Real-Time Management-A Case Study

Plenty of thoughts to ponder upon and I was 8 years old boy seating at the verandah and waiting for daddy to reach home so that I could go with…

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Flaws in Man-Management

As a HR executive mote world different places ku jai meetings attend karibaku hue. Ehipari eka conference re mora speech diajiba ku thila. Sethipain mu with lots of excitement sehi…

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Time without end

The cactus thoughts ideas have included in its inherent cohesion and umpteenth imaginary vision of winning and not losing. To find the soft target and rectify it before the oppositions…

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Why leaders have different approach

Prescience is having foreknowledge of the future. The vital is information and the outside environments which effect on yours group. This information depends upon three parameters information you hear, gather…

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