Domain Name Change

This is blog is over seven years old and it is continuing with brilliant articles from different diasporas of information as well as other forms of events which has been there from time to time and it is giving us hope for better day with each information reaching to individuals giving them the sufficient stuffs to see and enjoy what is waiting for them. For lump sum of time, Daddy and myself have been thinking about registering a domain name that could give it a separate identity as well as with a proper domain consideration.

It is always good thing to learn and find what is best suited for you as well as to know how yours website is getting into the arena of web with each and every facets of information loading as well as other forms of brilliant acquisition of ideas materialized. The job is not finished yet as many more works need to be done and this is just the beginning of all these bulky works. The first and the foremost part of it are to realize that many more works need to be done in order to make this website fully functional. It is not a difficult job to do and simultaneously one has to see the basic rules of Google, like registering with Google Web master as well as other registration that can give sufficient advance to this website and then many more people will love to see and enjoy the reading of articles that has been written here with completely care and a sense of full satisfaction.

The way all these articles has been in this sphere has been tremendous a sort of moral boosting for me as since the time of education, I have opened this blog and always tries hard to make it a stupendous success with each work and dedication and most of the time I have been busy with writing on many subjects. At some point of time I have to come across some wired feelings but with due course of time such feelings fade from the scene and I have to continue with it still my last breath and for this one day after the festive occasion, daddy said to me to build a new website and that would be one of the most wonderful idea I could have and then I began preparing for the website in full zeal and dedication.

Then, after searching for two to three days about the domain name on the concerned site I found a suitable name and then asked daddy about it and he also ok this and thus start the process from where the beginning of a new domain and thus the change of address of blog. From here one can find, how to make this blog a beautiful one and also you can put and suggest how to make it a completely newer one so that we all can enjoy the rich benefits of joining this great blog which not only have the great potential for reaping rich benefits to users from all segments of society.

Apart from this website, I have been writing on some other sites of noteworthy and from the search engine which is there at the web page one can find the relevant information about it and when someone search within it one can find the information from there and it is always advisable as there I have been writing bigger articles in great detail and one can find a detailed information about all these in those articles.

There I have been writing about very good subjects with extensive description and other forms of stats which can be very well suitable for you in case you are doing some research or other related works. I am building a custom Google search engine so that all the writings of mine will be included there and it will be one such place from where user and the visitors can find all the relevant information at one go without any such difficulties.

In the mean time, author is trying hard to form a decent form of articles of assembly by introducing different aspects of writers imagination with the advent of more and more forms of ideas as well as other forms of information. Website have to be submitted to various webmasters and search engines for crawling and this means plenty of works still there and I have to work day in and out in order to finish this basic job. Then, the URL at IZEA needs to be changed as for this the application will be submitted and hopefully this is to be done soon without any such delays in what so ever manner.

Then the preferred work of connecting this website to Google analytics should be done and how and in which manner all the information needs to be implanted in the correct manner so that website will be presented with some of the most wonderful articles of the web. Building a blog has never been easier than one thinks so and for this one has to find extremely relatively easier path is to find the niche of your audience as well as of the subjects which you might find to be very much helpful for you.

By far the most difficult part of accessing any tool is that of Google analytics as one has to find and then log in to it takes time to reach there and for this one has to find the real path of analytics and then one has to wait for some time to log into it. After logging into it, one has to create a new record with the new domain name there. Then, I searched in the internet of how to add a new website into Google analytics and from there I could find pertinent information to begin the journey to make the modern analytics for my blog with a newer domain.

Click Administration of analytics account and then the account column creates a unique site and you have two different options one is for website and the other is for Google app. It is a recent addition to Google app creators and from here they can get user information in detail and in full specifications. It is always a better idea to save all these information in one note pad and then upload it to Drop box so that whenever you will need to have more information on this you do not have to log into analytics time and again for this as you can simply manage all these from the information you have.

If you have a Samsung Galaxy series of smart phones than with each smart phone you get almost 50 GB of drop box storages and it is built with Galaxy. So first and foremost launch the apps from the home button in the smart phone and then log into it in order to find, and then you can see the entire uploaded information there and it is now on the mobile. From there, you can find each and every data as well as all can be managed with your PC as well as with your stylish phones. In this way all data are now within your space and it is for you when to access it for your own comfort.

Now, I have finished Google Analytics integration as well as Google Webmaster verification and submitting site map to them in order to correctly index the sites. The prominent part is now is to change the blog URL in IZEA account so that. It can again be up at the social spark and it will give added benefits to the blog in terms of content writing and revenue generating.


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