to time. We should not be entangled in these credit card scams and we need to be alerted of such so called free money as there is nothing as free money as everything has the price. So be alerted and always think that nothing is free to cost so nothing is freebies. When you receive such messages do not provide OTP, password or pin to these scamsters otherwise they can take over yours account or can take over yours entire social media presence and that can be dangerous for yours social status.

When you receive such links it is important to investigate about it and trying to find out why such links with sms informations is being received by your phone time and again and for this it is extremely important to go for good antivirus program or you can utilise service of free antiviruses on yours phone so that the process of receiving these informations can be known in detail and if they are not safe then from the sms app you can apply to stop these sms from receiving. It is extremely important to update yours phone numbers and all the contact details to its latest so that no one with yours old phone number can take the advantage of yours bank account as most of bank accounts are now with mobile numbers. It is important to be alerted about all of these latest security features and enhancements so that you will always be there whenever there is any such difficulties you face at any point of time.


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