Official Twitter One Click Follow Button To Your Blog

Sometimes back Twitter developers have developed follow button to your website to increase engagement and create a lasting connection with your audience. No pop up window in order to follow the user, just by clicking on it you follow the twitter user. It gets the clicking visitor to follow you before they even know! It works like the Facebook fan page like button, but in sped it is faster than Facebook fan page button. In this way you can enhance yours twitter followers and any process which will enable you to follow this is simply great. There are two options or themes one is light and the other is black option, choose as per yours blog or website theme. In this blog I choose the dark option as it becomes lighter with my theme as the followers word in the light option is not seen in this theme so I choose the dark option.

Twitter one click button is now not available officially:

Similarly you can choose whatever option which will be great for yours blog. This is the official presentation of twitter counter so it is smooth and sweet and loads easily and very smoothly. There are eleven language options to choose from so you find the better language option according to yours blog audiences. You can have the option to choose the followers count or not to show the followers count by clicking at the radio button which is saying yes or no. On the right side preview you can have the code, Copy and paste this into the HTML for your website wherever you want the button to appear.If you are at Blogger then it is very easy to add it and map it to yours blogger blog. Though it is for all the platforms but I will write about the Blogger platform. It uses the HTML and java script so incorporating into any platform is not a difficult task. Log in to Blogger , then design , Click Add A Gadget > Choose Html/JavaScript and paste in the code then save.


Blogger by Choice