Have You Heard? Travelogue: 3 Points On Urban Safety And Good Governance: The Role Of Police Is Your Best Bet To Grow

Travelogue: In this era of Covid-19 we find everything on a stand still. It seems all stops all of a sudden. There is closure of all business entities in its fullest form and shape. Everywhere is the presence of silence looming here and there even in daytime it will appear like midnight. During business hours there is no business and shops are closed indefinitely.

You will find siren sounds within minutes entire grand road is preoccupied with police checking whether peoples are with mask or not, and they are observing social distancing rules seriously so that the straight chain of Covid-19 can be stopped at different points and the superspreader can be stopped at its entry points.

Travelogue: How Police is advising citizens to stay indoors:
Today early morning while going to Shri Jagannath temple for travelogue and this side of the grand road one person was reading a newspaper and at the same time the police Jeep stops near him and asked him to go back to his home immediately without wasting a minute.

The main reason to do this is that one needs to come out of the house if at all any essential work is there otherwise one should be inside home because during the times of weekends there is complete lockdown and one needs to stay at home and should not come out from house without any valid reason. During lockdown times the daily vendors is facing extreme difficulties because they first earn and then able to eat food.

Still it is important to observe life for travelogue is precious, and it needs to be secured at any cost at any point of time. During this pandemic times observe that the presence of distribution of 1 rupee lies to the BPL cardholders to help them to eat food at very low cost. The BPL card shop is at the end of our locality and I could see the in coming of rice in a mini truck and then people gather outside the BPL shop wait for their turn in every discipline manner.

Travelogue:Distribution of grains to BPL cardholders:

Show the main problem dealing with foods of below poverty line citizens is to be solved at this time Now the daily vendors at grand road general reaching from far and wide of Odisha have to go back to the respective villages in order to receive their government distribution of rice at low cost. So they have to leave Puri and their business for the time being, and now they have to go their respective districts for travelogue towns and villages and from there they can receive their repeated rice given by government. So there will not be any people without any food.

So we are slowly moving towards the economy older times when most of the economy depends on one local businesses. This morning at 6:30 a.m. BalGandi High school Puri town There are numerous people many of them are from 4:00 a.m. there in the queue registration of vaccination. Big problem these people are standing near to each other not obeying social distancing norm at all. What surprises us many is that police patrolling vehicle there and despite repeated announcement to obey social distancing norms, but they are not listening to them. Despite repeated announcement and warnings, people are not observing social distancing norms.

It is important that we do observe these Covid-19 security precautions so that these places should not be any super spreader. While returning from Shree Jagannath Temple at municipal market there is one flower seller there and used to provide flowers at affordable costs. I asked him what is the price of Tulsi plant as I have in the past purchased Tulsi plant from him with cost of ?10 and this time when I asked for the dame plant the new cost is ?40/- . Within one month price rode to 400% .

Travelogue:Great advice from Police Officers:

The next date at six am I went to hospital square to collect fresh Omfed milk, from milk vendors and then return to home to keep those inside fridger. Then, I went to market as there is more probability of ‘Yash cyclone’ and in its incoming effect I could see already there are rains is coming, and it is been raining for two days already and there are the signs of returning of another cyclone just after two years of destructive ‘Fani’ cyclone, and it is also coming in the same month of May again.

In the meantime after buying vegetables with rain coat on and with Phillips ear phone and opening my Samsung Galaxy phone and then internet on and then streaming songs from YouTube music and streaming in its optimized high definition version and slowly moving into the market and buying some vegetables out there.

After buying some spinaches and some vegetable for travelogue at the square two policemen were standing, and they advised me to go back to home as even if I wear rain court, but there is high chance of it can move towards cold, and they spoke me softly and this shows how law-enforcing authorities are observing and behaving with citizens. It was wonderful as how law-enforcing agencies provides excellent behaviour to common citizens and for this also this showcase an example towards India as of how law enforcing agencies are providing wonderful behaviour to common citizens.


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