Future Reading Interfaces

Reading and writing have been countless times since human can read more flexibly, that is why more and more language interfaces have been invented, and within these parameters, reading and future proofing are still subject to research and diagnosis. To this day, the full range of reading and comprehension is carried out through written communication.

How brain works:

We have brain which can control ours actions but can it control the outside matters and mostly neutral matters. Here neutral matters means table chair, television and so on in this category. Can ours mind control all of these objects and can it be done just by thinking about all of these. It might have been sounding hilarious or incident from a fairy tell but if that can be controlled then we can optimize the functions of the brain towards outer objects.

What it can be done is that ours brain can act as remote device and it can send senors to nearby objects if it wants to activate these at any point of time but how to do this is the million dollar question. When we look into ours brain to see and we can see whatever objects through ours eyes and it can be done through immediate actions and all the senses go towards activating ours senses and looking deep into all of these premeditated functionalities and in such glimpse of seconds all of these work in a synchronize manners.

For this we have to learn how ours brain works. How such a large number of brains works in a coherent and in a simulated manner. How such large number of veins and some of over miles are putting into mind in a systematic manner. How all of these stays in ours mind in a systematic manner and how all of these works just like a single unit.

How neurons works:

All of these does provide an indications for us to understand and move towards why brain is the best available learning interfaces. How neurons works inside brain and how such wireless signal moves from one side of brain towards any side of body and how all of these stays inside brain and how not so necessary neurons movements works in correct manner all of these needs to be checked in detail.

If you can find all of these reasoning then we can implement it and there are many developers, they are searching for all of these and if happens then it can be done one day then we can move into space too within blink of eyes. We are also hearing, that Elon Musk and his team is preparing similar smart phone which can work in such way and smart phone top developers such as Google and Apple also making their research in similar way so that in the future they will not be devoid of any technology advancements and they want to make it future proof too. Some are doing it openly and some are doing in a secret manner but all will benefit us humans in the long run. We need to understand ours brain can work in the similar manner within splits of seconds.

Here by solving how brain works, we can solve how time works. If we solve how time performs and find the real answer to it then we can easily find the real answers to this puzzle which till this date we could not find the real answers to time puzzle. When we devise how ours brain works and how brain movement works with body movement. How in such a situation when ours body stays in the wrong way, still ours mind controls it and within seconds it can correct it within splits of seconds. It works as still this time when ours body goes in a wrong way, ours mind can stop it and change the decision immediately that can work within that times.

So how this can be implemented, in real life so that no errors can be done in any devices then this would work wonders and there would be no freezing of Windows computer, android devices or any other devices and each and every devices would work in the most perfect manner. So, we need to find out how ours body, mind and each and every functions works so that we can find the real thoughtful process of developing devices.
All of these are known entities and these needs to be done in a correct manner and learning ours in the mind can be hyper extended towards making yours devices to work towards in such a way so that ultimately we can found the real importance of creating these devices by understanding ourselves so that in the long run we can find the real importance of attending and solving all of these processes.

We need to work towards finding the real importance of finding out more intuitive intimation towards understanding ours brain and how this can be done with due course of time.

Brain Mind and Neurons:

Ours mind is the real treasure of ours and we need to find out more and more ways to see how neurons moves through blood vessels and how these goes and then alert it and even in the same time stops the body limbs to work in the shuttle manner. This goes on to show that perhaps with due course of time, we can find the real importance and the mysteries involving how time works and how within seconds we can defeat the time but still we are not being able to decide and devise how brain works and how we can defeat the time performance within splits of seconds.

Still this time we understand, only some percentages of brain we understand but still this time, we are not being able to understand how brain works and till this time, we able to solve and make some artificial entities in order to make brain works. It is important to understand it, and when we see the presence of artificial brain works similar like human brain then, we can solve the mysteries related with how to defeat time and win over it and then implement it in real time. It will be able to beat the time and create more and more opportunities to find out the most deserving ideas in order to reach out towards ultimate findings.


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