Domain Name Change

This is blog is over seven years old and it is continuing with brilliant articles from different diasporas of information as well as other forms of events which has been…

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Is money bigger than education?

At this weekends daddy has a lot of time and in the evening we all family have a seat at the balcony at a very brilliant cool weather and with…

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A cold lager for hot tea

With each holiday’s time, my parents and young sibling tends to travel India and outside whenever we get the time and monetary resources. This has been ours experience of expedition…

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Apple no longer safe from Trojans

It comes with different ways is no smart cut through method of intrusion and this makes the entire catching of this Trojan difficult to attain. It can hide inside Adobe…

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It is never too late to salvage a dream

It is never too late to salvage a dream still the day you are sure about the content of the dream to be taken to the reality it is always…

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Unique life

It is the same evening when the weekends will beginning to fall and the same work outs from day in day out will continue to prosper in order to request…

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The Face

Distinguishable yet unnamable the cockpit of thoughts which ha been hovering like that of an airplane crossing all the boundaries and joining and racing to speed of sound has been…

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A Couple of Bones And A Scull

My elder brother was a funny character and was very jovial in nature who entertained one and all with his pranks and jumping-jack manners, though he cracked cruel jokes at…

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The Fifth Dimensions

Life is full of uncertainties, with each passing moment you will never know what is being the store for you and how your future will decide consequent upon the dims…

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Space Thoughts

The bigger place like the earth does seem to be more towards the realm of reality checks where one can find the basis of ultimate dynamics in which the simple…

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The Ultimate Triond Cheat

Triond is similar to blogging platform, it is multi websites conjoined into one single platform and it gives the budding writers and another related experience writer to write good article…

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How to secure your computer?

When we think of security of computing devices, on the same way it is also being felt about how secure your systems are? It is not the sheer adage of…

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