Last Updated on May 27, 2022 by freewarespace
Make a twitter account synonymous with yours business name, create a good and meaningful avatar which will be similar to yours company perspective. Use Google Analytics to measure the traffic directed from Twitter to your blog or website. Twitter is a great fun tool and application with it you can make fun, share yours ideas, communicate, survey, market trend ,yours business trend and what people are saying about yours business and products offered etc a long lists of actions . If companies use Twitter suitably, the in the long run it can be a very useful tool and valuable addition to company’s growth and market research and future trends. In this article the author will highlight some tips how to get more productive with Twitter for yours small businesses.
When we consider business as module so there are lot of fascinating ideas for innovation and renovation and revive of concepts, formualtion, permutation, and combination of all the ideas can be done and for this some marketing tool needed. Make a twitter account synonymous with yours business name, create a good and meaningful avatar which will be similar to yours company perspective. Create the avatar which will represent yours company seemingly ideas. Make smart choices about yours Twitter background. If you can spend some on marketing then you can vouch for business Twitter account to create a great place for customer relationship management. Educate yours clients to use their twitter and follow yours twitter account in order to keep with the happenings of your company.
It can help you share the news and information regarding the success of your clients. It can be mutual and yours can benefit with yours account activities as well as vice versa. Use twitter as the discussion forum, grievance redresshal mechanisms , involve yours clients, yours officials so that there will be live discussions among yours clients and yours company executives. With this the cordial relationships and long term bonding will sustain. Use Google Analytics to measure the traffic directed from Twitter to your blog or website. If you can measure the traffic related to sales or acquisitions it help you understand an ROI from the tool.
Make a blog of yours company website, if you can afford then go for word press or you can simple use the blogger platform which is now much advanced with inbuilt analytics tool , I would like to suggest the blogger platform as it is a no fuss platform and everything has been done and done by Google and it is useful and user-friendly. Encourage employees to join twitter and make them part of the conversion and also make a watchful eye on employees activities with some twitter analytics tool.
Fill out your profile. Make sure you put information regarding your personal life as well as your business life. This is important because, yes, tweeps do check it. Create yours twitter profile absolute flawless and make it public and make all yours company tweet as public. Add your Twitter URLs , LinkedIn account and blog URL to yours business cars and visiting cards , this will make more network and more people will follow you and thus increase with yours business parameters. Thus it increase more and more communications and more advertisements for yours business.
In order to stay in touch continuously, you should also download a suitable application on your mobile device to help you manage your Twitter account while you are out of the office. This will ensure that you are always connected with yours Twitter accounts and always on syndrome and this make the customer happy as you are always approachable. Even with yours desktop and laptop you can use some desktop clients so that you can log in to yours twitter account with ease and with less fuss and you can post all yours connected account simply and easily.
Follow people judiciously and if possible follow yours similar business people and also make some judicious decisions while following people and this will ensure long term growth and lots of possibilities for the future. Last not the least use sites like Digg, Stumble upon, Triond , delicious to garner more visitors and knowledge about interesting stories from your particular area of business.