The Unnoticed

The unnoticed is a peculiar name to start with but it is true , it some what not comprehending tom find it out. Puri is a religious place worth for and renewed for through out the world. Shimmering and dynamic continuous tourists and also a better place to live in for and worth for. There are lots of beautiful places of Puri and lots of ugly places. The Lord Jagannath temple, the beauty full sea and also the Puri Hospital a beautiful government hospital worth to look at it. It is ISO certified and the cleanliness and the procedure has been astounding.

There are many dark sides of Puri town like the gonndas and also the heavy and open selling of drugs out in the open which the good citizens neither can comprehend nor shout it against. There are lots of places especially the betel shops where these narcotic substances have been sold openly and they are backed by anti social elements. I have travelled far and wide in India as a child and then as student and then as travelers but never seen such an open selling of drugs and without fear.

Just in front of beautiful hospital which is renowned in India for its wonderful treatment, nearer to VIP lanes and nearer to the great Biju Pattnaik the great leader of Odisha his statue , there are some betel shops and also it is feared as people usually say those medicine shops may have been distributing this illegally.

These write up is solely for the purpose of to educate the travelers so that they will stay away from these areas as due to large selling of narcotics in these areas some of the unemployed youths has been caught within in these habits then they feel as if they are the Don of those areas and fearing the shopkeepers and travelers and tourist to gain money so that they will but the newer ones of narcotics.

This is a cycle for them, after every two to three years from their group of narcotics one or two becomes mad, and then the new ones added. The worrying part is that they are using the narcotics in the social areas and the pollution from their cigarettes is disturbing the citizens and good persons. Mostly these groups of narcotics persons use these narcotics at the Salbegha Lane and in front of VIP lane the famous road inside Puri but sadly no one is opposing them and they are taking these narcotics out in the open.

The bhang shop at the beginning of the Salbega lane and it is not licensed and it is suppose that he is also selling the narcotics , but still to date he is selling as usual. The shop is at Salbega lane, it is nearer to VIP road, it is visible, and he is doing the business and is growing. There are some medicinal shops , as some people say is selling the narcotics secretly and this should be stopped and the betel shops around here is selling the narcotics as it is fearer and it is been heard but still to date they are continuing as usual.

This write up is for the tourists to make them aware as due to narcotics the antisocial elements are becoming violent and this is not good for Puri. The author belongs to Puri and he is saddened by this state of the affair of Puri.


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