Free Fast Public DNS server from Google

Google Public DNS is a free, global Domain Name System (DNS) resolution service, that you can use as an alternative to your current DNS provider. Yours Internet service provider does have DNS server , but sometimes due to heavy loads and users per space it might be overcrowded and congested , thus comes the need for alternate free fast public DNS server , Google public DNS server is top among the rest in this category. When we look at these public DNS server, the first point we chase is for security, fast and server running times. Ours internet surfing depends upon these.

When you use Google Public DNS, you are changing your DNS “switchboard” operator from your ISP to Google Public DNS. With it, yours web browsing experience increased significantly. Google Public DNS is not an name server , so authentication and registration not necessary. Google Public DNS is an independent service and no Google account necessary. the IP addresses used by your ISP’s domain name servers are automatically set by your ISP via the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).

To use Google Public DNS, you need to explicitly change the DNS settings in your operating system or device to use the Google Public DNS IP addresses. The procedure for changing your DNS settings varies according to operating system and version (Windows, Mac or Linux) or the device (computer, phone, or router). Google Public DNS has speed, reliability, security, and validity of responses.

Google says it will never post ads in Google Public DNS as it is against DNS protocol. Please remember that operating systems treat DNS resolvers differently: some will only use your primary DNS resolver and use the secondary in case the primary one fails, while others will round-robin among each of the resolvers. Some mobile phones ,

Internet-enabled devices with Google Public DNS might not experience the speed ,but with laptop and desktop the speed is superlative and wonderful. With office computer, which uses some restrictions , Google Public DNS might not work properly. These are limitations while using Google Public DNS in above described situations.

Google Public DNS comply with the DNS standards set forth by the IETF? Google Public DNS is Google’s own implementation of the DNS standards. It is not open source, but Google is supporting this means its nature will be open sourced. To test Google Public DNS you can use tools such as name bench and can check with what speed web pages loading in yours default browsers.


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