How Take Care Of Your Skin In Summer

Last Updated on December 11, 2022 by freewarespace

Eyes occupy the most prominent place among the five sensory organs of our body. There are two kinds of beautiful eyes. One is related to general health of a person and the second is related to make-up. Never hesitate to use spectacle in case of weak eye sight. A spectacle with a beautiful frame that matches with the face goes a long way in enhancing beauty of a person rather than diminishing it.

Certain precautions must be taken to keep the eyes healthy. You must wash your eyes with eye wash once or twice a week. Rose water is very beneficial to the eyes. It brings back the brightness. After a hard day lie down, close your eyes and place on them cotton wool swabs soaked in ice-cold water. There is one more way to revitalize tired eyes. By placing your elbows on the table, close your eyes with your palms. Then allow the weight of your head to fall on the palm.

Open your eyes for some time and again place palms on them. After repeating this process many times, you will find that the figures have vanished and only the darkness remains. Lack of sleep results in dark rings below eyes and some times the skin becomes flabby. For this, crush a cucumber; wrap it in a thin, transparent cloth and place on the eyes for ten to fifteen minutes by doing this twice a week will be beneficial.
Pimples are small inflamed elevation of the skin a pustule or pa pule; common symptom in acne is severe adolescence problem.

They come out on the either side of the face below the eyes, the part of the face above the eyes, nose and make the mess of the look. Why do pimples appear in juvenile? The response to the query is elementary. As soon as one Passover childhood and accede to doorstep of adolescence, distinctly separate part of our body begin growing and developing.

The oil organs that synthesize substances needed by the body and release it through ducts or directly into the bloodstream at a position lower than the skin become hyperactive and in the viscous manner ooze grease. This grease barricades pores; any tiny whole admitting passage of a liquid and pimples sprout.


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