Picking up the pieces after Cyclone Fani

In the previous article I detailed about hardships of Cyclone Fani. After 20 days and after counting of general election at India as well as assembly election we do find that the process of getting relief materials is accelerated. This is a soothing news considering Cyclone Fani comes in the wake of time when there is election and no government can actively help due to restrictions from election commission of India.

Man proposes but God disposes:

At last the process of general election ends and after the counting on May 23, 2019 we came across that government is active again. In Odisha, the ruling BJD party comes with mammoth majority and in India Modi government came with triple hundred of seats. In Odisha BJP goes up in parliament seat from one to eight and in assembly election BJP becomes major opposition party removing and pacing Congress to miserably third position.

Relief after Cyclone Fani:
Throughout Odisha, the ruling party BJD comes back again in assembly election. At Puri the five time MLA, the stubborn leader of BJD, Maheswar Mohanty surprisingly lost to BJP. This means we do feel that the releif will stayed out of our locality as the result of it. Suddenly, one big fellow with a small motor cycle reached and told daddy to reach to Dutt Totha where the counting of releif to the persons who have no ration card is undergoing.

Daddy and the neighbour person went to Dutt Totha and there they submitted their Adhar card and and the numbers of members in the family and their Adhar numbers. In this way, the importance attached with Adhaar card comes into lime light. This means that within shortest possible of time, we will r I can receive payment of 2000 anf 50 kg of rice as per releif related with Cyclone Fani.

After some days three persons from government came and they came with camera and they ask for Adhaar card and they write down the Adhaar number, then they ask for what are the deastruction casued due to advent of Cyclone Fani, they took the screenshot with the camera and then they ask for cold water and then they went away. This means that in the times to come perhaps the major releif in terms of monetary help for reconstructions of destruction caused due to excessive super cyclone Fani.

This means that the process of aid and investments from governments is slowly, reaching to us and even after toiling hard for last 20 days we are slowly getting major helps from government and this makes the process of releif are reaching to us and this makes us feeling nice and good. In the mean time, we see how the electric wire circulated from one side to other and reaching to ours electric pole.

The prospects of coming up electric lights slowly at the increase, electric persons told us that light will come at night of 24th May 2019 and at exactly 7.40 pm light came and it came after almost 21 days of cyclone Fani. During these difficult times, for the first time in my life time I stayed for almost 21 days without lights and it increases as first the light connection come nearer to ours area but ours locality does not have light connection.

I can remember when I was four to five years old, daddy’s posting was at Nayagarh, State Bank of India as Cash Officer and there after rain light will cut for two to three days. In the days at Udala Mayurbhanj, there in the week days there used to be cyclone with rain and the power cut will have for almost two to three days in the long run. During that time the electric connections comes up from Khunta few kilometers from udala and it is at the similar distance from Mayurbhanj and this means that in this time at Puri town where for almost 21 days we were at the state of no electricity.

Necessity is the mother of invention:

So, for me it is a record or sort but this record I musr wish to forget indeed. Thankfully, the electric connectivity came and it came with higher voltages as the other connection from ours poles are cut and for this entire phase connectivity comes to ours home and it destroys some balls and one ceiling fan of ours.

In the mean time, installation of tubewell completed. It took almost three days to complete. Now, with the availability of alternative water source, the tension of light not there is almost not there, as for every house hold there must convenient for second water sources other than water motors as water motors runs when there is electricity.

A tubewell which can run without electricity, is a must for every house hold as it can provide water when there is no electricity. At home one must prepare for availability of water through sources other than one. Similarity the presence of alternative water sources such as that of inverter or generator is a must as it can provide releif from power cut or power failures for the shorter durations.

Alternatives to electricity and water in the house hold is a must as it can provide convenience for users in the times of distess. One cannot anticipate, when will natural disaster will come and in what way it will come and what amount and scope of destruction will there at the presence of people. If there is earthquake then even the presence of dual water presence such as tubewell as well as that of water motor connectivity, can face destruction in these times.
Man proposes and God disposes. We cannot feel the safe in the presence of natural calamities. We can make only the conveniences, but we cannot predict what are the safest route and convenient process but still we can try hard to maintain the process of safe practices, but still we can move towards the process of absolute relief which is a myth indeed but we can try to safer and move towards absolute, safe heaven is a myth indeed.


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