Diabetes is

Diabetes is thus a state at a particular time, that formulate germinate due to lack of the power to perform inside the body to engage in suitable consumption of the…

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Calculating Operational Risk capital charges

Operational risk is defined as the risk of direct or indirect loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external eventsThere are three methods for…

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Ways to choose best printer for you

In the modern day computing the printer connected to your computer gives the online attachments to its offline style and that is why it is necessary to have a good…

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Ancient Therapies

Ayruveda is an important discipline of Indian medicine. It has a 5000-year-old history. It is fully recognized by the World Health Organization. Ayur is in Sanskrit means life, it is…

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Men are born to succeed not fail

He is 37 years and his age is catching up as a sportsman many would say. Give him the honor as they did to Ganguly, Khumble and David’s ODI retirement.…

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