life in Puri Odisha remains paralysed two days after extremely severe Cyclonic storm Fani

Today is 5th May, 2019 two days after onset of extremely severe cyclonic storm Fani touched the coast of Puri town of Odisha, India. Even after onset of two days there was no active governmental help and when I went to morning walk after two days I saw the vivacious destruction of nature at the hands of extremely severe cyclonic storm of Puri town.

It is unbelievable how my native place gone backwards at least 20 years as there is no train, no bus, no electricity, no water, no vehicles, no petrol, diesel and other essential utilities. All ATMs are shut off and there is no chance of activation within shortest span of time. There are surge of selling of candles, torches and the cost of these are on higher side.

In meantime it seems time were not running at all and all these are in the state of absolute stand still. In the meantime, I heard the flying sounds of helicopter and aeroplanes which signifies that aerial survey is there and it provides hopes at some point of time there were chances of aid from these sources.

The sounds of all of these flying machines up and above the sky tended to remind us how my native place Puri town gone into the state of absolute solitary and it seemed the people all around there were in the state of complete standstill. In the meantime cousin brother reached at home and he told that how his hotel faced su h devastations and how there were complete destruction to pent hourse and other glass and windows shells and the hoarding of his hotel shell flied anywhere around out there.

While walking during morning walk I saw the state of absolute difficulties faced by people and how most of their valuables are lost forever. Some people were talking about how Lord Jagannath moved His sword and removed everything at the ration of similarity from poor as well as from the rich.

6th May 2019, aftermath of three days of severe cyclonic storm Fani:

When I look around here and there it seemed I reached into an unknown territory and from the far and wide side eliminated and making entire root in the absolute case of difficulties. To day I got up from bed after 5 to 10 minutes of alarm. This means I felt the state of absolute difficulties due shortages of everything and this makes movement and even thought processes are corrupted with different thoughts.

I stopped alarm and got up from bed. During that day ours out of order tube well was still in the state of non-functional. So, i manged with bathing with one bucket. The force of cyclone Fani uprooted asbestos from wall at terrace and that is whtg even at half past five the power of heat of rays of sun is tremendous and it reached nearer to home for this.

Fr the first time I realise that even there is no electricity still I found that the presence of natural light courtesy sun provides exemplify lighting nearer to star cases as well as nearer o master bedroom.

The state of M.G.Park or Nalco Park three days after extremely severe cyclonic storm of Fani in Puri town:

I went to morning walk and move by the side of VIP road and reached nearer to Gandhi Park and I saw its entrance was blocked due to fall of a large tree. Side wall fell and it blocked half of foot path to the entrance of this park and inside Gandhi Park there were huge losses as the side trees of there fell and most of trees fell and entire waling foot path is not walkable three days after cyclone Fani.

At side of entrance there were tow room with asbestos for caretakers. Bothe the asbestos of these rooms flied to nowhere and leaving both rooms in the state of complete The trees bewilderness.The designer side small bushes which provided nice design while walking or jogging now sadly everything wiped out due to severe wind and storm of cyclone fani.

Most of trees which aimed to provide shades to save from scorching sun were uprooted and this made direct fall of sunshine, into joggers and this made walk more difficult for all of us. It felt sadness to all of us as we beloved entire park and wanted these losses to repaired at the earliest.

This times I found that at the right side wall of boundary completely broken which was nearer to sky light building. It felt extremely sad and sorrow to me but still I felt proud and wonderful while walking inside footpaths of M.G. Park. I found very few people were walking and most of them presented a sad and sorry figure as they were trying hard to recover from the state of abject situation caused by extreme ferocious severe cyclonic storm of Fani.


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