Last Updated on June 2, 2022 by freewarespace
Exploring many possibilities of working with cloud. At one point of time the author thinks of working with a cloud in his beloved blog is still to date. He is writing his works offline and then send it to blogger through Windows Live writer.
It is one such blogger app from Microsoft which is very easy to work with and many additions to post options can easily be done with it without any such stretch of imagination. Of late, I thought was there any possibility of writing blogger articles in the cloud.
For this, I need online cloud document management software. Google Docs is a fantastic option and with it I can at best perform excellent task management and can write down articles with ease without any such difficulties.
I prefer Google Docs, more than any other document management software only because, it’s Google drive apps is working excellently with smart phones and it gives always on connectivity. In this way, each work and every aspect of learning can be done simultaneously at the same time when while with mobile as well as with computers.
While writing with Google Docs, I feel the same intensity of writing as that with Microsoft Word documents. It has a cleaner interface and the response of words from the keyboard is similar as that of the offline mode. I have heard that it can work seamlessly with Google chrome in offline mode. With Internet Explorer 10, it is working fine while you are online. The process and the type are very easy and hassle free, nothing to worry about at all.
The approach lay functions are working seemingly justified with keen sense of addition that one can easily work with. Thrilling white background can blurry your eyes if you are not working with skilled, but still it gives any sense of relief as you will able to justify your potential and it gives you added benefit of fantastic time management. Here, there is no tab such as save, as this is done automatically and you do not worry about it at all.
This will give you added benefits and perfect attractions to try out a document while you are online. It by default save all the documents in Google drive and then you can see those documents with your smartphone app, and in this way you are always connected and any time you can retrieve those and can see and observe those of definite movements. Now, you can even update the same document while you are outside and away from your computer.
It is a perfect combination of all actions which can definitely save your precious time and amount of work, the article which you have started from home. One subtle advantage while working with Google Docs, is that it has an exceptional spelling software and it does work efficiently. Of late Google has removed the option for automatic suggestions of articles. That was a nice concept and has been working with wonders, but felt to understand why Google has removed that feature altogether from its blogger editor?
It is always a nice idea to check your internet connectivity reliability so that one can work with wonders while dealing with online cloud services. These services work wonders while at a decent connection and for this one should always be careful with choosing your internet providers. It is working in the similar lines as that of Google+ as with it one can find an excellent and easier way to rename the heading and the star beside it shows if you want to add this document to your favorite.
Favorites are easily accessible while searching for documents. There are very few tabs but all of them are very well documented and users can easily comprehend and find information about all these tabs without any such difficulties. All these are properly coordinated and work in tandem and you do not have to worry about it.
In the earlier time, Google had made provisions for direct publishing to blogger but surprisingly this aspects has been removed and for this one can write article with Google Docs in order to save it in cloud so that it can be accessible from multiple platforms as well as all the documents are stored and maintained if yours computer hard drive goes out of order.
Time, to time Google will try to save your document and the word saving will be shown next to sub menus. This will give you indications about a completely transparent document management software is working here. I do not find any expressions and cookies as I desperately want it to add to my blogger posts.
In Windows Live Writer, I can find huge collections of these expressions and these expression stays as picture post and for this when the blog is viewing in terms of mobile applications, one can find the summaries of all posts and these are there at the left side of post as a symbol of cookies. After writing some sentences, you can watch that space just subsequent to tabs to find the saving parameters. If you have paused for some moments, then it will show “All changes saved in drive” and if you keep writing it will show “Saving…”. So. It works live and Google has been trying to make it a complete word-processor.
The privacy provisions are on higher side, as at the top left corner, just below yours account name you can find “share” a blue button and from there one can find a lock sign which signifies about, the document is protected and you do not need to worry about it. There are some negative sides attached with it which definitely the author wishes Google would like to step into there and correct it for some time. Many a times, when there is slow internet connectivity, the Docs failed to save some texts and as a result of it, if the connection is not possible for a longer time it fails to load from there and this wipes away the sentences which are not being saved there and this creates work-loss. I would like to see more and more features incorporated with Google Docs and especially some provisions that can work seamlessly with Blogger.
So, it is high time, to think beyond, as one of my colleagues is doing another form of usages with Google Docs, he is writing on offline word processor and then copy pasting all these to online Google Docs so that it is preserved. I prefer to save offline documents to Google drive instead and in this way, with a smart phone all formats are visible and compatible and there are no such worries about it at all.