Coordinating Among I.T. Networks Of Industrial Organization

Industrial Organization Is now facing various challenges due to change scenario in the international business market. All the business market have become highly competitive. The steel market is also facing the same challenges in the are of production, productivity, profitability, quality and cost of production. In recent years, all the PSUs have adopted the policy to optimize the manpower, increase the productivity, control the cost of production, minimize the price with quality of production. Industrial Organization has also adopted the same objectives to become a successful competition in the world of steel market.

The I.T. networking system has been effectively adopted in Industrial Organization couple of years to bring comprehensive change in the attitude, behaviour and performance of the employees and to bring dynamic change in the system of management.

The process of steel production is comprises with near about 55 different department and many more non-production departments. Being the versatile and quite different of departmental procedure it was very difficult for the management to bring better co-ordination amongst all these departments and to satisfy each and every customers (departments).

Since the I.T. networking system has been introduced in Industrial Organization it is very effectively working in Industrial Organization in a very systematic way by helping to the individual departments and providing require information immediately in the network.

Being such a large set up it is natural that the co-ordination amongst all the wings of I.T. is not so perfect yet.

This system has saved lot of time and money and it is also reduced the chances of repetition of items. In this regard it can be said that all most all the departments are highly benefited with the system has it has brought broad and better understanding amongst all departments and also minimize administrative barriers in day to day function.

This study has revealed that the system is working very effectively yet, there is need to improve the efficiency of the I.T. people and there is need to keep close watch and maintenance of the software and hardware systems.

In the even changing environment of Industrial Organization, there is constant need to bring structural change and re-engineering of the existing I.T. system. There is also need of continual updation of require information in the networks to avoid any error in the system provided to the customer.

Finally, this survey concluded with the most positive perceptions of the I.T. customers as they have realized that with the help of I.T. network Industrial Organization have achieved most of the objectives which were planned has organizational vision. At present the production of Industrial Organization is very high, the productivity of the employees is also very high.

The overall performance is excellent as it has succeeded to become one of the strong steel competition in the world market. This could be possible with the help of I.T. network nd with highest satisfaction level of the customers.


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