अनबसर के पिंडी में दशावतार पट्टी भगबान की  पूजा

भगवान के अनबसर के 15 वें दिन के दौरान दारुब्रह्मा को पटब्रह्म के रूप में पूजा जाता है। बड़ा ठाकुर बलभद्रजी की बाड़ में  एक पट्टी भगबान के रूप में है 1- श्री वासुदेव, 2- चलन्ति प्रतिमा पांडु नृसिंह, 3- चलन्ति प्रतिमा श्री बलराम, 4- चलन्ति प्रतिमा कृष्ण, देवी सुभद्रा की बाड़ पर, 5- देवी भुवनेश्वरी की पट्टी के रूप में, 6- चलन्ति प्रतिमा भूदेवी, 7- चलन्ति प्रतिमा श्रीदेवी, 8- श्रीनारायण पट्टी भगबान के रूप में, 9- चलन्ति प्रतिमा श्रीमदनमोहन, 10- चलन्ति प्रतिमा दोलगोविंद, इस प्रकार, 10 देवताओं को दस अवतारों के रूप में पूजा जाता है। भगवान को दिए गए सभी निति, सिद्धांत और श्री महाप्रसाद का प्रसाद और नैबेद्य इस अमावस्या के 15 दिनों के लिए इस दशावतार की देवी देबताओं केलिए  किआ जाता है |

महाप्रभु जी के अनबसर निति

देवस्नान पूर्णिमा के अगले दिन से लेकर नेत्रोत्सव तक, जगन्नाथ, बलभद्र और सुभद्रा जगन्नाथ मंदिर में भक्तों को दर्शन नहीं देते हैं क्योंकि वे बुखार से पीड़ित हैं और उपचार लेते हैं। इस अवधि को अनबसर या अनसर कहा जाता है।  देवस्नान की पूर्णिमा के दिन जगन्नाथ, बलभद्र और सुभद्रा की मूर्तियों को देवस्नान मंडप में 108 सुरैया जल से स्नान कराया जाता है। तीर्थयात्रियों को बताया जाता है कि लगातार 21 दिनों तक नरेंद्र तालाब में चाप खेलने के बाद, श्री श्री जिउ को बुखार हो जाता है क्योंकि वे 108 सुरैया पानी में स्नान करते हैं बुखार के बाद, दइतापति सेवक और अन्य सेवक ठाकुरों को श्री जिउ के इलाज के लिए अनबसर घर (जगन्नाथ मंदिर के जगमोहन में चंदन अर्गली के पास एक जगह) ले जाते हैं। इस दौरान भगवान के शरीर पर चुआ, कर्पुर, कस्तूरी और चंदन लेपन किया जाता है और पारंपरिक उपचार किए जाते हैं। अनसर के घर में दइता सेवक यानी विश्वावसु के वंशज ही सेवा करते हैं। वर्ष के बारह महीनों में से, ब्राह्मणों की सेवा 11 महीने की होती है और दइता की सेवा एक महीने की होती है। यह आषाढ़ कृष्ण प्रतिपदा से नीलाद्री बिजे तक चौदह दिनों तक किया जाता है।

अनसर के दौरान गर्भगृह में दारू की मूर्तियों के स्थान पर पटी -देवताओं की पूजा की जाती है।  वासुदेव को बड़ ठाकुर, यज्ञसेनी या भुवनेश्वरी के पटी देबी के रूप में देवी सुभद्रा और नारायण को जगन्नाथ के पटी देबता के रूप में पूजा जाएगा।

हालांकि, पट चित्र उसी आकार के नहीं हैं जैसे दारू देवता रत्नों के सिंहासन पर पूजा करते हैं। पट चित्र में मानो लकड़ी से बने किसी सुंदर आसन पर बैठे हुए सभी देवता पद्मासन पर चार हाथ और दो पैर विराजमान हैं। बलभद्र के कलेबर को सफेद रंग से रंगा गया है। उनके  चारों ओर, वह शंख, चक्र, गदा और हल रखते  हैं । हरिद्रा वर्ण सुभद्रा दोनों ऊपरी हाथों में कमल धारण करती हैं और निचला हाथ वरद मुद्रा में होता है। काले रंग में रंगे जगन्नाथ अपने चारों हाथों में शंख, चक्र, गदा और कमल धारण किए हुए हैं। सभी देवताओं की पृष्ठभूमि गहरे लाल रंग की है।

कुछ चित्रकारों को उनके वंश में कुछ चित्रकारों द्वारा परिश्रमपूर्वक गढ़ा गया है। वे पेंटिंग करते समय शाकाहारी भोजन करते हैं। महिलाओं को काम करने वाले कमरे में प्रवेश करने से मना किया जाता है। चित्र के लिए जहां सफेद शंख  तैयार किया जाता है, वहीं पोलांग दीपक का काला रंग काले, हिंगुल से लाल, हरिताल से पीला और खंड निला से नीला रंग बनाया जाता है। पूर्णिमा को स्नान के दिन एक गहरी रात में, वैद बाजना के साथ चित्रकार अनसर  पट्टियों को मंदिर में लाते हैं। आषाढ़ प्रतिपदा से अमावस्या तक, भोग को इस पट्टी देवता के सामने बढ़ाया जाता है। अनसर के घर में, ठाकुरों को पान और चक्ता भोग दिया जाता है, जबकि पटी भगबान  को अन्न  भोग दिया जाता है। गर्भगृह से सटे दक्षिणी घर से सेवक सात चलंती मूर्तियां लाते हैं और उन्हें अनसर घर के बाहर खड़ी चारपाई पर रख देते हैं। बलभद्र के निवास के पास राम, कृष्ण और नरसिंह की मूर्तियां, सुभद्रा के पास श्रीदेवी और भूदेवी की मूर्तियां और श्री जगन्नाथ के सामने मदनमोहन और दोलगोबिन्द की मूर्तियां हैं। इस दौरान जगन्नाथ के स्थान पर भक्त विष्णु के रूप में ब्रह्मगिरि के अलारनाथ को देखते हैं।

अनसर  निति

कराल कर्म: आषाढ़ कृष्ण प्रतिपदा से चतुर्थी : बिग्रह की मरम्मत के साथ ही ठाकुरों के अंगों के वस्त्र निकल जाते हैं। श्रीअंग से जुड़ी कस्तूरी, झुना, चुआ और चंदन का लेप अलग हो जाता है। जिन सामग्रियों को अलग किया जाता है उन्हें “कराल” कहा जाता है।

श्रीअंग ओलगि: स्नान मंडप में स्नान करने से अनसर के घर में गीला कपड़ा ओलगि किया जाता है। इसे श्रीअंग ओलगि कहा जाता है। इस दौरान दारू रूप को कराल रूप में बनाया जाता है। श्रीअंग ओलगि और कराल श्रीअंग की सुरक्षा के लिए एक निवारक उपाय हैं।

फुलारी तेल: आषाढ़ कृष्ण पंचमी से सप्तमी: बड़ा ओडिया मठ इस सेवा के लिए आवश्यक सामग्री (कपूर, चुआ, पारख, पिंगल और राशि तेल) प्रदान करते हैं। पिछले साल हेरा पंचमी के बाद से यह जमीन के नीचे दबा हुआ है।

पइता लागि : अनसर में कुछ विशेष सिद्धांतों में, पाट कपड़ा को छेदा जाता है और विग्रहों के शरीर से बांधा जाता है। इसमें चंदन लगाया जाता है। इसे पइता कहा जाता है। बिग्रह पर जो लेप दिया जाता है वह इस पइता के बाद मजबूत होता है।

फुलूरी लागि: पइता लागि के बाद फुलुरी का तेल लगाया जाता है। इसे श्री तेलभी कहा जाता है। ओडिया मठ बिधि  मुताबिक के अनुसार तैयार किया गया | यह तेल अनसर के सातवें दिन लगाया जाता है। इस तेल को बिग्रह पर रगड़ा जाता है।

श्रीकापद महोत्सव या पाट बंधन: आषाढ़ कृष्ण अष्टमी: इस दिन श्री जिउ को वस्त्र बांधे जाते हैं। छलनी को रगड़ने के बाद, दूध, अरुआ चावल पकाया जाता है और पटसूत्र से बांधा जाता है। इसे श्रीकापदकहा जाता है क्योंकि यह पत्रसूत्र श्रीअंग से जुड़ा हुआ है।

मसृण लेपन: आषाढ़ कृष्ण नवमी: श्रीकापद बांधने के बाद, सर्वंग पर एक लेप दिया जाता है। श्री जिउ पर चंदन, कर्पूर, राशि का तेल और झुण| आदि की परत चढ़ी जाती है।

चक्र बिजे: आषाढ़ कृष्ण दशमी: तीन मुगुनी पत्थरों के पहियों को अनसर पिंडी में रखा जाता है और एक पहिये पर विग्रह पर विजय प्राप्त की जाती है। पारंपरिक अनुष्ठानों के अनुसार, दशमी तिथि पर, श्रीविग्रहों को उपचार के लिए राजबैद्य द्वारा तैयार दासमूल मोदक का सेवन करने की अनुमति दी जाती है। बेलछेली, गंभीरी, फनफाना, अगवथु, कृष्णपर्णी, शालपर्णी, अंक्रांति, पटेली और लांबी कोली की जड़ों से दशमूल मोदक तैयार किया जाता है। पति महापात्र सेवकों द्वारा तैयार किए गए दशमूल मोदक का भोग लेने के बाद, अनसर घर में सो रहे जिउ उठते हैं और चक्र पर विजय प्राप्त करते हैं। तीन पत्थर के चक्र पर, श्री जिउ को कस्तूरी, कुंकुम आदि के साथ बिजे  रखा जाता है और लेपित किया जाता है। इन चक्र में से एक में श्री जगन्नाथ और सुदर्शन शामिल हैं, और दूसरी में, श्री बलभद्र और देबी सुभद्रा।

चंदन लागी: आषाढ़ कृष्ण एकादशी: श्री जिउ पर चंदन, कपूर, चुआ, कस्तूरी और कुंकुम आदि का लेप किया जाता है। चूंकि ठाकुर ठीक हो गए हैं, तुलसी भोग पर पड़ती है, एकादशी से अनसर घर में ठाकुरों की पूजा के दौरान घंटी बजती है।

खडी लागी: उस रात बिग्रह को खडी से लेपित किया जाता है।

ओशुआ लागी और राज प्रसाद बिजे: आषाढ़ कृष्ण द्वादशी: भगवान के शरीर पर जो दवा लगाई जाती है, उसे विशेष तरीके से तैयार किया जाता है। इसे झाड़ू, कपूर, कस्तूरी और कुछ सुगंधित वस्तुओं को राशि के तेल में डालकर पकाया जाता है। श्री अंग से गिरने वाली दवाएं, कराल, चंदन और पटदूर एक चांदी की प्लेट पर एकत्र की जाती हैं। इसे निर्माल्य कहा जाता है। दैतापति और पतिमोहापात्रा के सेवक श्रीनहर जाते हैं और जगन्नाथ के ठीक होने की सूचना देते हैं।

खडी प्रसाद, अनसर त्रयोदशी: आषाढ़ कृष्ण त्रयोदशी: श्रीजिउ की घंटियों का उपयोग घी और पट दोरी खादी प्रसाद और खली प्रसाद के लिए किया जाता है। खलि प्रसाद गेहूं के चूर्ण को पीसकर तैयार किया जाता है और शंख से निकलने वाली राख को खडी प्रसाद के नाम से जाना जाता है।

बनक लगी: आषाढ़ कृष्ण चतुर्दशी: दत्त महापात्र सेवक गहरे रंग की हेंगगुला, शुद्ध शंख, आंवला, तांबा, काजल, कुंकुम, हरिताल, फूल खडी को गूंथकर राशि का तेल मिलाकर रंग बनाते हैं। बनक  लागि में श्री  जिउ के  रूप  का काम किया  जाता  है |

चक्र असरप: नए कपड़ा और कपास में मशीनों के रूप में तैयार एक नरम पहिया जैसा गोलाकार आसन और शास्त्रीय अनुष्ठानों में और सबर तंत्र परंपरा में सुधार विग्रह से जुड़ा हुआ है। इसे चक्र असरप सिद्धांत कहा जाता है। अनसर का आज आखिरी दिन है।

नब  जौबन दर्शन : आषाढ़ अमावस्या (उभा अमावस्या): इस दिन, नए चित्रित ठाकुरों को सर्बसाधरण के दर्शन के लिए लाया जाता है।

श्री जगन्नाथ का अनसर दो प्रकार से मनाया जाता है:-

1. साधारण अनसर ।

2. महा  अनसर ।

  1. साधारण अनसर, यह हर साल गुंडिचा से 15 दिन पहले मनाया जाता है।
  2. महा  अनसर, अनसर हर साल गुंडिचा से 15 दिन पहले मनाया जाता है। हालांकि, महा  अनसर हर नबकलेबर से पहले 45 दिनों के लिए मनाया जाता है।


देवस्नान पूर्णिमा के बाद श्रीजिउ का गजानन भेष होता है। कहा जाता है कि फूलों के आभूषणों से ढके अत्यधिक स्नान के कारण श्रीजिउ बीमार पड़ जाते हैं और अनबसर के घर में निवास करते हैं। नवकलेवर से पहले, इस अनुष्ठान को महा अनसर के नाम से जाना जाता है

महा अनसर दो भागों में बंटा हुआ है।   1- सबसे पहले कैवल्य वैकुंठ में वैदिक अनुष्ठानों के अनुसार यज्ञ चल रहा है, जबकि सप्त मंडप में भगवान के नए विग्रह और माधव के विग्रह का निर्माण भी समान रूप से चल रहा है। यह अनसर लीला ब्रह्मा के परिवर्तन तक चलती रहती है।

2. दूसरी अनसर लीला मंदिर के गर्भगृह के अनसर पिंडी में चलती है। यह प्रतिपदा के दूसरे आषाढ़ महीने से शुरू होता है। इस दिन से नए विग्रह की सप्तवरण नीति शुरू होती है। केवल दैतापति, पति महापात्र और दत्ता महापात्र ही इस नीति से जुड़े हैं। यह एक पूर्ण रहस्य है।  महा अनसर काल के दौरान कुछ विशेष सिद्धांतों का पालन किया जाता है।

महा अनसर के दौरान, राघव दास मठ सर्वांगपंक्ति भोग प्रदान करता है। इस दौरान मंदिर में पटी  भगबान की पूजा की जाती है।

महा अनसर काल निर्माण मंडप में नरसिंह के मंत्र के साथ दिव्य दारू की पूजा की जाती है। इस दौरान खड़ी  लागि और बनक लागि की नीति पूरी होती है। इस दौरान बिग्रह का परिवर्तन होता है।

महा अनसर पिंडी या गृह:

नब कलेबर में भगवान की स्नान नीति के बाद, बांस की ताती के साथ रत्नवेदी के सामने बनाए गए अस्थायी घर को महा अनसर गृह या निरोधन गृह कहा जाता है। घर में परिबेस्तीत जाने वाली ताती को अनसर ताती कहा जाता है। अनसर की सभा में की जाने वाली नीति को अनसर नीति कहा जाता है। गुप्त नीति के लिए अनसर के घर में प्रवेश के लिए एक छोटा सा द्वार है, इसे धुकुड़ी द्वारा कहा जाता है।  इस दरवाजे के माध्यम से, दईता और पति महापात्र सेबक गुप्त नीति के लिए अनसर गृह में प्रवेश करते हैं।

(सभी तथ्य एकत्र किए गए)

The significance of Pankodhar Ekadashi (Ekadashi of Pankodhar ) and MahaShivRatri

To day is auspicious day of Jagar, which is known as Maha Shiv Ratri. It is an auspicious day for all worshippers of Sanatan religion people and it is being observed since the day of evolution. People stay awake through out nights and observed fasting through out nights. At Puri of Odisha of India Lord Loknath temple is famous and in older times it was situated within forests and in modern times the place in and around Shri Loknath temple is now full of houses and the erstwhile jungle has not been there.


Now there are entire locality in and around all of these areas and today entire area will be full of lights and entire night will be full of lights and people will be plucking into Shri Loknath Temple in huge numbers. Entire areas will be full of people and the entire area will be full of shops and entire areas will be full of different shops and many handcrafts and many rare essentials utilities can only be found during MahaShivratri times. Entire areas is full of shops and entire passage leading to Shree Loknath Temple is full of many rare shops which only appear during this festive times.

First of all it is wise idea to go to Shree Loknath Temple not to go with childen as the entire area is full of people and there can be at some places large number of people and children can be lost in such huge place and it is wise idea to go persons not child so that you can go there at ease without any signs of worries. The shops will be on both sides leading to Shree Loknath Temple and while going to temple you can buy from these shops.

At Puri town there will be gatherings at different places nearby Shree Loknath temple there will be places where groups will be there from different Jaga and akhadas in and around Puri and their members will be there all the night and they will be there all the night and all these members of different akhadas will be staying at their groups at designated locations and while moving to Shree Loknath Temple you can watch these gatherings and will come to know about different cultures and different cultures and traditions that has been there for centuries and people from outside of Puri town can watch and observe continuos emergence of traditions that has been there for centuries.

Some historical facts:

During Mughal times the invaders tried to attack Shree Jagannath temple and during those times, the brahmin servitors of Shree Jagannath Temple used to stay in groups and jaga and akhadas where poeple used to train with different warring styles and they face the furies of those invaders during middle ages and thwarted their attack and they are trained in classical warrior styles and most of these are akin to Puri town brahmin servitor styles and they able to save Sanatan Dharma and idols of Shree Jagannath temple and wiped out middle age aggressors and wiped them out from in and around Puri town.

Now we will come back to present time where we could see the presence of those jaga and akhadas and most of time people from these areas such as those sahi or sectors people are part of it and now they will have the place in and around Shree Loknath Temple, and people while moving can see the presence of such historical Jaga and Akhadas and people can watch all of these during these times and people can see how people from various Jaga and Akhadas has been observing fasts in and around these areas.

In between they can purchase various handcrafts and other local utilities and enjoy the yours presence in and around these areas but one should be care ful about yours wallets as there can be pick pockets in and around these areas.

The significance of ekadashi of Pankodhar

The significance of ekadashi of Pankodhar this day is very popular because on this day there is a direct view of the linga of Baba Shri Lokanath, who is seated in the supreme holy Martyabaikuntha shrine. Throughout the year, the divine linga of baba is watered. According to some, the fountain of Parvati Sagar in the temple bed of Shri Loknath immerses the linga in the sanctum sanctorum.

According to another view, water is released from The Shrilinga of Baba Lokanath and makes the whole gambhira full of water. Throughout the year, the bel leaves, flowers, milk etc. requested by the devotees become complete sediments in the sanctum sanctorum. Once a year before Shivaratri, the sediments in the sanctum sanctorum are rescued with the help of the servitors.
The role of Baba Lokanath is very important in The Culture of Shri Jagannath. The silver-winning idol of Lord Shri Loknath as the treasure keeper of Lord Jagannath is seated in the Temple. Sri lokanatha is the awakened deity and surely fulfills wishes of the devotees.

Panchamahadev is popularly known as Panchapandavas in Sri Jagannath culture. Among them Sri Sri Lokanath is Bhima. The faith of the people towards Shri Lokanath has remained intact forever.

(Panchu Mahadev, who performs the Chandan Yatra in Narendra Pushkarini
And the name of the Five Pandavas:-

Shri Yambeshwar/Yameshwar (Yudhishthira)
Shri Loknath (Bhim)
Shri Markandeshwar (Arjuna)
Shri Kapalmochan (Nakul)
Sri Neelkantheshwara (Sahadeva)

Things You Should Know About Demolition Near Jagannath Temple

Finally in an area nearby Puri Jagannath Temple is cleared slowly. It is a job that is long pending. With due course of time in the last 60 years more and more land in and around grand road is occupied by vested interest groups. They continue to work for their business grow by not watching that it is slowly disturbing the eco friendly environment of temples as well as from the security point of view building so closer in and around areas of temple is not desirable. In the latest bold move government of the day is beginning to remove such encroached areas so as to provide one of most secure place nearer to temple.

Languli math

Famous maths of older times such as Emar Math, Languli math and other encroached structures are being uprooted and in that place wider roads is to be constructed so as to provide one of the most beautiful place in and around temple areas. There are many dangerous structures in and around temple areas due to oldness of these and that provide huge danger to devotees who flock in large numbers during car festival and suna vesa.

We need to find the appropriate solutions for it

The encroached area was so much so that evening walking all through in these areas is most difficult due to narrowness of walking space. As per new reports there are some underground cells inside Emar math and that provides another surprise element for people and hope for surprises to come from these older maths but one need to come to terms in the modern times as with due course of time the security point of view as well as the number of people who reached in this ancient townships provides more and more room for people as well as in the modern security situations we need to find the appropriate solutions for it.

Puri Jagannath Temple needs to secured and provide one of most potentially secure environment of ours life time

The arising question is that how come such encroachment was allowed to be done and who allowed this so that it becomes one of most difficult security situations so that all of these needs to be removed in order to provide a revamped security environments. It is high time to find out who approved such encroachments of public especially in and around areas of such huge religious place such as Puri Jagannath Temple needs to secured and provide one of most potentially secure environment of ours life time.

Of course those business persons who had been enjoying this prime place illegally are very sad but more or so people of Puri town are very happier in this. Most of people feel the real nabakallebar is coming now as people do hope for more and more modernization. The encroachment in and around areas nearer to Red cross road where most of these areas are covered by Senapati Store or Laxmi Nrusingha stores or some other stores and this is the main road leading to Puri Railway station and that means all of these encroachments needs to be removed so that people from all over India reach there from railway station needs tio reach to grand road easier without any difficulties.


Similar is the case with VIP road where we see the most of these roads are encroached by various people and even riding a manual bicycle, is very difficult and most of the people are preoccupied with disturbing traffic rules and thanks due to this new implementation of new traffic fins will provide good results within some days or within some months.

An Essential Guide to Puri’s Jagannath Temple

The temple of Jagannatha is known as Puri Temple. It is situated at Puri. Puri is the coastal town of Odisha. Odisha is an eastern state of India. There are many small temples around the main temple premises. There was an age-old banyan tree inside the main temple premises. It is there since time unknown. Root of this tree could not be located. It is believed by devotees, its root located inside soils of Puri town.

At the foot of this tree, there is Ganesha Temple. Lord Ganesha consists of an elephant head and body of humanity. It is believed, by getting blessings from, Lord destroys all obstacles. Vehicle of Lord Ganesa is known as mouse. It is installed in front of his temple. Devotees reaching there would touch mouse installed in front of Deity give hair like thorny projections.

From Ganesa temple we would move towards Goddess Vimala temple, and on the side of it we would get the view of large upfront stage made of cement, and being seated by Brahmins.

Holy of holies:

It is known as Mukitmandapa. Muktimandapa in English is known as “place for absolute attendance to heaven”. There many so called scholars would be sitting there and most times on controversial issues where opinions are sought after, though in modern times, it is the court of justice which matters the most at decisions on controversial issues.

On important controversial issues, opinions from so called scholars from Muktimandap and from Nijog (associations of inner Brahmin servitors of Lord Jagannath) are sought. The Vimala temple is one of the most prominent and important place of Sakti worship of India. Sakti worships relates with Goddess of Hindu beliefs. From there, we would like to visit Laksmi temple. Lakshmi is wife of Lord Jagannath. Lakshmi temple is situated at the right side of the main temple.

From Laksmi temple, we would be moving towards the north-facing entrance of the main temple.

North-facing entrance to the main temple is known as Nata Mandira. Nata Mandir in English is known as dance temple. Prior to this there was a temple known as Suryanarayan temple.

One would see deformed image placed behind presiding deity. It is believed that in the sanctum sanatorium, the deformed image belongs to Sun-God worshipped at the main temple of Konarka. It was perceived to be removed before dilapidated conditions of the Sun temple become.

After entering into Nata Mandir, we would be reaching nearer to a strong ten meters height pillar and upon which an image of Garuda is found. Garuda is the mount of Visnu. Lord Jagannatha is Visnu. That is why his mount Garuda was there in front of the main temple. Image of Garuda was there above monolithic pillar.

For centuries, devotees would touch both of their hands in the middle of this monolithic pillar. Due to this, middle portion of this monolithic pillar becomes thin. Entire Nata Mandir is a large spacious hall and on every side we could see many paintings are there.

Most of these paintings relate with most popular and didactic stories of the Hindu Puranic works related to holy works of Visnu and Krisna. Vishnu and Krisna are Lords of Hindu believers. At the end of Nata Mandir begins the porch. Porch is the main entrance to where Lord stays inside the big temple. There were almost similar cravings nearer to the door made with stones which are mostly synonymous with stone works made in Konarka temple.

The porch is locally called as Mukhashala. Here, we move towards sanctum sanatorium. It is the innermost chamber of Lords of Trinity where Lord Jagannath along with his brother and sister stays there. It is holy of holies. Most of religious rites of Lords are performed by specific inner Brahmin servitor of Lord such as Bhandar Mekap, Pujapanda Samanta and so on.

Most of these times, devotees are not permitted to reach nearer to Lord and they had to stay on the porch and watch these particular religious rites being performed from there. At the other time, most devotees are allowed to reach near holy of holies and allowed to take a circle back to Lord of Trinity.

There is a narrow passage behind Ratnavedi on which deities are seated. Ratanvedi is known as Sanctum sanctorum. On Ratnavedi, three deities are seated. In front on the right side of Lord Jagannath and on the left hand side Lord Balabhadra and in the middle Goddess Subhadra are seated. Lord Ballabhadra is the elder brother of Lord Jagannath. Goddess Subhadra is sister of Lord Jagannath and Lord Ballabhadra.

Finally, after moving out of the porch and then from Nata Manidr, we would be reaching out to Ananda Bazar. At the north-eastern corner of the temple, there situated Snana vedi (bathing place of sanctum sanctorum). It is situated as such between the outer wall and inner wall of the temple.

Devotees outside the temple would see the proceedings of bathing festival during summer time. During this time, all three Lords would come out from the main Sanctum sanctorum for inner Brahmin servitor and then holy waters would be poured on them to save the Lords from the scorching summer heat.

One further worthy mentions place inside the temple of Lord Jagannath is known as Koili Vaikuntha. It is located at the outer and inner compound wall of the northwestern corner. When Navakallevera ceremony takes place, old images of the Lord are buried here. Navakelabara is the new incarnation of Lord where new images of the Lord are fashioned with new log woods.

It is believed during Dwapara Age, when Lord Krisna was killed by Jara Savara, later on Lord Krisna was cremated at Koili Vaikuntha.  Lord Jagannath temple of Puri is holy of holiest place. 

Further Reading:

Puri prepares for Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra 2011

RathYatra or car festival is coming. For this the main reason of water reserve in and around main hospital square needs to be well taken care of other wise there can be difficulties if during Rath pulling rain comes then entire area becomes submerged with water and here I am talking about the presence of huge water in and around Hospital Square. This time state government has devised a plan for this and the main subject is to go with two policy directions. Let us discuss this.

The first policy is to make drains in and around the areas of Main hospital to be undergrounded. All of these works already started and they are going on at a very rapid place and for sure all underground drains to be done and if rain water comes at any point of time then these can be disappear within some seconds without any difficulties. Even drains of nearby house holds also connected to underground drains and all of these drain waters will go to outside of Puri town so that there will not be any water deposit in and around these areas.

Then the second instructions to vendours who are at business in and around areas that is nearer to the grand road where three chariots will move are instructed strictly that, they should avoid using polythenes as these are banned and also should not drop polythenes into drains as these can block drain completely and then water comes out of drain and that makes entire route full of water.

The main reason for complete water drain is that many people who migrated to Puri tends to take Gutka which comes in smaller sachets. People instantly ate it and then drop those on the soils and those smaller and emptier sachets becomes lighter as they ate contents of it and then with the flow of air those comes closer to drains and then drops it as many migrants take gutka, and many such sachets tend to fall on the soil and then with air they tend to move out from there and rests nearer to drain and ultimately stops water from passing one direction to that of the other and then water unable to drain out comes out from there and then to grand road and this is the most valid reason of water comes out of drains.

As most of these gutka are sold by small pan shop so it will be very difficult to contain them as habitual users will find ways to search for these and they can go miles to purchase it and even if suppose these are not available at the grand road, but still users can go to next streets shops to find it and that is difficult to contain for sure. So, for this it is necessary for public to be alerted and if they see such actions by any of these people then they should advise them to drop these sachets inside designated dustbins that are there in between some places of grand roads.

These are the problems and most of are some invisible ones as even administration could not do anything as people have to be alerted upon always and should see that such people who ate gutka must ensure that the sachets should be dropped in designated dustbins that are posted in between grand roads from distance to distance in order to ensure that there will not be any such water obstruction during car festival.

This article first written on the year July 2011 and then updated on July 2019 and now completely rewritten on 20th August 2022.

Nijog Meetings

It was an evening that to be remembered for many days. After my sister’s marriage, I went to her in-laws home and stayed for a few hours. It was one of the most exciting and anticipating stay of my life there. It was planned suddenly as I reached home for some urgent work. It was the annual meeting and Daddy telephoned to me. I reached two hours before the scheduled meeting and then at seven in the evening, both I and daddy went to the temple to attend Nijog. At the first instance, there is the doubt on location of the place and for this we reached near the log house and they asked few persons about the location of Nijog. In the mean time daddy telephoned one of prominent workers of Nijog and he told that it was at the southern gate where there are two horses and opposite to Gaurang temple Nijog is situated. We reached temple and then the location of Gaurang temple is known to daddy and there is nothing worry about it and then the location of Nijog needs to be searched for and it should be at the opposite side of Gaurang temple, and it has been found and it is at that place and then we seat at the nearby steps there to wait for other members to reach there so that the entire proceedings of meeting will soon start.

Prior to this, we have deposited our shoes at the shoe stand as no shoes are allowed inside temples.We received tickets and then keep it in a safe place inside pocket and then went into the temple for Nijog meeting. Daddy glanced at some other place and able to realize some additional members are reaching there, and beat at the ground there and in seeing this both me and daddy climbed down the stairs to reach them. There was a complete silence after seeing us as we are new members of this community as daddy had to be in service for more than 39 years and completely detached from the community. Due to work he has to stay away from the community and for this he is trying his best to be included in it and after almost one year of the process finally he would be included in the community and so is me his son. It was one of the most anticipated moments for both me and my father to be included to worship Lord juggernaut.

We reached at the first floor there and all the members reached their one after another within a few minutes the small yet good located Nijog meeting hall would be filled with countless people and meeting started and at the start of the meeting. In the meeting secretary and treasurers are there and annual expenditures were discussed in detail there and questions and cross questions have been put together towards each other within few times and at one point of time the secretary accuses treasure of looting some huge money and thus started the acrimonious decisions making.Then, after few minutes of discussion now it is time for the applicants and it is to be discussed and finalized at the meeting aboutallow of pali of Lord Juggernaut and Big Lord and their sister and Big temple in this beach town of eastern coastal district. It is a win for us and this gives the real impetus for daddy and me to reach the present situation. It is like a dream come to be truthfulness after a prolonged one year of continuous perseverance and other forms of trying hard able to reach to conclusion and finally after the car festival is over one day, the sadhi bandana, vowing for seven of Lord is to be started soon. It is a fantastic achievement to be included inside society after being stayed outside for long years seems to be one of the most spectacular achievements that is ever been there. It is a dream to come true. Having born in the family of priest of Lord Juggernaut and also with due course of time with the advent of reading and other forms of situation one has to find the real peace at the hands of Lord Juggernaut, it is one such feeling that one can hardly think of at any point of time.

The secretary of Nijog signed into the document, with two separate pages with daddy’s and mine name is written there, and then it is to be sent to temple office, prior to this all the formalities of clearances from various authorities are being taken and preserved there. It was an admirable anticipated moment with each passing day the significance of life and its related prospects for better future prospects has been in anticipation here. This news has been spread across communities all across the boards and there has been a strong discussion among communities in this matter and happiness spread all over throughout entire communities. This is one of the most revered victory for all of us and with due course of time the matter is very close to the heart and is like reaching for dreams that have been just reached the beginning.

This study will perfect your divine intervention: read or miss out

It was a perfect morning. I waited for this day for quite sometime and for the last few days the weather was better than what it was to be expected during summer times. One thing that keeps me holding and I was in doubt for so many days it is all about conjunctivitis problem which I was feeling of late on one of my eye and that makes me doubtful to attain the pahandi rituals of bathing festival of Lord Jagannath. Puri being the one of the most sacred place of earth for hindus devotees and devotees flock in so many large numbers, here that during the beginning of car festival such as bathing festival which we are talking about currently it is almost difficult for administrator to manage such huge crowds who used to flock into this coastal town in large numbers.

Climate wise generaly the time in and around bathing festival should have been warmer with plenty of precipitations but surprisingly this tie weather is nice enough to sustain the rituals of pahandi which usually being performed by so many priests of Lord by creating one of stronger associations with one another while performing this rituals. One has to move beyond the sanctum sanctorium of main temple of Lord Jagannath and this is the most laborious task that needs to be done with complete precision and Lord has to be carried out by priests out from sanctum sanctorium through twenty twelve steps which is considered as holiest steps and then to the outside where three bigger chariots waiting for Lords to move out and travel all across entire grand road.

Three big chariots of Lord Jagannath and his elder brother and his younger sister to be travelled all along entire straighter routes of grand road through the process of saradha bali which is also known as sands of blessings and then reach to Gundicha temple and stays there for some days before coming back to main temple again. These rituals have been performed since time immemorial and it is considered that the then king of Puri shredded his power of king hood to Lord Jagannath and he also become one of same sort of subject to Him just like other people around his kingdom and this has the by far single most influence in every people dwelling there and this makes them more religious and engaging with Lord and being protected and ruled over by Lord makes them equally powerful and all entirely the mass feelings of religious fervour exists everywhere.

It is also true that nowhere In the world you would find such forms of administration ever and this of and importance of the king of Puri even todays due some of important function and rituals he has to perform during the month long car festival. It is among the most awesome presence of times due to the advent of such festive occasions one can find the presence and maintenance of perfections of religious connotations everywhere in and around Puri. Author is being belonged to inner Brahman sevayat of Lord Jagannath it is always been anticipations as well as important ambition for him to enter into this rituals which are considered as annual even though staying at far away places due to some professional commitments. The problem with the advent of conjunctivitis which not only prevents the author from doing this ritual and attend the ritual of pahandi which is very much liable by the author and one of the most outstanding performance orientations for him.

Conjunctivitis is also one of the most difficult eye disease as there is no short cut ways to heal it out as you have to feel the pain of it as well as you have to stay away from people as it might catch them as well and for this doing such mass rituals with collaborations of so many such fellow priests which with the power of unision comes to the ultimate power of taking lord from sanctum sanctorium toward the sides of Ananda Bazar and on the way of twenty two steps towrards moving out of main temple to the principal entrance which is called as Lion’s gate and then towrds three standing chariots which has been colored with so many of cottons and all these have so many traditions attached with it so as to present the world His ultimate attendance of reaching to outside so as to enable all to have such a glimpse of his outstanding presence all over there. It was ana wesome moment coupled with the presence of such world of ambiences where one could find the presence of such world of divinity out here with difficult time but still one can perform the tasks of phandi with equal ease and smoother flow of trong association and affiities among one another of all such priests who has been presence there and with equal cooridnations doing the at of pahandi with great zeal and much needed anticipations.

That hurts me the most as I was waiting for this time for one year but still at the end of such moments the presence of eye infections hurts me the most and this has make me feeling more stress as definitely reaching out to the rituals phandi feeling me more difficult as I was almost decided not to reach there but something somewhere the interventions of divine presence happens. I was pretty much sure that, s time I could not attend the holy pahandi of Lord Jagannath’s bathing festival this time. Was feeling sadness and always was in the times of stress owing to this and this has made me feeling difficult and also I was not feeling so sure this time. Then, I asked daddy about whether to join the holy phandi rituals this time or not but daddy said that I should refrain from attending this time as there might have been so many fellow priests out there and all has been doing the rituals of pahandi simultaneously and that means that most of these priests standing one by another should be taking Lord towards the grand road through lion’s gate. Daddy advised me not ot attain the pahandi ritual this time and after this I concentrate more on doing my core works such as writing blogging and working with my professional commitments.

On the day of the holy bathing festival of lord Jagannath, in the morning at 4 am, I decided to move along the way for jogging times and this has enabled me to go for jogging instead of attending the rituals of holy bathing festival of the Lord. I reached home at 6 am and while washing my face on the mirror I watched my standard of eye infections towards watching at mirror and find that the form of infections is qualitatively on lower side and it is not so visible out there and this has been the most happiest moment and then I asked daddy whether I should be reaching to temple and daddy after watching condition of my both of mine eyes happily said to me as you wish and this is the permission which I sought to be and now after getting this I am ow ready to go to attend and perform rituals related with bathing festival and in every sense I was still amused to understand how speedily both of mine left eye infection healed completely and this is an awesome moment for me powered by divine intervention to make me feel nice and well hearted.

Puri Rath Yatra 2017

The auspicious occasion and the festive season is back again this year in the east coastal city of Puri with much fervor and enthusiasm. This time of year has seen a massive gathering of floating population from ncom and corner of the world as well as India. When one goes to the realm of the wonderful region of this part of the world, where religious flavors come to mind, while writing about this auspicious occasion, I wonder sometimes what is to be written on this wonderful occasion, where there are many The people of the state have been assembled which includes the bulk of the security professionals to perform their duties.

Just think, sometimes when I was starting to talk about this topic I felt empty of thoughts. I feel dedicated while typing and I am privileged to share these auspicious moments to people and readers across the world because of the inner sevak (paramount) of Lord Jagannath Temple. Heading towards this place in the morning for jogging on sunday I saw many vehicles with lots of people and big part of smiles going towards VIP road which leads to beach where one can see a large number of hotels There there is encroachment on the sea, there is land outside.

At this time in and around the sea-coast around ‘Diga Bamini Khanti’ we can find privileges of new sponsors such as various sponsors are designing and building various models of chariots and temples and which The visual presentation and the sea make for a great site – enjoy the kids and be right there. These constructions have been made at this time with some woods and iron rods. The sad part is that the administration is allowing temporary vendors and the environment in and around these sea beach areas to become filthy and the private cleaners who have been assigned to clean these places do their jobs completely. not doing it right.

For the time being, the cleanliness areas in and around important places of Puri city have been given to private sanitation organisations. These areas are mainly related to the Grand Road and Sagar-beach but sadly the areas around the sea-coast are much more muddy. With allowance for more and more makeshift shops that sold many banned substances, which not surprisingly went unnoticed by law-enforcing organizations. Gradually, the number of such temporary street vendors is increasing and they sell these concoctions and even if smoking is not allowed in public places, people are still buying them and want to smoke and harm the environment. pollutes to a great extent.

During these days of car festivals, always be aware of the pockets of people who are roaming here and around and search for people and then they try to steal their pockets from them. In one such incident, on this Saturday evening also the day before this auspicious occasion of car festival, I used to go towards vegetable market to buy vegetables and on one side suddenly a person came and just hit my left side and then in my pocket. Insert two fingers and then I realized that grabbed him and put him to the side and luckily he couldn’t take his wallet out of his pocket.

In short take utmost care and always keep your money in safe places so that these pocket thieves do not take advantage and take away the hard earned money from you. During these times, most of the temporary shops that cover the entire land area of ​​Grand Road are removed. This time the authorities have done the right thing by announcing that if these shops are not removed by the time limit given by the municipality, then these shops will be removed from them automatically. Unlike the earlier occasions it has helped quite a bit when we have not seen any reason for them due to the presence of large numbers of chaos and the fines given by the municipal corporation.

Due to massive security enhancements and especially this year, as well as favorable government presence at the Centre, more and more trains are reaching Puri and that means more and more people are arriving here. The central government is also sending additional security forces to ensure its security. The top law-enforcing agencies of the state government are also here to secure through the festive occasions. There has been patrolling and installation of forces at various strategic locations to secure the presence of pilgrims across the region.

This day is the new color of Naba Jababan Besa or the three Gods and Goddesses and it happens about 14 days after the festival of bathing. During these periods, ordinary people are not allowed to see the Almighty due to the spread of fever. During this time, it was raining very heavily around this place and these should have put the local administration in complete difficulties to manage such a huge crowd at once. This time, due to some smart actions by the local administration, we notice the presence of a large number of drains and breaking the encroachments at some points, large portions of drains in and around these areas have been constructed and for this water in these slowly moving out of storage areas.

Even if the extent to which most shops are encroaching on VIP market areas and which is awesomely difficult to control the movement in these areas. The areas near Tala Mallai Shahi are very narrow and full of high speed bikers and people have to be killed and for this there should be stoppage of this route through that year so that there is enough pattern of safety for the people. This route connects to the VIP route as well as by standers and passersby and it is important to secure this route to be fully completed.

Large scale close circuit cameras have been installed in and around these areas and thereby reduce the destructive elements to a perfect size thus making law and order security in and around these areas clear. In each and every section of the township, we have seen that a large number of police are standing to keep the whole place safe.

The problem with the city of Puri is that most of the main road areas are largely encroached upon by people and the movement by people in and around these areas is very difficult. The VIP road crossing area after Subhash Bose Square and completely thanks to the new footpath has been built and which is increasing in and around these areas especially tremendous for the purpose of jogging or morning walk .

With all these preparations the beauty of this festival has just begun and make this place more and at the same time always be careful while you are enjoying this festive occasion. Jai Jagannath


The meaning of Sri Jagannath

Centuries of history have all mixed into a gigantic composite culture revolved around Jagannath-the Lord of the Universe. The preliminary references to Lord Jagannath are found in ancient literary works. According to Puranas Jagannath was preliminary worshipped by Shavars tribals of Southern Odisha. With due course of time the cult of Lord Jagannath assimilated and compounded with Aryanised concept of Lord Jagannath, symbolizing unity in diversity. It senses of unity among believers of all sects and classes. Ratha yatra (car festival) are a grand culmination of the festival at the onset of the monsoon months.

Three deities come out of the temple and travel through the magnificent road to reach the temple at the other side of the city. It occurs on the second day of the bright fortnight of the month of Ashadha (Hindu calendar). The three deities come out from Grand temple of Puri in a spectacular procession called Pahandi in local language. Deities are seated in their respective chariots. The most amazing part of this festival begins after that. Along the marvelous road, ten lakhs of people are pulling the chariots. Wooden chariots move slowly until they reach the Gundicha temple and stay there for seven days.

Lord Jagannath principle deals with love for all, hatred for none. God is formless, birth less, deathless, and incomprehensible even to highly cognitive man. In prehistoric time, Purusottam Kshetra (Puri) was also known as Nilagiri (Blue Hill) where Lord Vishnu (Nilamadhab) was worshipped by tribal king Viswavasu. The Jagannath of Puri has attracted saints, sages, poets and philosophers from ages. They come here for peace, solace and spiritual joy. There is no religion higher than truth. The truth is revealed forever that no time wave can wash into the abyss of impingement.

The meaning of Sri Jagannath:

The meaning of Sri Jagannath is Lord of the universe. Some historians believed that Sri Jagannath is Buddha. Puri is ancient than the birth of Buddha. The most ancient literature of the world is the Rig Veda. In this Veda it is recorded that ‘Ado ja daru plabate’ (10/155/3), so this Daru Brahma (Brahma- Supreme Godhead manifested in wooden form) is Sri Jagannath. The meaning of participation is purifier of fallen souls. The flattering flag of Nilachakra of the Srimandir (Grand Temple) is also known as Patitapaban Bana (flag) which is identical with the Lord. By the year 1997, in 62 foreign countries this festival is observed. Alexander Hamilton who visited Puri in 1708 A.D. has furnished a report on the Car Festival. According to him, “Jagarynat’s effigy is carried abroad in procession, mounted on a coach four storied high and people fell flat on the ground to have the honor to be crushed to be pieces by each wheel”.

The world famous Car-Festival of Lord jagannath:

The chariot of Lord Jagannath is known as Nandigosha. It has 16 wheels. The colors of fabrics that cover the roof of the chariots are red and yellow. The chariot of Lord Balabhadra is known as Taladhwaja. It has 14 wheels and the colors of the fabrics are red and green. Subhadra’s chariot Devidalan has 12 wheels. The colors of the fabrics are red and black. On the first day, if any chariot cannot reach the Gundicha Ghar, it is dragged on the next day. Sweeping of Cars by the king before the multitude of devotees standing below is the height of religious humility incomparable and inconceivable. Odisha’s jagannath culture binds every cult under one platform. Sometimes, diversity may create a threat in terms of cultural differentiation among different groups. This cultural uniqueness of Sri Jagannath reduces fundamentalism, communalism and encourages and encourages all pilgrims to visit here and watch the car festival again and again. The modern Odisha comprises the ancient state of Odra, Utkal, Kalinga, Kangoda, South Kosala and tri-kalinga. Jagannath culture is a part and parcel of life for the people in these geographical societies. Historically, in the remote past, Odisha was inhabited by the aboriginal tribes, who had life and culture completely distinct from Aryan way of living. Aryan migrated to Odisha at a later stage. The cult and culture of Lord Jagannath found its origin in the primitive system of the non-Aryan tribe who had established a shrine of Lord jagannath at Puri at a very ancient time. Then the Aryans have taken over this place and introduced their Vedic rites and rituals with all religious practices connected with them. Thus, Sri Jagannath is equally claimed by the aboriginal tribes and the Vedic Hindus to be their original deity.

As stated earlier, Vidyapati, a Brahmin minister of King of Puri (Gajapati of Puri) who was credited with discovery of Nilamadhab (original form of Lord jagannath) married to daughter of Vishwavasu, the chieftain of aboriginal tribes. Descendants of both Vidyapati and Vishwavasu are performing the most important rituals of Lord jagannath, during one month of the car festival. Most likely the word Daita is of Daitya or a person from non-Aryan society and Pati is from Vidyapati, offspring of the Brahmin minister. In the society high cast, Brahmins would not take food touched by low cast people. In front of Sri Jagannath, the great grace (Mahaprasada) is the established practice that so called high cast take the foods from the same plate of the so called low cast people. All people irrespective of their cast and creeds seem to be enjoying the wonderful grace sitting in a row. From the footprints of age less cultural heritage in India and abroad, we find that tribal-original inhabitant of Odisha, Dravidians, Aryans, orthodox Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs and sects of Hinduism have reposed their faith In Lord Jagannath according to their beliefs. The culture of Lord Jagannath stands for religious tolerance, co-existence of all religions, communal harmony and international integration. The gap between men and divine has been bridged in Jagannath culture because Sri Jagannath is a highly humanized deity. Sri Jagannath is a mystery and enigma in Him-self. He is Finite and Infinite, Visible and Invisible, tangible and intangible. Garden House of Sri Jagannath:

Gundicha temple or the Garden House of Sri Jagannath is a Hindu temple situated in Puri town of Odisha. It lies at a distance of about 3 K.M. from the main temple of Sri Jagannath (Srimandira). This place is known as God’s summer retreat. In the garden, there are coconut, Mango, Neem, Bael trees, Tulasi, rose and jasmine flower plants. The Rath Yatra (Car Festival) starts on the second lunar day (Dwitiya), the bright fortnight (Sukla Paksha) of the Hindu month of Asadha. The highest temple of Sri Jagannath and the Garden House of Sri Jagannath is located at two ends of Grand Road (Bada Danda).

In the 16th century, Nanak paid a visit to Odisha. In the evening prayer of Srimandir (Grand Temple) at Puri, he sang. “Your light is as bright and due to your grace I see light and the world will be plunged into darkness if You do not exist”.

Ratha Yatra or the Car Festival, the most important festival of Lord Jagannath, commences on the 10th July and Return Car Festival or ‘Bahuda Jatra’ falls on 18th July this year. Lord Jagannath, Lord of the universe comes out of His sanctum to give darshan (holy blessings) to all devotees belonging to all sects and communities. Reference to the Car Festival is available in various scriptures like those of Hindus, Buddhists and Jains. Th chariots of Lord Jagannath and His brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra are dragged by thousand of devotees in three beautifully decorated chariots from the main gate of the temple to Gundicha Mandir near about three kilometers away. At Gundicha Mandir, the Lord along with His entourage remains for seven days. The Gods performed their Return Journey on the ninth day and this is known as bahuda Jatra. The three chariots, pulled by thousands of devotees, reach back to singhdwar (Lion’s Gate) in the late afternoon of Bahuda day.

The land of Odisha is very peculiar. Many tribal communities from major part of the population. They almost have common mystical belief of worship of Lord Jagannath. Lord jagannath is the God of the masses. Culture of Lord Jagannath has been an elastic culture. His worship, attire, foods, rites and rituals are nothing but a synthesis of diverse cultures and beliefs. The Ratha Yatra is being celebrated at Puri since long. It is indeed very difficult to say since when it exactly started. The festival will be there as long as the Sanatana Dharma exists on the earth.

World famous Car Festival of Lord Jagannath

The Jagannath of Puri has attracted saints, sages, poets and philosophers from ages. They come here for peace, solace and spiritual joy. There is no religion higher than truth. The truth is revealed forever that no time wave can wash into the abyss of impingement.
The meaning of Sri Jagannath:The meaning of Sri Jagannath is Lord of the universe. Some historians believed that Sri Jagannath is Buddha. Puri is ancient than the birth of Buddha. The most ancient literature of the world is the Rig Veda. In this Veda it is recorded that Ado ja daru plabate (10/155/3), so this Daru Brahma (Brahma- Supreme Godhead manifested in wooden form) is Sri Jagannath.

The meaning of participation is purifier of fallen souls. The flattering flag of Nilachakra of the Srimandir (Grand Temple) is also known as Patitapaban Bana (flag) which is identical with the Lord. By the year 1997, in 62 foreign countries this festival is observed. Alexander Hamilton who visited Puri in 1708 A.D. has furnished a report on the Car Festival. According to him, Jagarynats effigy is carried abroad in procession, mounted on a coach four storied high and people fell flat on the ground to have the honor to be crushed to be pieces by each wheel.

The world famous Car-Festival of Lord Jagannath:The chariot of Lord Jagannath is known as Nandigosha. It has 16 wheels. The colors of fabrics that cover the roof of the chariots are red and yellow. The chariot of Lord Balabhadra is known as Taladhwaja. It has 14 wheels and the colors of the fabrics are red and green. Subhadras chariot Devidalan has 12 wheels. The colors of the fabrics are red and black. On the first day, if any chariot cannot reach the Gundicha Ghar, it is dragged on the next day. Sweeping of Cars by the king before the multitude of devotees standing below is the height of religious humility incomparable and inconceivable. Odishas jagannath culture binds every cult under one platform. Sometimes, diversity may create a threat in terms of cultural differentiation among different groups.

This cultural uniqueness of Sri Jagannath reduces fundamentalism, communalism and encourages and encourages all pilgrims to visit here and watch the car festival again and again. The modern Odisha comprises the ancient state of Odra, Utkal, Kalinga, Kangoda, South Kosala and tri-kalinga. Jagannath culture is a part and parcel of life for the people in these geographical societies. Historically, in the remote past, Odisha was inhabited by the aboriginal tribes, who had life and culture completely distinct from Aryan way of living. Aryan migrated to Odisha at a later stage. The cult and culture of Lord Jagannath found its origin in the primitive system of the non-Aryan tribe who had established a shrine of Lord jagannath at Puri at a very ancient time. Then the Aryans have taken over this place and introduced their Vedic rites and rituals with all religious practices connected with them. Thus, Sri Jagannath is equally claimed by the aboriginal tribes and the Vedic Hindus to be their original deity.

As stated earlier, Vidyapati, a Brahmin minister of King of Puri (Gajapati of Puri) who was credited with discovery of Nilamadhab (original form of Lord jagannath) married to daughter of Vishwavasu, the chieftain of aboriginal tribes. Descendants of both Vidyapati and Vishwavasu are performing the most important rituals of Lord jagannath, during one month of the car festival. Most likely the word Daita is of Daitya or a person from non-Aryan society and Pati is from Vidyapati, offspring of the Brahmin minister. In the society high cast, Brahmins would not take food touched by low cast people. In front of Sri Jagannath, the great grace (Mahaprasada) is the established practice that so called high cast take the foods from the same plate of the so called low cast people. All people irrespective of their cast and creeds seem to be enjoying the wonderful grace sitting in a row. From the footprints of age less cultural heritage in India and abroad, we find that tribal-original inhabitant of Odisha, Dravidians, Aryans, orthodox Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs and sects of Hinduism have reposed their faith In Lord Jagannath according to their beliefs. The culture of Lord Jagannath stands for religious tolerance, co-existence of all religions, communal harmony and international integration.

The gap between men and divine has been bridged in Jagannath culture because Sri Jagannath is a highly humanized deity. Sri Jagannath is a mystery and enigma in Him-self. He is Finite and Infinite, Visible and Invisible, tangible and intangible. Garden House of Sri Jagannath:Gundicha temple or the Garden House of Sri Jagannath is a Hindu temple situated in Puri town of Odisha. It lies at a distance of about 3 K.M. from the main temple of Sri Jagannath (Srimandira). This place is known as Gods summer retreat. In the garden, there are coconut, Mango, Neem, Bael trees, Tulasi, rose and jasmine flower plants. The Rath Yatra (Car Festival) starts on the second lunar day (Dwitiya), the bright fortnight (Sukla Paksha) of the Hindu month of Asadha. The highest temple of Sri Jagannath and the Garden House of Sri Jagannath is located at two ends of Grand Road (Bada Danda).
In the 16th century,

Nanak paid a visit to Odisha. In the evening prayer of Srimandir (Grand Temple) at Puri, he sang. Your light is as bright and due to your grace I see light and the world will be plunged into darkness if You do not exist.Ratha Yatra or the Car Festival, the most important festival of Lord Jagannath, commences on the 10th July and Return Car Festival or Bahuda Jatra falls on 18th July this year. Lord Jagannath, Lord of the universe comes out of His sanctum to give darshan (holy blessings) to all devotees belonging to all sects and communities. Reference to the Car Festival is available in various scriptures like those of Hindus, Buddhists and Jains. Th chariots of Lord Jagannath and His brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra are dragged by thousand of devotees in three beautifully decorated chariots from the main gate of the temple to Gundicha Mandir near about three kilometers away.

At Gundicha Mandir, the Lord along with His entourage remains for seven days. The Gods performed their Return Journey on the ninth day and this is known as bahuda Jatra. The three chariots, pulled by thousands of devotees, reach back to singhdwar (Lions Gate) in the late afternoon of Bahuda day.The land of Odisha is very peculiar. Many tribal communities from major part of the population. They almost have common mystical belief of worship of Lord Jagannath. Lord jagannath is the God of the masses. Culture of Lord Jagannath has been an elastic culture. His worship, attire, foods, rites and rituals are nothing but a synthesis of diverse cultures and beliefs. The Ratha Yatra is being celebrated at Puri since long. It is indeed very difficult to say since when it exactly started. The festival will be there as long as the Sanatana Dharma exists on the earth.

Sources and Referrences:


Endeavors ever live. Memories never fade away

The world-famous Car-Festival of Lord Jagannath:Centuries of history have all mixed into a gigantic composite culture revolved around Jagannath-the Lord of the Universe. The preliminary references to Lord Jagannath are found in ancient literary works. According to Puranas Jagannath was preliminary worshipped by Shavars tribals of Southern Odisha. With due course of time the cult of Lord Jagannath assimilated and compounded with Aryanised concept of Lord Jagannath, symbolizing unity in diversity. It senses of unity among believers of all sects and classes.

Ratha yatra (car festival) are a grand culmination of the festival at the onset of the monsoon months. Three deities come out of the temple and travel through the magnificent road to reach the temple at the other side of the city. It occurs on the second day of the bright fortnight of the month of Ashadha (Hindu calendar). The three deities come out from Grand temple of Puri in a spectacular procession called Pahandi in local language. Deities are seated in their respective chariots. The most amazing part of this festival begins after that. Along the marvelous road, ten lakhs of people are pulling the chariots. Wooden chariots move slowly until they reach the Gundicha temple and stay there for seven days.Lord Jagannath principle deals with love for all, hatred for none. God is formless, birth less, deathless, and incomprehensible even to highly cognitive man.

In prehistoric time, Purusottam Kshetra (Puri) was also known as Nilagiri (Blue Hill) where Lord Vishnu (Nilamadhab) was worshipped by tribal king Viswavasu. The Jagannath of Puri has attracted saints, sages, poets and philosophers from ages. They come here for peace, solace and spiritual joy. There is no religion higher than truth. The truth is revealed forever that no time wave can wash into the abyss of impingement.The meaning of Sri Jagannath:The meaning of Sri Jagannath is Lord of the universe. Some historians believed that Sri Jagannath is Buddha. Puri is ancient than the birth of Buddha. The most ancient literature of the world is the Rig Veda. In this Veda it is recorded that Ado ja daru plabate (10/155/3), so this Daru Brahma (Brahma- Supreme Godhead manifested in wooden form) is Sri Jagannath. The meaning of participation is purifier of fallen souls.

The flattering flag of Nilachakra of the Srimandir (Grand Temple) is also known as Patitapaban Bana (flag) which is identical with the Lord. By the year 1997, in 62 foreign countries this festival is observed. Alexander Hamilton who visited Puri in 1708 A.D. has furnished a report on the Car Festival. According to him, Jagarynats effigy is carried abroad in procession, mounted on a coach four storied high and people fell flat on the ground to have the honor to be crushed to be pieces by each wheel.The world famous Car-Festival of Lord Jagannath:The chariot of Lord Jagannath is known as Nandigosha. It has 16 wheels. The colors of fabrics that cover the roof of the chariots are red and yellow. The chariot of Lord Balabhadra is known as Taladhwaja. It has 14 wheels and the colors of the fabrics are red and green.

Subhadras chariot Devidalan has 12 wheels. The colors of the fabrics are red and black. On the first day, if any chariot cannot reach the Gundicha Ghar, it is dragged on the next day. Sweeping of Cars by the king before the multitude of devotees standing below is the height of religious humility incomparable and inconceivable. Odishas jagannath culture binds every cult under one platform. Sometimes, diversity may create a threat in terms of cultural differentiation among different groups. This cultural uniqueness of Sri Jagannath reduces fundamentalism, communalism and encourages and encourages all pilgrims to visit here and watch the car festival again and again. The modern Odisha comprises the ancient state of Odra, Utkal, Kalinga, Kangoda, South Kosala and tri-kalinga. Jagannath culture is a part and parcel of life for the people in these geographical societies.

Historically, in the remote past, Odisha was inhabited by the aboriginal tribes, who had life and culture completely distinct from Aryan way of living. Aryan migrated to Odisha at a later stage. The cult and culture of Lord Jagannath found its origin in the primitive system of the non-Aryan tribe who had established a shrine of Lord jagannath at Puri at a very ancient time. Then the Aryans have taken over this place and introduced their Vedic rites and rituals with all religious practices connected with them. Thus, Sri Jagannath is equally claimed by the aboriginal tribes and the Vedic Hindus to be their original deity.As stated earlier, Vidyapati, a Brahmin minister of King of Puri (Gajapati of Puri) who was credited with discovery of Nilamadhab (original form of Lord jagannath) married to daughter of Vishwavasu, the chieftain of aboriginal tribes. Descendants of both Vidyapati and Vishwavasu are performing the most important rituals of Lord jagannath, during one month of the car festival. Most likely the word Daita is of Daitya or a person from non-Aryan society and Pati is from Vidyapati, offspring of the Brahmin minister.

In the society high cast, Brahmins would not take food touched by low cast people. In front of Sri Jagannath, the great grace (Mahaprasada) is the established practice that so called high cast take the foods from the same plate of the so called low cast people. All people irrespective of their cast and creeds seem to be enjoying the wonderful grace sitting in a row. From the footprints of age less cultural heritage in India and abroad, we find that tribal-original inhabitant of Odisha, Dravidians, Aryans, orthodox Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs and sects of Hinduism have reposed their faith In Lord Jagannath according to their beliefs. The culture of Lord Jagannath stands for religious tolerance, co-existence of all religions, communal harmony and international integration. The gap between men and divine has been bridged in Jagannath culture because Sri Jagannath is a highly humanized deity. Sri Jagannath is a mystery and enigma in Him-self.

He is Finite and Infinite, Visible and Invisible, tangible and intangible. Garden House of Sri Jagannath:Gundicha temple or the Garden House of Sri Jagannath is a Hindu temple situated in Puri town of Odisha. It lies at a distance of about 3 K.M. from the main temple of Sri Jagannath (Srimandira). This place is known as Gods summer retreat. In the garden, there are coconut, Mango, Neem, Bael trees, Tulasi, rose and jasmine flower plants. The Rath Yatra (Car Festival) starts on the second lunar day (Dwitiya), the bright fortnight (Sukla Paksha) of the Hindu month of Asadha. The highest temple of Sri Jagannath and the Garden House of Sri Jagannath is located at two ends of Grand Road (Bada Danda).In the 16th century, Nanak paid a visit to Odisha. In the evening prayer of Srimandir (Grand Temple) at Puri, he sang. Your light is as bright and due to your grace I see light and the world will be plunged into darkness if You do not exist.Ratha Yatra or the Car Festival, the most important festival of Lord Jagannath, commences on the 10th July and Return Car Festival or Bahuda Jatra falls on 18th July this year.

Lord Jagannath, Lord of the universe comes out of His sanctum to give darshan (holy blessings) to all devotees belonging to all sects and communities. Reference to the Car Festival is available in various scriptures like those of Hindus, Buddhists and Jains. Th chariots of Lord Jagannath and His brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra are dragged by thousand of devotees in three beautifully decorated chariots from the main gate of the temple to Gundicha Mandir near about three kilometers away. At Gundicha Mandir, the Lord along with His entourage remains for seven days. The Gods performed their Return Journey on the ninth day and this is known as bahuda Jatra. The three chariots, pulled by thousands of devotees, reach back to singhdwar (Lions Gate) in the late afternoon of Bahuda day.The land of Odisha is very peculiar.

Many tribal communities from major part of the population. They almost have common mystical belief of worship of Lord Jagannath. Lord jagannath is the God of the masses. Culture of Lord Jagannath has been an elastic culture. His worship, attire, foods, rites and rituals are nothing but a synthesis of diverse cultures and beliefs. The Ratha Yatra is being celebrated at Puri since long. It is indeed very difficult to say since when it exactly started. The festival will be there as long as the Sanatana Dharma exists on the earth.The world famous Car-Festival of Lord Jagannath:Centuries of history have all mixed into a gigantic composite culture revolved around Jagannath-the Lord of the Universe. The preliminary references to Lord Jagannath are found in ancient literary works. According to Puranas Jagannath was preliminary worshipped by Shavars tribals of Southern Odisha. With due course of time the cult of Lord Jagannath assimilated and compounded with Aryanised concept of Lord Jagannath, symbolizing unity in diversity. It senses of unity among believers of all sects and classes.

Ratha yatra (car festival) are a grand culmination of the festival at the onset of the monsoon months. Three deities come out of the temple and travel through the magnificent road to reach the temple at the other side of the city. It occurs on the second day of the bright fortnight of the month of Ashadha (Hindu calendar). The three deities come out from Grand temple of Puri in a spectacular procession called Pahandi in local language. Deities are seated in their respective chariots. The most amazing part of this festival begins after that. Along the marvelous road, ten lakhs of people are pulling the chariots. Wooden chariots move slowly until they reach the Gundicha temple and stay there for seven days.Lord Jagannath principle deals with love for all, hatred for none. God is formless, birth less, deathless, and incomprehensible even to highly cognitive man. In prehistoric time, Purusottam Kshetra (Puri) was also known as Nilagiri (Blue Hill) where Lord Vishnu (Nilamadhab) was worshipped by tribal king Viswavasu.

Sevayats of Lord Jagannath Puri

The story of the City of Puri will be incomplete without a paragraph on the Sevayats of Lord Jagannath who are the earliest inhabitants of the place. They are Adi Aryas (ARYANS) migrated to the City after the Completion of the Great Temple to carry on the services of the Lord.

After the temple was complete in all respects, search was on to find out the best Brahmin Pundits from all over India and from Hindu Lands. Now we find about 30000 of them in service of the Lord and they are called Puri Brahmins or Utkali Brahmins and respected by Hindus all over the world as their religious Gurus.

The Sevayats have been regrouped as thirtysix types depending upon the type of worships they perform. The most prominent among them are seven categories of Puri Brahmins which include Mekap, Pratihari, Khuntia, Pujapanda, Mudirastha, Taluchha and Bhitarachha perhaps in that order. All the seven categories are rich people and have the lion`s share of duties of the Sevayats.