A busy weekend

It is a busy weekend having lots of tiring at the doorstep and less and less leisure time at the discourse having more and more engagements and a complete get together at the onset of this holiday time. Generally, around this time of the year, is more prone to the festive occasion, having, near and dear ones in and around all of us making and together to celebrate this brilliant festive occasion which has been there since the time immemorial. It is time when the demons are abolished from the world scene having Lord of the universe have the complete control over the demons and destructive powers in and around the world.

It is a completely different feeling when the vibes that has been in and around here tells the seemingly thought that all the related faults and other aspects of life and society will now be cleansed to become more and more brilliant and beautiful in the times to come. When, I come out into open to watch and enjoy the world, where I could feel seemingly wonderful scenic of the whole world where I could find the footsteps of Lords everywhere in every inch out in the open. The air is buzzed with presence of Him and everywhere I could feel the presence of Him and nowhere, I could not find anything but him. In the mean time, I got the news that grandfather passed away and this is the saddest news for me.

In the mean time, it would take almost 18 hours to reach to my native place, as I was working far away from the place, grandfather used to stay in the native place, he was 87 and was a renowned people in and around my place and for this many people are paying respects to him as an inspiration to his philanthropic works all around, he was a strong believer of Lord but not blind belief, when someone come to him and asks for help, he used to believe Lord and that will solve all the difficulties in entirety. When, I reach at my native place, as of late I have been reaching there within six months due to my professional commitments as well as of late, parents has been posted near to my city as for this I do not have to go towards native place time and again but as I promised him I would be reaching to him must at some point of time.

I was literally crying after hearing his speedy departure from this world, but as I promised to him in an earlier time, I would definitely be coming to shoulder his last journey. All the past incidents and the life that has been with all of us has been there in front of my eyes when I sat at the corner seat of plane and watching him all through the journey and realizing the past life and the impact of him on me as the person has been immense. It is said that near and dear ones always tend to cry and think of none when they feel about all those past incidents and try to meter out what are the best wishes that can put the perfect flow of mind and heart. Life never stops to think anything in hurry and when in present circumstances we tend to ignore the present of them but ultimately their presence come out in the open when memories of their haunted us ultimately without any such admission and attitude, when he used to give deep inputs about life and when there is anything as such when there are difficult times ahead I used to stop there and beyond it make the possible outcome of all the results and he used to explain all these in simple and convenient manner and with plenty of illustrations and examples that has been always the source of inspiration for me beyond any such imagination and for this all the significant factor contributing to the success of life and related happiness are always been the most vital aspect of life with deep sense of urgency.

In the mean time, I checked my smart phone from there, and it was plenty of messages from mobile subscriber, and that can ultimately eat into power options and for this it is essential for me to use the do not call options as I have for gotten the code and the exact procedure of it, it is high time to implement the power saver option, as I have realized that inside Samsung smart phone the power saver option is not good, the better is from Sony, but luckily or unluckily the power saver option, I have to deal with is of Samsung, the only caveat is the way after power saving option is enabled the mobile is working with slightly sluggishness and other form of unwanted distractions.

It is better to have the power saver option not enabled to have a completely unparalleled and smooth experience while using smart phone. Here, is the catch where one could find the real tally of change of situation a bit of most confused situation where one can find, a speed and ultimate smooth jelly bean android experience on the other hand inside power option you will find that you are being restricted towards something, which are slowing all the process. So, it is high time a big trendy phone manufacturer should look beyond, and realize the potentiality of the situation by introducing some smart phone experiences which will be the ultimate time saver as well as a battery saver in the definitive mobile usages.

In the mean time, the entire gamut of ideas in running a smooth smart phone is to one have to have a nice smart phone with a smarter battery life that can ultimately save you from urgency in case any deterrence are there in the situation of crisis. There are some nifty agile companies are advocating about smarter battery experiences, with more power to batteries that is making the entire gamut of mobile computing at its best.

Many a times, all these proved to be the real life saver when you are dealing with a real smart phone with plenty of apps and other utilities that are giving you the perfect smart phone experience from time to time, still there are plenty of questions that remains to be answered in these situations and this means that we are still dealing with the real life experiences where everything is the possibility, with each passing time we can see better improvements that are been there for all to see and enjoy the fruitfulness of real smart phone experience, and for this the author is still searching for better managed utility where one should always think of all possible utilities where every possible smart phone working would be there for all to see an experience.

One should always expect for a flawless sense of effortless experience with a smart phone where one can find the actual elasticity where every possible action can be done in a seamless manner without any such delay in action. Similarly, while at the journey for some moment I tracked back from the sad news that has been there and revert back to present state where I could feel again about my grandfather, and also from images, where I am searching for exact picture of my grandparent and try to see him and it is the most saddest moment of my life where there are visions of entire life is slowly fading to eternity.


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