Do Airlines charge extra fees for obese people?

You are here » Home » Politics and conflicts » Should airlines charge extra fees for obese people?Should airline consider people as commodities and charge according to space and weight? These questions are now on the discussion at the public forum and should carriers, look at these financial points of view so that more money and profit would come to them and with it, they should be finding, the much-required comfort zone in running airlines business.Pay as you weighObesity is due to many factors and there are many reasons for obesity. There are genes that make people fat and sometimes, at some people their below side becomes wider and all these relate to genes and thus this infers that obesity at times, cannot be undone for and it should be seen as the no return posture and for this equal amount of exercise and health consciousness is the order of the day.

On the other hand those who support pay as you weigh theories, says that, it is essential for health, financial and environmental purposes and for this, it is essential to have a good health, otherwise the proponents of this theory stresses on the fact that, if you have bad health or you are obese, then it is better to have to pay as you weigh.

The people who are against the theory of pay as you weigh, says that out of 100 people 65 people are obese, then if this rule of law is applied within airlines carrier, then it has very bad impressions as most of the persons who travel a lot had to pay extra money to travel.The severe obesity is a phenomenon, where people are genetically obese and they cannot change this, but how can airlines industries find out that one is genetically severe obese and the other is obese due bad lifestyle and junk foods.

The severe obesity is a medical condition and cannot be undone for, so it is better to look beyond and think brad about this and also before applying pay as you weigh, which has been applied on goods carrier.One should think that, by applying this method, should we consider humans as goods and commodities?From research, it has been established that out of 100 obese people 15 are genetically obese and 25 are severely critical obese and the rest is obese due to their bad food habits and less sleeping habits.

The rest obese people can be categorized as susceptible to obese people.Obesity also deals with gene factors and the genetically modified syndromes. The study shows that there are many instances, where, people have a unique gene which makes them feel hungry and thus they want to eat more foods and try to go out less and every time they think, that is about foods.They have higher consumption capacity and they can eat many foods and also all these have been dissolved well in their stomachs. With these heavy food habits people tend to feel hungry all the time and with a massive intake of foods, ultimately they become obese.There is some gene, which enables and capable people to work for more time and they can work day in and day out and yet do not feel tired at any point in time.

Due to this, they eat a lot and can work and consume and their metabolism factor is built in such a manner that, they easily ear plenty of foods. These people reach the stage of severely critical obese and for this, they need proper medical care and health care.Due to extreme use of anesthesia or any other specific chemical inside the body, the hunger control mechanism inside body got damaged and for this, the person feels the hunger always, that gives the way for the higher amount of intake of foods and thus in this manner the person son become obese.

According to some medical experts, many people are fast becoming hungry after removing their tonsils as, medically it has been established that after removing this lymph inside the mouth, the uncontrollable hunger starts and this can lead to severe obesity with the increase of intake of food in the long run.I have seen many people who always thinks that, it is their lifestyle to have to create many parties and other recreational moments and for this they make feast more than three days of the week and thus, eat heavily and eat junk foods and also many oils and in the long run this can have the capacity to have, greater significant fat problems.


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