How to Display Competence in Times of Crisis?

The simple way to describe what constituted of a journey is to meet and anticipate with unexpected messes. During the course of journey in whatever land you would be there it is a must that you would expect to land in some alien world and what so ever favourite place it would have been still the absolute conclusion is that it is the alien world and that constitutes that from time to time you would expect all the unexpectedness.

That is why you would always expect to be at your toes and it is expected of you to better anticipate of terms of events so that during the course of the journey you could always be at the safer side but is it that simple to tell as that it is?

There is no guarantee of this turn of events, but it is better always be on the safer side. It is important to equip yourself with adequate money on your wallet and it is better to have money to be kept at different zones so that ultimately even if wallet or money from the other side is lost still you could have money at some other locations.

Even if you are with the family during the course of the journey it is better to have money to be equally distributed all across every family member so that during the course of the journey even if at some juncture any person of the family got separated but still all can come back to the one location without any difficulties.

It is important that every family member should know about the direction to which the transit house or holiday home is located so that even if they are separated during the course of the journey but still all can come across on a single location.

Everyone needs to be taught about which directions they are moving and how to reach the transit house or holiday home so that ultimately there would not be any sort of confusion when one returns to the place in the case of losing from the group.

When one reaches to the land where the language used in those lands are completely different from that of the user in your area and even in those lands the acceptance common mediums is not going to be there aplenty then for sure it is important to make landmarks while moving out from base stations.

Every travel provides the way of plenty of education and from these experiences one could find out and garner the most basic and fundamental aspect to understand what should be the improvement towards making and providing the pleasurable travel experience that should make it the most walkable performance improvement so that at the next time all of these shortfalls should not have been there at all.

During such a journey at one point of time while riding in the metro railway at Bangalore city towards Bengaluru centre which is most times during the time of office hours has been filled with many people.

Most of the times the metro train towards the centre has been filled with many people and when you stop for some time it is almost difficult to get out of the train.

I and my parents ride the Metro from Bengaluru city station and the next station is Bangalore central or Majestic and from there we could move to a different direction.

The train was filled with many people and at the next station, I was unable to get down from the metro as the doors closed and my parents got up at the majestic station but I move to the next station as I could not get down from the metro due to the presence of a huge rush of people.

Daddy and Mummy got surprised and astonished at the turn of events. I have the jio number and they both have Vodafone numbers and even after trying for a time and again they are not being able to contact me.

I got down at the next station and immediately move towards the customer care. I could feel the number of stress parents could be at this state, I slowly move towards customer care and told about it and even if I crossed another station they do not find me and instead provide me with enough assistance to go towards which station with tickets.

In this juncture, I must thank the well, behaved Bangalore and people with their help so that in this crucial juncture I have not been terribly in distress and instead they guide me to move towards which direction so that ultimately, I could reach at Majestic conveniently.

I just surpassed two stations at the cost of price of one station and this means that it is liable for fine but the most moderate customer care, out there, with his benevolent words makes me feel good and also another person guides me to the station to move back towards platform so that I could reach to Bengaluru central station where my parents waiting for me.

Here, I must mention the wonderful help from locals of Bangalore and the course of stress during those 15 minutes had been completely moderated and that makes the entire journey towards majestic station completely wonderful and that makes the movement in those times extremely relaxing.

In the meantime, parents are assured well by guards of those metro stations at Bangalore Central that I would be reaching safely and after I reach there. Daddy thinks the guards there for their extremely well-advised assurance during those stress full times.

Here, the two facets of the conflicting situation are that during these hours of crisis one needs to be extremely patient and should have enough money during the course of the journey so that even if such separation for some moments happens still you would be well assured to return back to where you have left.

The helpful attitude of people in Bengaluru during those times is well mentioned in and the way they help me and my parents during these course of stressful times have been wonderful.

The learning’s from these times of crisis is extremely important, as it provides useful learning that should be useful to learn more about what should be the right kind of mindset during these hours of crisis.

These hours of crisis learnt you about your original talent and the way you manipulate your own ideas that should provide some of the most gigantic ideas and experiences that remains the most clear-cut blueprint even so that it always stays with times without any signs of distress.

Originally published at on October 9, 2018.


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