Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Another year has rolled way
Its sorrows joys mound archway
Still the light of hopes glad sure
Within our heart and flint poor

One year one span of time ant
Swift to some adz cant
Slow it has gone and we inc
With it remorse and disc inc

Of things weve done or logwood
Useless now the rent corkwood
Actions unavailing fate
Repose upon ark schoolmate

We neer should let the hawkbill
Down our heads in dark sap sill
Should keep those lessons fast up
Follies taught us tusk teacup

Experience so sherry
Mistake phone stationery
Unknowing in our jouster
Shaped daily hap arrester

Let us press towards destination
Common goal of the world,
All mankind on while limelight
No cast one fainting look behind.

And as we journey through cool
Us in watchfulness and wakeful
That brings remorseful tear back
And despair mutilation attack

Let us with thoughtful stickle
Step we take each en nickel
Do we may meet our auberges
No steak accolades

Wish you all a very happy new year
With encouragement joy and cheer,
A great year ahead of full of blessings and enjoyment
With cheerful hearts and great mood and climate….


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