Beware of the part time job scam from fraudulent Whatsapp and telegram combined calls. It could cost you lakhs

Do you receive message or calls from Whatsapp, for arranging you part time job straight from your home and through mobile itself. If you receive such calls then this article will help you to save you from such international scams  which could cost you lakhs if you fall prey to it. Suddenly one day you receive a message from international number through Whatsapp about working at home by giving 5 stars to various properties of Google Maps and then they will pay you a sum of Rs. 150 or so.

After completing taks of giving out 5 stars to mentioned properties in its  Google Maps ratings they will ask you about yours banking details to send the money which you have provided to them. Now, let us see it in detail.

One day I receive message from this number which is from Morocco, Africa and the number is +212 627-409756 and suddenly from this unknown number I receive these Whatsapp messages as I want to observe it to catch the fraud.  I receive these messages from the above number.

I received these following Whatsapp messages from  this  number +212 627-409756 (unknown number)

[16:12, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: HELLO!

how are you today?

[16:37, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: My name is Miss MEERA…….


We are here in New Delhi..

Our company is hiring staff for its new project, We have vacancies,

work-from home and full-time.

Do you mind if i share it with you?

[16:41, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: The job is to give 5 Star Ratings for our provided Hotels, Restaurants, and Tourist spots to increase Indian tourism.

Our platform mainly deals with ratings from Google for those amenities to attract customer’s and increase popularity and they pay us.

[16:41, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: So to achieve this, we need individuals who will send a 5 star rating and we pay them, you can earn more money every day up to 2000 – 3000…

because we have many tasks per day and we pay 50 INR for 1 task!

[16:41, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: Did you understand?

 [16:45, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: So can you do it?

 [16:45, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: To see how it works i will give you 3 Rating task on Google to see if the job is suitable for you

After you complete it you get 150 rs and our receptionist will pay your money through any mode of payment of your choice fast!

[16:45, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: If you like the process you can continue working for us.

But if we don’t pay you within 10 minutes,

you can delete the rating!

[16:45, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: Is that okay by you?

[16:49, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: TASK

Open “Google APP” and search for the names Give 5 stars (***) Rating!

or follow the links below;

1: Mom’s kitchen family and friends restaurant

2: Am to pm restaurant meta,bodhgaya

3: Hotel Pacific Inn

[16:50, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: Complete the task and send the screenshot.

The salary for this task is 150 Rupees

Are you there??

[17:43, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: Great job, you have completed your task successfully.



[17:43, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: I will now transfer you to our RECEPTIONIST for your payment,, so give her your PAYMENT-CODE to get your salary!

Do you have TELEGRAM?

[17:44, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: OHH! Sorry as we only initiate payments through TELEGRAM and the group for more tasks are on Telegram,

So Go to any APPSTORE to install telegram to claim your salary please!

[17:44, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: Please do that so i will share you the USERNAME of our RECEPTIONIST!

Your PAYMENT-CODE has been transferred to her….

[17:44, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: OKAY??

[17:50, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: Search for @Mnna996 (  on TELEGRAM add her as a friend and give her your PAYMENT-CODE for your salary!

Later on the receptionist will also invite you into the task group, where you will be given 22 tasks every day to make more money!

[17:50, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: Send me screen shot when you messaged her, so i can alert her to attend to you quick!

[17:50, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: Please remember to send me your Pay slip when you get your money…

Have a blessed day ahead….

[17:51, 29/05/2023] +212 627-409756: Did you understand???


**Here whatsapp chat ends and then the above number says that now their Indian agent will contact in Telegram messenger. Then, in order to further check what is entire story of this scam, I provided telegram number and as for information given above I provided the telegram link and after some minutes receive message in my telegram messenger app. So, now the scammer wanted me to move from whats app to Telegram messenger app.  Below you will find detals of nessage from Telegram  messenger.

ok Alright, Please fill in the correct recruitment information, we confirm your joining





Regional location

WhatsApp NO.:

Please fill in your bank information, I will settle the reward 150 for you, please send it to me in the following format:

Bank Account:

Bank name:

IFSC code:



There are 24 missions in one day. To encourage our members to complete the missions, we will provide an additional reward of Rs. 500 for members who complete 12 missions in a row. If you complete all orders (24), you will get extra Rs 2000.

I’ll give you the assignment

Tasks: 1

1. 1.

Just follow the Google Designate merchants and give merchants a good rating to get paid, and then take a screenshot and send it to  the Receptionist.


Tasks: 2

he merchants a good rating  through the map link provided, take a screenshot and send it to the Receptionist.


Tasks: 3 (settlement task)

Just take a moment and give the merchants a good rating  through the map link provided, take a screenshot and send it to the Receptionist.

2. The task time is 20 minutes. After completing the task, take a screenshot and send it to the Receptionist.

3. If you have any work problems, please contact the Receptionist.


OK, let’s move on


Prepaid task:

Merchant notification: According to market demand, we are recruiting different IPs to assist in hyping cryptocurrencies, and the number of places is limited.

The merchant has paid the deposit and the deposit will be refunded after 20 minutes. Prepaid fee required, it’s safe and secure.

When you completed the prepayment, follow the instructor to operate and withdraw money

Prepaid plan:

A: Prepay 1000 remuneration 30% and return 1300+ (newcomer benefits)

B: Prepay 3000 remuneration 30% and return 3900+

C: Prepay 5000 remuneration 30% and return 6500+

D: prepay 8000 , remuneration 30% and return 10400+

E: Prepay 10,000 remuneration 30% and return 13,000+

Task number 5 is a prepaid task

For example, if you choose A, you need to pay 1000 to complete the task, after completing task 4.5.6 you will get 1300+150

You can borrow some from your family and friends to finish the job and you can pay them back when the money comes back

** Do not provide yours bank link to this Telegram number. Scam begins from its prepaid tasks which they will ask you send them  following amounts.

A: Prepay 1000 remuneration 30% and return 1300+ (newcomer benefits)

B: Prepay 3000 remuneration 30% and return 3900+

C: Prepay 5000 remuneration 30% and return 6500+

D: prepay 8000 , remuneration 30% and return 10400+

E: Prepay 10,000 remuneration 30% and return 13,000+

They call this as prepaid task, or newcomer benefits and ask you to pay 1000 to them after sometime they say that they will provide you 1300 rupees in return. D not fall prey to them as they will take away yours 1000 or other options money and then after some time the said telegram account which will call itself as receptionist will be deleted and yours money will be gone as they provide their account number to send from yours bank account of above amount in order to return back  to you 125 percentages but after you send money from yours account to them, and then they will take away yours money and after some time yours money gone and the said telegram account will be deleted for eve r and you will not find  any trace of money and all of yours money gone forever. In the beginning when you begin their task of rating the organisations through  Google Maps and for first 6 task they will give you 50 rupees each  for each rating. They will then send you these 300 rupees to yours bank account and then they will play the game and then the next task is not to rate organisations in Google maps but they will say that you will have to provide money to their account such as Rs 1000 or above and then they will say that they will provide you within  some minutes by converting rs 1000 to rs 1300. Do not fall into their trap from here and do not send money for the so called prepaid tasks as they will simply take away yours money and then their telegram account will be depeted forever and yours money gone forever. So, do not fall prey to this type of the part time job scam from fraudulent Whatsapp and telegram combined calls. It could cost you lakhs. In this way you can avoid avoid identity phishing scam from combined whatsapp and Telegram messenger.


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