Enterprise Resource Planning

Frequent lectures of imminent personalities in the specific field should also be organized for better exposure of employee’s in the today’s global scenario. At present HRD function with lot of constraints. Reward & punishment has to be more specific. Motivation in terms of pecuniary incentives needs to be strengthen. The attitude of the people in HRD should be more employees friendly & should be have human touches. There should be more transparency. Training need of Finance department is not taken care.

Constraints in HRD functions

Putting proper rewards/ punishments in place for good/ poor performance. Communication of new scheme, rules and changes amongst the staff. To make HRD effective it should be made totally transparently & open to ERP environment where data flows is automatic & non-manual to prevent errors & mis There is need to upgrade the infrastructure facilities to meet the future needs of competency improvement of employees. Information system in HRD will give more electronic and functioning paperless.
HR functions need to be more oriented towards line function giving due recognition to achievements in productivity & profitability. information.

Regular interaction between executives needs to be done regarding company policies future plans, performance, expectations etc.
HRD should be proactive. Based on experience they should provide future strategy to solve the problem.
Non executive should also called for training at BMTC/BTI/MTI Ranchi for their overall development. Since they are playing a major role in production and performance.At present HRD functions with a lot of constraints. Rewards & Punishment system has to be more specific. Motivation in forms of primary incentive has to strengthen.

Proactive HRD Functions

Complete computerization with sufficient number of computers. Information available in system requires proper verification and updation. The training procedure should be adopted by HRD as per requirement of global competition that can be able to achieve the objective of organizations Follow-up after the training session in the implementation of the key ideas guaranteed in the session on the shop floor is needed. communication forum to analyze shop floor level also. HRD should be object oriented. should be a plate form to bring common understanding and dedication in order to achieve specific targets.

There is lot of scope for improvements in the area of speedy decisions, implementation and disposal of files. Best practices of HRD adopted by private sector should be adopted to motivate, reward employees for better performance.At present HRD department has talent mix. The excellent performers should be encouraged and given adequate growth to them so that HRD smiles on as never seen .


HRD function with lot of constraints, needs to be strengthened, attitude of people in HRD should be more employees friendly, and training need of Finance department should be taken care of.

Regular interaction between executives is necessary to discuss company policies, future plans, performance, expectations, etc. HRD should be proactive in solving problems.

HRD functions with a lot of constraints, including the need for a more specific rewards & punishment system, stronger motivation, complete computerization, proper verification and updation of information, and a communication forum to analyze shop floor level also.


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