- Welfare programme National Food Security Act promised
- Twelve million jobs promised each year
- Income Tax Exemption limit raised by 15000 rupees for senior citizens and 10000 rupees for other individual tax-payers
- Fringe Benefit Tax abolished
- Employees’ Stock Option schemes and super-annuation benefits now brought under tax net
- Enactment of National Security Act promised providing 25kgs of rice or wheat per month to poor people at a subsidized rate of Rs3/- per kg
- People Below Poverty Line will get 40% hike in health insurance scheme
- 45% hike in funds for Bharata Nirman
- The Universal Identity Card Plan will become operational within 12-18 months
- Commodities Transaction Tax abolished
- MAT(minimum alternate tax) is hiked to 15% of book profits from 10%
- A nation-wide uniform goods and service tax will come into effect from April next year
- 100^ tax deduction on political donations
- Customs, excise and service tax rates remain unchanged
- Gold, silver and textile products will be costly due to revision in duties.
- LCD TV and branded jewelries will cost less
- Excise duties slashed on large vehicles and trucks
- GDP is targeted at 6.8% as against 6% during 2008-09
- Surcharge on income tax (Rs10 lack or more) abolished
- Nine life-saving drugs made cheaper
- Lawyers brought under service tax net
- Rupees 190 crore budgetary support for civil aviation
- Rs 1000 crore allotted for Aila-hit areas of West Bengal
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